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Radiology Society of North America Annual Meeting (RSNA) 

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  1. Open Access 01.12.2024 | BriefCommunication

    Developing, purchasing, implementing and monitoring AI tools in radiology: practical considerations. A multi-society statement from the ACR, CAR, ESR, RANZCR & RSNA

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) carries the potential for unprecedented disruption in radiology, with possible positive and negative consequences. The integration of AI in radiology holds the potential to revolutionize healthcare practices by …

  2. 01.12.2022 | Lungenkarzinome | Nachrichten | Online-Artikel
    I-ELCAP-Ergebnisse vorgestellt

    Screening auf Lungenkrebs zeigt positives Langzeitergebnis

    Auf dem Jahrestreffen der RSNA sind die 20-Jahres-Ergebnisse der I-ELCAP-Studie zum Screening auf Lungenkrebs vorgestellt worden. Der ausgewiesene Nutzen beeindruckt.

  3. 01.08.2011 | OriginalPaper

    Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 2010 Annual Meeting

    A tailored review of peer-reviewed abstracts presented at the 2010 Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Annual Meeting was performed following oral presentation. This review will highlight 15 formal and informal scientific paper …

  4. 01.03.2002 | OriginalPaper

    Medical Image Resource Center 2002: An Update on the RSNA's Medical Image Resource Center

    The Radiological Society of North America has launched a project called the Medical Image Resource Center (MIRC) to establish a community of Webbased libraries of imaging information, including teaching files, other educational materials, and …

  5. 23.04.2024 | Online First

    Correlation Aware Relevance-Based Semantic Index for Clinical Big Data Repository

    In this paper, we focus on indexing mechanisms for unstructured clinical big integrated data repository systems. Clinical data is unstructured and heterogeneous, which comes in different files and formats. Accessing data efficiently and …

  6. 14.02.2024 | ReviewPaper

    Go Green in Neuroradiology: towards reducing the environmental impact of its practice

    Raising public awareness about the relevance of supporting sustainable practices is required owing to the phenomena of global warming caused by the rising production of greenhouse gases. The healthcare sector generates a relevant proportion of the …

  7. 07.02.2024 | ReviewPaper

    Setting up a biomodeling, virtual planning, and three-dimensional printing service in Uruguay

    Virtual surgical planning and three-dimensional (D) printing are rapidly becoming essential for challenging and complex surgeries around the world. An Ibero-American survey reported a lack of awareness of technology benefits and scarce financial …

  8. Open Access 01.12.2023 | Abstract

    ECR 2023 Book of Abstracts

  9. Open Access 09.02.2024 | OriginalPaper

    HIMSS-SIIM Enterprise Imaging Community White Papers: Reflections and Future Directions

    Christopher J. Roth, MD …

  10. 12.06.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Representation of women in musculoskeletal radiology conferences in Europe and North and South Americas: an estimation and comparative analysis

    Gender inequality in the medical field has been well-reported [ 1 – 3 ]. Although the number of women in medicine is increasing, women have been underrepresented in radiology [ 4 , 5 ]. In musculoskeletal radiology conferences, gender equity …

  11. Open Access 17.11.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Provision of Interventional Radiology Services 2023

    Interventional radiology is a key service in all hospitals in the UK. Interventional radiology units vary in size depending on the size of the hospital, the services provided by the hospital and their proximity to other units. All patients should …

  12. Open Access 01.12.2023 | BriefCommunication

    ESR paper on structured reporting in radiology—update 2023

    Structured reporting in radiology continues to hold substantial potential to improve the quality of service provided to patients and referring physicians. Despite many physicians’ preference for structured reports and various efforts by …

  13. 28.02.2023 | ReviewPaper

    A “global village”: promoting research and careers in the pediatric radiology community through diversity

    There is a severe shortage of pediatric radiologists in the USA and across the globe due to multiple factors. These severe shortages, along with increased clinical demand, growing research costs and limited funding sources place pediatric …

  14. 11.08.2023 | Abstract

    IUGA Scientific Meeting 2023

    IUGA 48th Annual Meeting – The Hague, The Netherlands, June 21-24, 2023
  15. Open Access 01.12.2023 | BriefCommunication

    “Role of radiology in a multidisciplinary approach to patient care”: summary of the ESR International Forum 2022

    At the ESR International Forum 2022, held at ECR 2022 (July 16 in Vienna, Austria) different views, initiatives, and ideas from participating societies were presented with regard to the position and role of radiology in the changing landscape of

  16. 01.01.2020 | News

    Mitteilungen des Berufsverbandes der Deutschen Radiologen

  17. 28.07.2017 | Konventionelles Röntgen | Nachrichten | Online-Artikel
    Patientenorientierte Radiologie

    Röntgenärzte sollen und wollen Patienten umfassender betreuen

    Wie US-Radiologen zu einer solchen Annäherung an ihre Klientel stehen, haben Jennifer Kemp, Colorado, und Kollegen jetzt mithilfe einer Web-basierten Befragung durch das „Patient-Centered Radiology Steering Committee“ der Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) versucht herauszufinden.

  18. Open Access 01.12.2022 | Abstract

    ECR 2022 Book of Abstracts

  19. 20.12.2022 | OriginalPaper

    The uncovered biases and errors in clinical determination of bone age by using deep learning models

    Bone age (BA) assessment is an interpretation of skeletal maturity from the X-ray of the left hand. The BA value estimated is a doctor’s reference in children’s health care or other circumstances, e.g., forensic analysis and sports medicine [ 1 ].

  20. 22.05.2023 | News

    2023 Scientific Session of the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES), Montréal, Canada, 19 March–April 1 2023: Podium Abstracts

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„ ... ... “ Findet Dokumente mit genau dieser Wortgruppe in exakt dieser Schreibweise und Reihenfolge (z.B., "rheumatische Beschwerden").
AND / UND Findet Dokumente, in denen beide Begriffe zusammen vorkommen (z.B., alkohol UND demenz).
OR / ODER Findet Dokumente, in denen einer der beiden oder beide Begriffe vorkommen (z.B., hiv ODER aids).
Leerzeichen Findet Dokumente, in denen alle Begriffe vorkommen. Der Leerschritt wird als UND interpretiert (z.B., isolierte systolische hypertonie).
NOT / NICHT Findet Dokumente, in denen der Begriff nach NOT nicht vorkommt (z.B., sars NOT sars-cov-2).
COUNT(...)>n Findet Dokumente, in denen der gesuchte Begriff mehr als n mal vorkommt. n steht für eine beliebige Anzahl (z.B., COUNT(mammakarzinom)>8).
NEAR(..., ..., ) Findet Dokumente, in denen beide Begriffe in beliebiger Reihenfolge innerhalb von maximal n Worten zueinander stehen. Empfehlung: wählen Sie zwischen 15 und 30 als maximale Wortanzahl (z.B., NEAR(covid, diabetes,20)).
* Findet Dokumente, in denen der Begriff in Wortvarianten vorkommt, wobei diese VOR, HINTER oder VOR und HINTER dem Suchbegriff anschließen können (z.B., thrombose*, *thrombose, *thrombose*).
? Findet Dokumente mit dem Suchbegriff in verschiedenen Schreibweisen, hier mit s oder z, also organisation und organization. Das ? steht für eine einzige Stelle (z.B., organi?ation).
& + - Sonderzeichen werden als UND interpretiert (z.B., Diagnose + Therapie).

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