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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter March 13, 2014

5-HT6 receptor antagonists as treatment for age-related cognitive decline

  • Anne Quiedeville EMAIL logo , Michel Boulouard , Virginie Da Silva Costa-Aze , François Dauphin , Valentine Bouet and Thomas Freret


The 5-HT6 receptor (5-HT6R) is one of the most recently discovered serotonin receptors and has received much attention after observations showing its procognition properties. Indeed, 5-HT6R appears to be a promising target to treat cognitive decline, particularly via its modulatory function of cholinergic and glutamatergic systems. 5-HT6Rs are present mostly in the central nervous system, in brain structures known to be particularly involved in memory. Growing evidence suggests that blockade of 5-HT6R can not only improve memory processes in adult rodents but also reverse age-related and pharmacologically induced deficits. 5-HT6R blockade could also have a beneficial effect on neuronal plasticity. Regarding these findings, several 5-HT6R antagonists are currently going through clinical trials. This review provides an overview of the major findings arguing in favour of a role for 5-HT6R antagonists in developing treatment for cognitive disorders related to ageing and neurodegenerative diseases.

Corresponding author: Anne Quiedeville, Groupe Mémoire et Plasticité comportementale (GMPc), Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, EA 4259, F-14032 Caen, France, e-mail:


Anne Quiedeville is supported by funding from the French Ministry of Research. We are grateful to N. Corteen for reading the original manuscript.


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Received: 2013-11-30
Accepted: 2014-2-18
Published Online: 2014-3-13
Published in Print: 2014-6-1

©2014 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin/Boston

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