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  1. 01.04.2024 | News


    Prolonged curarisation and recurarisation following medication error and accidental overdose
  2. 01.04.2024 | News


    Rocuronium infiltration IV line
  3. Open Access 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Cardiorespiratory consequences of attenuated fentanyl and augmented rocuronium dosing during protocolised prehospital emergency anaesthesia at a regional air ambulance service: a retrospective study

    Airway management is a crucial component of the enhanced interventions delivered by prehospital critical care teams. The ability to provide prehospital anaesthesia (PHEA) has likely been in development since approximately the 1960s. It continues …

  4. Open Access 01.12.2023 | Erratum

    Correction: Rate of residual neuromuscular block using single‑dose rocuronium in general anesthesia for ENT Surgery: a retrospective cohort study

  5. 07.08.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Influence of the Pringle maneuver during partial hepatectomy on the neuromuscular block induced by intermittent and continuous dosing of rocuronium

    Rocuronium is a monoquaternary cation that is mainly eliminated unchanged via hepatobiliary transport [ 1 , 2 ]. The highly selective elimination of rocuronium into bile is dependent on hepatocellular uptake via the organic anion transporting …

  6. 01.08.2023 | News


    Blood pressure increased: case report
  7. 01.05.2023 | News


    Delayed recovery from anaesthesia following medication error: case report
  8. 04.05.2023 | BriefCommunication

    Rocuronium action can be affected by hyperventilation: a case report and computational simulation

    The neuromuscular blocking potency of rocuronium varies with respiratory pH changes, increasing at lower pH and decreasing at higher pH; thus, hyperventilation-induced respiratory alkalosis is expected to decrease the potency of rocuronium. We …

  9. Open Access 01.12.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Rate of residual neuromuscular block using single-dose rocuronium in general anesthesia for ENT surgery: a retrospective cohort study

    Neuromuscular block agents facilitate intubating conditions in general anesthesia patients by immobilizing vocal cords [ 1 , 17 ]. However, they are associated with significant residual postoperative paralysis and morbidity [ 3 ]. Complete …

  10. Open Access 01.12.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Rocuronium bromide suppresses esophageal cancer via blocking the secretion of C–X–C motif chemokine ligand 12 from cancer associated fibroblasts

    Esophageal cancer (EC) is one of the malignant tumors with high morbidity and mortality worldwide. Although neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy has been widely administered in the treatments of EC with locally advanced or lymph node positive …

  11. Open Access 29.04.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Tracheal intubating conditions in elderly patients when train-of-four count is zero after rocuronium 0.6 or 0.9 mg/kg. A secondary analysis

    Purpose: The neuromuscular blocking agent rocuronium can be administered to facilitate tracheal intubation. We hypothesized that rocuronium 0.9 mg/kg provided a larger proportion of patients with vocal cords in abducted position compared to …

  12. 01.02.2023 | News


    Prolonged neuromuscular blockade: case report
  13. 01.01.2023 | News


    Mydriasis: 3 case reports
  14. 01.02.2023 | News

    Rocuronium: risk of mydriasis

  15. Open Access 08.03.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Median Effective Dose of Remifentanil for the Prevention of Pain Caused by the Injection of Rocuronium: An Age-Stratified Study

    Rocuronium, a non-depolarizing muscle relaxant, is widely used for general anesthesia induction due to the advantages of rapid onset, intermediate acting duration, satisfactory muscle relaxation, and without histamine release. However, pain …

  16. 01.11.2022 | News

    Rocuronium bromide

    Hypotonia: case report
  17. 25.05.2018 | Adipositas | OriginalPaper

    Der Einfluss der Rocuroniumdosis auf die Effektivität der Maskenbeatmung

    Eine prospektive, randomisierte, klinische Studie

    Die klinische Praxis zeigt, dass es zumindest bei einem Teil der Patienten mit schwieriger Maskenbeatmung durch neuromuskuläre Blockade zu einer Verbesserung der nichtinvasiven Beatmung kommt. Durch eine Reihe prospektiver Studien wird die Hypothese gestützt. Diese Erkenntnisse führten zu einer wissenschaftlichen Diskussion und mündeten in der S1-Leitlinie Atemwegsmanagement.

  18. 01.07.2022 | News


    Anaphylaxis: case report
  19. Open Access 01.12.2021 | Letter

    Interpretation of concurrent positive skin tests to prophylactic antibiotics and rocuronium

  20. 01.07.2022 | News

    Rocuronium-bromide/sevoflurane interaction

    Paralysis and prolonged effect of rocuronium-bromide: case report

Suchergebnisse filtern:


Muskelrelaxanzien und ihre Antagonisten

Die Anästhesiologie
Muskelrelaxanzien verhindern die neuromuskuläre Übertragung und werden routinemäßig in der Anästhesie eingesetzt, um die Skelettmuskulatur vorübergehend schlaff zu lähmen. Sie stellen neben Hypnotika und Analgetika eine der drei elementaren Säulen der balancierten Anästhesie dar. Indem sie unwillkürliche Bewegungen und motorische Reflexe verhindern, erleichtern sie die endotracheale Intubation, vermindern das Risiko von Stimmbandschäden, verringern den Gebrauch an Narkotika und ermöglichen gute chirurgische Operationsbedingungen.

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