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Current Pharmaceutical Design


ISSN (Print): 1381-6128
ISSN (Online): 1873-4286

Review Article

Role of Lactic Acid Probiotic Bacteria in IBD

Author(s): Ravichandra Vemuri*, Rohit Gundamaraju and Rajaraman Eri

Volume 23, Issue 16, 2017

Page: [2352 - 2355] Pages: 4

DOI: 10.2174/1381612823666170207100025

Price: $65


Background: IBD is considered as one of the major public health concerns worldwide. The pathophysiology and gut microbial alteration during inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are still not completely understood. Gut microbiota is implicated in most of the gastro-intestinal (GI) diseases including IBD. From the time of gut microbiota establishment and through aging, it undergoes a lot of changes in the composition.

Methods: In a healthy state, the composition of beneficial microbes in the gut is comparatively higher and due to factors such as malnutrition, use of antibiotics and any underlying diseases allow the colonization and invasion of pathogens.

Results: A careful manipulation of gut microbiota during disease conditions such as IBD is required. Probiotics are natural, safe and useful interventions for GI diseases.

Conclusion: Lactic acid probiotic bacteria have shown many beneficial effects in various gastrointestinal and inflammatory disorders. This review focuses on the use of probiotics in IBD and possible mechanism of probiotics in inflammation conditions.

Keywords: Probiotics, IBD, gut microbiota, pathophysiology, gastro-intestinal (GI), antibiotics.

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