Single prolonged stress disrupts retention of extinguished fear in rats

  1. Israel Liberzon1,2,3,4
  1. 1Department of Psychiatry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA
  2. 2Department of Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA
  3. 3Neuroscience Program, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA
  4. 4Veterans Affairs Hospital, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105, USA


    Clinical research has linked post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with deficits in fear extinction. However, it is not clear whether these deficits result from stress-related changes in the acquisition or retention of extinction or in the regulation of extinction memories by context, for example. In this study, we used the single prolonged stress (SPS) animal model of PTSD and fear conditioning procedures to examine the effects of prior traumatic stress on the acquisition, retention, and context-specificity of extinction. SPS administered one week prior to fear conditioning had no effect on the acquisition of fear conditioning or extinction but disrupted the retention of extinction memories for both contextual and cued fear. This SPS effect required a post-stress incubation period to manifest. The results demonstrate that SPS disrupts extinction retention, leading to enhanced fear renewal; further research is needed to identify the neurobiological processes through which SPS induces these effects.


    • 5 Corresponding author.

      E-mail dayank{at}

    • Received September 30, 2011.
    • Accepted December 5, 2011.
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