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  1. 01.09.2007 | OriginalPaper

    Segmental structure of alpha waves in sleep-deprived subjects

  2. 01.02.2003 | OriginalPaper

    Psychosocial aspects of insomnia

    Results of a study in general practice

    The relationship between insomnia and psychosocial factors is focused only in few epidemiological studies. Furthermore, most of them do not control for the mutual interdependencies of variables like age, sex, psychosocial distress and somatic or …

  3. 01.11.2005 | OriginalPaper

    Biological effects of electromagnetic fields at mobile phone frequences on sleep: Current state of knowledge from laboratory studies

  4. 01.09.2005 | OriginalPaper

    Chronic tinnitus and associated sleep disturbances

  5. 01.12.2001 | OriginalPaper

    Indications for performing polysomnography in the diagnosis and treatment of restless legs syndrome

    Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is diagnosed clinically by evaluating the patient's complaints. Diagnostic criteria based on the clinical symptoms were defined by the International Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group. Laboratory and/or …

  6. 17.05.2018 | News

    Abstracts DEGRO 2018

  7. 11.05.2016 | News

    Abstracts DEGRO 2016

  8. 01.05.2016 | News

    57th Annual Meeting Of The Austrian Society Of Surgery

  9. 01.11.1999 | OriginalPaper

    Direct and transplacental intrauterine fetal therapy

    Several approaches for an intrauterine fetal therapy have been reported in recent years for different congenital diseases. This article concentrates especially on the treatment of the congenital adrenal hyperplasia and other rare enzymatic …

  10. 01.07.2001 | OriginalPaper

    Impulse magnetic-field therapy for insomnia: A double-blind, placebo-controlled study

    This 4-week double-blind, placebo-controlled study assessed the efficacy of impulse magnetic-field therapy for insomnia. One hundred one patients were randomly assigned to either active treatment (n = 50) or placebo (n = 51) and allocated to one …

  11. 01.02.2001 | ReviewPaper

    Sleep embodies maximum and minimum levels of autonomic integration

    This review is based on the Valsalva lecture delivered by Professor Elio Lugaresi at the first meeting on the European Federation of Autonomic Societies, held in conjunction with the Italian Autonomic Society in Bologna in July 1999.

  12. 01.04.2003 | OriginalPaper

    Quality of life in nonorganic and organic sleep disorders: I. Comparison with normative data

    Subjective health-related quality of life (HRQoL) was investigated in 100 patients with disturbed sleep (39 women aged 52±13 years and 61 men aged 53±10 years) referred to the sleep laboratory and compared with HRQoL in 100 normal healthy adults.

  13. 01.08.2006 | OriginalPaper

    Psychoneuroimmunology. The relationship between stress, immune system and health

    Interdisciplinary psychoneuroimmunological (PNI) research increasingly demonstrates clinically relevant interrelations between psychological stressors and the onset or progression of chronic diseases. Disturbances of the bi-directional interaction …

  14. 01.11.1998 | OriginalPaper

    Grundlagen der Tumorschmerztherapie

  15. 01.02.1999 | OriginalPaper

    Traditional Chinese manual medicine. Chinese Tunia method

    Chinese Tunia method

    The author of this paper deems it very necessary to rename Chinese Tuina, a traditional Chinese medical subject, so as to make Chinese Tuina conform to recent research results and formulation, as well as to combine Chinese Tuina with Western …

  16. 01.12.1998 | OriginalPaper

    Immunsuppresive Therapie bei intraokularen Entzündungen. Teil II Grundlagen, Indikationen, Kontraindikationen, Nebenwirkungen

    Grundlagen, Indikationen, Kontraindikationen, Nebenwirkungen
  17. 01.10.1999 | OriginalPaper

    Neurological and manual medicine findings after whiplash injury to the cervical spine

    In this article we summarize the current knowledge on “whiplash injury” by means of selected papers and our own results. The newest hypotheses and the results of research in pathophysiology, symptomatology, predictors and therapy are also …

  18. 01.05.2001 | OriginalPaper

    Epidemiology of severe insomnia and its consequences in Germany

    This is the first nation-wide face-to-face survey on the prevalence of well-defined severe insomnia and its impact on quality of life in the general population of Germany. The survey was part of an international epidemiological study, which was …

  19. 01.12.2004 | OriginalPaper

    Systemic HCG treatment in patients with endometriosis: A new perspective for a painful disease

    BACKGROUND: Endometriosis is characterized by the presence of endometrium-like tissue outside the uterus. This condition causes painful periods, chronic pelvic pain, subfertility and a profound reduction in quality of life, especially during …

  20. 01.07.2007 | OriginalPaper

    Scientific Evidence for a Fixed Extract Combination (Ze 91019) from Valerian and Hops traditionally used as a Sleep-inducing Aid

    Valerian and hops are traditionally used as sleep-inducing aids. Alertness reduces gradually with the prolongation of wakefulness through the release of endogenous adenosine in the frontal basal cortex. Valerian has an adenosine-like action and …

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Paradoxe Insomnie

Enzyklopädie der Schlafmedizin
Das Hauptcharakteristikum der Paradoxen Insomnie ist eine Beschwerde über eine ausgeprägte Insomnie, ohne dass es objektiv messbare Veränderungen des Schlafs gibt bzw. diese Veränderungen so leicht sind, dass sie die Beschwerde nicht erklären können. In einigen Fällen ist die Schilderung der Schlafstörung so dramatisch, dass sie physiologisch sehr unwahrscheinlich erscheint. Die schlafmedizinischen Klassifikationssysteme ICSD und ICSD-2 beschrieben die Paradoxe Insomnie als eigenständige Insomnieform, während sie in der ICSD-3 zugunsten einer umfassenden Kategorie Chronische Insomnie nicht mehr als Störungsbild aufgeführt wird. Im DSM-5 wird die Paradoxe Insomnie als Insomnie klassifiziert.

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