Erratum to: Radiat Environ Biophys (2012) 51:165–178 DOI 10.1007/s00411-012-0410-4

The original publication of this paper contained some errors. The correct details are given below.

In Table 1, line 1, the ICD-9 numbers for CVD were printed incorrectly. It should correctly read “CVD (ICD-9 430-438)”.

Table 1 For both biological endpoints, the preferable final non-nested models are shown with related final deviances (dev), difference in final deviances (∆dev) with respect to the model with the smallest deviance, number of model parameters (N par ), AIC-values, difference in AIC-values (∆AIC) with respect to the model with the smallest AIC-value, and Akaike weights

In Table 1, line 8, related to cardiovascular diseases excluding CVD it is stated incorrectly that an ERR-quadratic model was used. It should correctly read “EAR-quadratic modela [#2]”.

In Table 1, right column headed by “Weight”, three of the Akaike weights were incorrectly assigned to the models given in the left most column. The correct assignment of the Akaike weights to the models is as follows: