To investigate radiographic parameters to improve the accuracy of radiologic diagnosis for ossification of ligamentum flavum (OLF)-induced thoracic myelopathy and thereby establish a useful diagnostic method for identifying the responsible segment.
We classified 101 patients who underwent surgical treatment for OLF-induced thoracic myelopathy as the myelopathy group and 102 patients who had incidental OLF and were hospitalized with compression fracture as the non-myelopathy group between January 2009 and December 2016. We measured the thickness of OLF (TOLF), cross-sectional area of OLF (AOLF), anteroposterior canal diameter, and the ratio of each of these parameters.
Most OLF cases with lateral-type axial morphology were in the non-myelopathy group and most with fused and tuberous type in the myelopathy group. Most grade-I and grade-II cases were also in the non-myelopathy group, whereas grade-IV cases were mostly observed in the myelopathy group. The AOLF ratio was found to be the best radiologic parameter. The optimal cutoff point of the AOLF ratio was 33.00%, with 87.1% sensitivity and 87.3% specificity. The AOLF ratio was significantly correlated with preoperative neurological status.
An AOLF ratio greater than 33% is the most accurate diagnostic indicator of OLF-induced thoracic myelopathy. In cases of multiple-segment OLF, confirmation of cord signal change on MRI and an AOLF measurement will help determine the responsible segment. AOLF measurement will also improve the accuracy of diagnosis of OLF-induced thoracic myelopathy in cases of grade III or extended-type axial morphology.
Graphical abstract
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