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  1. Open Access 01.10.2011 | OriginalPaper

    Airway response to acute mechanical stress in a human bronchial model of stretch

    In healthy subjects, air movement into and out of the lungs throughout respiration produces estimated pressure variations of 5 to 25 cm H 2 O, corresponding to functional residual capacity and total lung capacity, respectively. Airway inflation of …

  2. 01.04.2000 | OriginalPaper

    Genetics, chemistry, and function of the IGF/IGFBP system

  3. 01.12.2006 | ReviewPaper

    Risk factors, classification, and staging of renal cell cancer

    Knowledge about renal cell carcinoma (RCC) has increased exponentially over the last decades. A clear understanding of RCC is of utmost importance to prevent the disease and improve the outcomes. Large epidemiologic studies have identified …

  4. 01.09.2000 | OriginalPaper

    Corticotropin-releasing hormone-producing medullary thyroid carcinoma causing cushing’s syndrome: Clinical and pathological findings

    A 62-yr-old woman presented with progressive fatigue and weakness and was found to have hypercalcemia due to a parathyroid adenoma. Following resection of the adenoma, she developed intractable diarrhea with progressive weakness. Further …

  5. 01.03.2003 | OriginalPaper

    Non–Germ Cell Malignancy in Residual or Recurrent Mass After Chemotherapy for Nonseminomatous Testicular Germ Cell Tumor

    Background:After chemotherapy for nonseminomatous testicular germ cell tumor (NSTGCT), residual masses or recurrent disease may contain a non–germ cell malignancy (NGCM).Methods:Over 20 years, 369 patients with disseminated NSTGCT were treated …

  6. Open Access 01.12.2014 | OriginalPaper

    Metanephric adenosarcoma: a rare case with immunohistochemistry and molecular analysis

    Metanephric neoplasms, as uncommon renal tumors [ 1 ], have so far been reported to encompass metanephric adenoma (purely epithelial neoplasm), metanephric stromal tumor (purely stromal tumor), and metanephric adenofibroma (biphasic tumor). Most of …

  7. Open Access 01.12.2014 | OriginalPaper

    Cyr61 promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition and tumor metastasis of osteosarcoma by Raf-1/MEK/ERK/Elk-1/TWIST-1 signaling pathway

    Osteosarcoma is the most prevalent primary malignant bone tumor that affects mainly children and adolescents. Osteosarcoma treatment has undergone dramatic changed drastically over the past 20 years, whatever the survival rate shows limited. Thus …

  8. Open Access 01.12.2008 | ReviewPaper

    The prince and the pauper. A tale of anticancer targeted agents

    Cancer rates are set to increase at an alarming rate, from 10 million new cases globally in 2000 to 15 million in 2020. Regarding the pharmacological treatment of cancer, we currently are in the interphase of two treatment eras. The so-called …

  9. 01.06.2014 | OriginalPaper

    Effects of Ganfukang (肝复康) on expression of connective tissue growth factor and focal adhesion kinase/protein kinase B signal pathway in hepatic fibrosis rats

  10. 01.07.2010 | OriginalPaper

    Spatially adaptive active contours: a semi-automatic tumor segmentation framework

  11. 01.01.2011 | OriginalPaper

    Effect of Chinese drugs combining with chemotherapy on quality of life in 146 children with solid tumor

  12. 01.04.2012 | OriginalPaper

    Frasier syndrome diagnosed in a 4-year-old girl

    The authors present the case of a girl with Frasier syndrome that was diagnosed at the age of 4 years. At 3.5 years, she was diagnosed a steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome associated with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. The girl presented …

  13. 01.12.2013 | ReviewPaper

    Timely identification of children with cancer

    Background. Cancer in childhood is rare, but nevertheless one of the most frequent causes of disease related death. Initial symptoms are often unspecific, frequently leading to a delay of cancer diagnosis. As a timely diagnosis can be crucial for …

  14. 01.02.2009 | OriginalPaper

    Identification of Calreticulin as a Prognosis Marker and Angiogenic Regulator in Human Gastric Cancer

    The purpose of this study was to identify genes of interest for a subsequent functional and clinical cohort study using complementary (c)DNA microarrays. cDNA microarray hybridization was performed to identify differentially expressed genes …

  15. 01.05.2014 | OriginalPaper

    Can Smaller-Scale Comprehensive Cancer Centers Provide Outstanding Care in Abdominal and Thoracic Pediatric Solid Tumor Surgery? Results of a 14-Year Retrospective Single-Center Analysis

    The study protocol was approved by the Lausanne University Research Ethics Committee for Human Research (number 217/11, 10 June 2011). Written consent was given by the patients for their information to be stored in the hospital database and used …

  16. 01.07.2003 | OriginalPaper

    Hepatic Resection for Metastatic Renal Tumors: Is It Worthwhile?

    Background: Liver metastases of malignant renal tumors are regarded as having an ominous prognosis because they are infrequently amenable to radical surgery and respond poorly to chemotherapy. Little is known of the outcome of isolated metastases …

  17. Open Access 01.07.2011 | OriginalPaper

    Surgical Treatment of Renal Cell Cancer Liver Metastases: A Population-Based Study

  18. 01.06.2007 | OriginalPaper

    Differential Expression and Prognostic Implications of the CCN Family Members WISP-1, WISP-2, and WISP-3 in Human Breast Cancer

  19. 01.12.2013 | Report

    Emesis control by aprepitant in children and adolescents with chemotherapy

    Background Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) is a feared adverse reaction during cancer treatment. Aprepitant has shown to be effective for CINV in adults, but little is known on its effect in pediatrics. So far, the drug is not …

  20. 01.06.2007 | OriginalPaper

    Biphagic pulmonary blastoma with a lesion of yolk sac tumor

    Biphagic pulmonary blastoma (BPB) is one of the rare pulmonary malignant neoplasms. Here, we describe a case of BPB with a histological feature of yolk sac tumor, accompanied with an elevated serum α-fetoprotein level (531.1 ng/ml). The tumor was …

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Nierentumoren beim Kind

Die Urologie
Das Nephroblastom stellt den häufigsten kindlichen Nierentumor dar. Nur 11 Prozent der Nierentumoren im Kindesalter weisen eine andere Histologie auf (Mesoblastisches Nephrom, Klarzellensarkom, Rhabdoidtumor, Nierenzellkarzinom oder sehr selten: Onkozytome, Sarkome, Angiomyolipome). Häufig sind die Patienten beschwerdefrei oder fallen durch eine schmerzlose Schwellung im Bauchraum auf. Nierentumoren können bei Kindern ein- und beidseitig auftreten. Das mediane Erkrankungsalter liegt beim Nephroblastom bei drei Jahren. Die Behandlung kindlicher Nierentumoren ist abhängig von der histologischen Diagnose und dem Stadium und schließt in unterschiedlichem Ausmaß Chemotherapie, Operation und Bestrahlung ein. Bei einem Nephroblastom ist eine präoperative Chemotherapie indiziert, wenn bildgebende Schnittverfahren von hoher Qualität eine zweifelsfreie Diagnose erlauben. Bei der Seltenheit kindlicher Nierentumoren ist eine Behandlung immer in kinderonkologischen Zentren indiziert. Die 10-Jahres Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit liegt bei über 90 Prozent.

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