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Cochlea Implantat 

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  1. 04.05.2024 | ReviewPaper

    Auditory Perception in Cochlear Implantation

    Cochlear implantation is a unique development in the field of human sensory system prosthetics. Electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve induces near-natural auditory sensations. Despite significant progress in the development of cochlear …

  2. Open Access 16.05.2024 | Online First

    Language profile of children with cochlear implants: comparative study about the effect of age of cochlear implantation and the duration of rehabilitation

    The approach of cochlear implant (CI) is the option that could allow children with hearing loss to develop language on par with that of normal hearing children. The reported benefits in children who received CI include enhanced levels of speech …

  3. 17.05.2024 | Online First

    Cochlear implantation for rare Streptococcus suis meningitis with hearing loss

    Streptococcus suis ( S. suis ) is an emerging zoonotic pathogen that was first isolated from pigs in 1963 [ 1 ]. It was subsequently demonstrated that this pathogen could be transmitted from pigs to humans, mainly through close contact with …

  4. 25.03.2024 | Online First

    Cochlear Implantation by Veria Technique in Abnormal Cochlea: Our Experience

    This study describes the clinical profile, operative findings, surgical technique, type of implant and complications encountered in implantation of abnormal cochlea by the transcanal (veria) technique in a tertiary care centre. This is a …

  5. Open Access 20.05.2024 | Online First

    Long-term outcome of patients with Ménière’s disease following cochlear implantation: a comprehensive outcome study with validated assessment tools

    Ménière’s disease (MD) is a disorder affecting the inner ear that is likely caused by a hydrops of the endolymphatic fluid [ 1 – 3 ]. Common symptoms include sudden vertigo, tinnitus, a feeling of fullness in the affected ear, and initially …

  6. 15.04.2024 | Online First

    Hampshire Sheep as a Large-Animal Model for Cochlear Implantation

    Large-animal models can be used to study cochlear implantation with the same commercial electrode arrays that are used in humans. Cochlear implantation has been studied in several animal models, including non-human primates, cats, mini pigs …

  7. Open Access 17.04.2024 | Online First

    Metronome-guided cochlear implantation for slower and smoother insertions of lateral wall electrodes

    Cochlear implantation is the therapy of choice to treat severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss. The indication for cochlear implantation also includes cases with residual hearing increasing the need for structure-preserving surgical …

  8. 03.05.2024 | Online First

    Successful Pediatric Cochlear Implantation In Persistent Stapedial Artery: First Reported Case In India With Literature Review  And Relevance of Preoperative Imaging Checklist

    We report the first successful pediatric cochlear implantation in bilateral persistent stapedial artery (pSA) in India. Another child with unilateral pSA, the contralateral side was initially implanted. Both children were preoperatively diagnosed.

  9. 06.04.2024 | Online First

    Cochlear implantation in patients with Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease: two cases with a review of the literature

    Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease (CMT) is the most prevalent hereditary neuromuscular disease and can involve various peripheral nerves. CMT is a genetically heterogeneous condition with more than 90 reported genetic alterations contributing to its …

  10. 06.12.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Tinnitus suppression by means of cochlear implantation: does it affect cognition?

    Tinnitus can be defined as the hearing of a sound, without any external auditory stimulus being present. The sound can be described as a pure tone, a noise or a combination of sounds, and can be heard in one or both ears, or more centrally inside …

  11. Open Access 03.01.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Two different methods to digitally visualize continuous electrocochleography potentials during cochlear implantation: a first description of feasibility

    The preservation and protection of cochlear structures during cochlear implantation is fundamental for the preservation of residual hearing. It has been shown that the combination of electrical and acoustic stimulation leads to better speech …

  12. 12.12.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Cochlear implantation compliance among minorities at high risk for hearing impairment following universal newborn hearing screening

    The incidence of hearing impairment (HI) of any kind is 1–3 in every 1000 live births for newborns without known risk factors and is eightfold higher for neonates with known risk factors [ 1 ]. At least 50% of early life hearing impairment (HI) …

  13. 28.11.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Healthcare Cost of Cochlear Implantation in India

    Making evidence-based policy decisions is challenging when there is a lack of information, especially when deciding provider payment rates for publicly funded health insurance plans. Therefore, the goal of this study was to estimate the cost of a …

  14. Open Access 02.04.2024 | Online First

    Evaluation of an impedance-based method to monitor the insertion of the electrode array during cochlear implantation

    Cochlear implantation is a well-established treatment for severe-to-profound hearing loss in both adults and children [ 1 , 2 ]. However, achieving optimal outcomes in hearing preservation depends on various factors, including electrode placement …

  15. Open Access 30.01.2024 | Cochlea Implantat | Online First

    Konzept und Umsetzung eines adaptiven digitalen Hörtrainingssystems für die Cochlea-Implantatnachsorge

    In Deutschland ist eine an die Cochlea-Implantation(CI)-Operation angeschlossene Nachsorge in ambulanter oder stationärer Form laut der aktuellen …

  16. 12.01.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Navigating Early and Late Hematomas in Cochlear Implantation: A Tri-Case Analysis

    Cochlear implantation is a safe, popular procedure for severe hearing loss in both children and adults. Complications are categorized as major and minor, with hematomas and seromas being minor. This article discusses advanced diagnosis and …

  17. 16.03.2024 | Online First

    Development of Environmental Sound Perception in Children with Cochlear Implant within 4 Months of Implantation

    We are surrounded by a rich auditory environment that provides information about a wide range of nearby objects and occurrences. It comprises categories of speech and non-speech sounds (e.g. environmental sounds), both of which play a vital role …

  18. Open Access 26.03.2024 | Online First

    The cost evaluation of day-case compared to inpatient cochlear implantation in adults: subanalysis of a randomized controlled trial

    In the Netherlands, more than 500 patients undergo cochlear implant (CI) surgery for severe-to-profound sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) each year [ 1 ]. A lot has changed, since the first cochlear implantation was performed in the Netherlands …

  19. Open Access 14.03.2024 | Online First

    Perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis in the setting of cochlear implantation: a retrospective analysis of 700 cases

    Cochlear implants (CI) are currently the most successful neuroprostheses. Due to improved surgical techniques and implant technology, the indication criteria have been expanded in recent years. This is why the number of patients provided with CI …

  20. 12.12.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Waardenburg Syndrome Type 2 in Paediatrics: A Case Highlighting Diagnostic Complexities and the Efficacy of Cochlear Implantation

    Waardenburg Syndrome Type 2 (WS2) is a rare hereditary condition with a low prevalence, characterized by abnormalities in both auditory function and pigmentation. We present a case of a 2-year-old female child who exhibited reduced vocalizations …

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Verletzungen in der HNO-Heilkunde

Die Ärztliche Begutachtung
Verletzungen auf dem Fachgebiet der Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde werden in diesem Kapitel in Hinsicht auf gutachterliche Fragestellungen dargestellt; das bedeutet, dass Kausalitätsfragen, Funktionseinschränkungen und die Bewertung von funktionellen Einschränkungen im Fokus stehen. Differentialdiagnostische Überlegungen sind bei der Beurteilung des Kausalzusammenhangs von großer Bedeutung. Auswirkungen HNO-ärztlich zu beurteilender Gesundheitsstörungen, die im Rahmen von Berufskrankheiten auftreten, werden in anderen Beiträgen abgehandelt. Dies gilt auch für arbeitsunfall-bedingte Gesundheitsstörungen.

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