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  1. 01.04.2024 | News


    Various toxicities
  2. 01.04.2024 | News


    Acute pleuro-pericarditis with pleuro-pericardial effusion
  3. 01.04.2024 | News


    Pulmonary hypertension
  4. 01.04.2024 | News


    Pericardial effusion
  5. 01.03.2024 | News


    Shock due to dispensing error
  6. Open Access 21.04.2024 | Online First

    Efficacy of topical minoxidil in enhancing beard growth in a group of transgender assigned female at birth individuals on gender affirming hormone therapy

    Gender Incongruence relates to a marked and persistent incongruence between an individual’s experienced gender and the assigned gender at birth [ 1 ]. To align a person’s body with their gender identity, transgender and gender diverse (TGD) people …

  7. 01.01.2024 | News


    Drug induced lupus erythematosus
  8. 01.04.2024 | Report

    Patient perspectives on topical minoxidil for hair loss: a survey-based study from the University of Michigan Alopecia Clinic

    Topical minoxidil is a widely used therapy for alopecia. Its availability over the counter in the United States makes it easily accessible. Various factors impact whether an individual decides to pursue treatment and/or continue long-term use. Our …

  9. 01.12.2023 | News


    Drug-induced lung disease and cellular non-specific interstitial pneumonia with granulomatous inflammation following intentional misuse: case report
  10. 01.12.2023 | News


    Various toxicities following medication error and poisoning of minoxidil
  11. 20.11.2023 | ReviewPaper

    Oral Minoxidil Therapy in Hair Loss: Where Do We Stand?

    Hair loss (HL) is a common presenting symptom that affects males and females of all ages worldwide. Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) represents the most common form of HL [ 1 ]. Hair represents a major factor of a person’s self-esteem and social …

  12. 02.12.2023 | Erratum

    Correction: Oral Minoxidil Therapy in Hair Loss: Where Do We Stand?

  13. 01.10.2023 | News

    Minoxidil overdose

    Various toxicities secondary to drug poisoning: case report
  14. 01.10.2023 | News


    Various toxicities: 3 case reports
  15. 01.09.2023 | News


    Hypotension: case report
  16. 01.09.2023 | News


    Respiratory distress and pleural effusion following administration of drug via wrong route: case report
  17. 01.08.2023 | News


    Generalised hypertrichosis following accidental exposure: case report
  18. 01.08.2023 | News


    Peripheral oedema, intermittent headaches and rapid weight gain: case report
  19. 01.07.2023 | News


    Hypotension and peripheral signs of shock following drug poisoning: case report
  20. 04.09.2023 | ReviewPaper

    Efficacy and safety of combinational therapy using topical minoxidil and microneedling for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia: a systematic review and meta-analysis

    Androgenetic alopecia is a widespread condition that is the most common type of hair loss affecting approximately 58% and 40% of men and women by the age of 50, respectively. Patients have been known to experience severe distress due to …

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Androgenetische Alopezie des Mannes

Ein erstes Zurückweichen der Stirn-Haar-Grenze wird mehrheitlich von den Betroffenen misstrauisch beäugt. Die androgenetische Alopezie wird weiterhin als ein Alterungszeichen interpretiert und belastet vielfach durch eine psychosoziale Stigmatisierung.
Die Aufgabe des behandelnden Arztes ist es, neben einer differenzierten Anamnese und differenzialdiagnostisch orientierten Befunderhebung, die therapeutischen Optionen mit den jeweiligen Für und Wider darzulegen. Patientenwunsch und Zielsetzung sind abzustimmen. Neue pathophysiologische Denkansätze und ein besseres Verständnis von Sexualhormonen, assoziierten Signalkaskaden und Haarzyklus bilden eine mögliche Grundlage für therapeutische Entwicklungen.

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