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  1. 22.04.2024 | Online First

    Efficacy of vibrant sound bridge in congenital aural atresia: an updated systematic review

    Malformed auricles, such as microtia and abnormal ossicular chains, are characteristics of congenital aural atresia (CAA). Conductive hearing loss of up to 60 dB is caused by CAA, which affects approximately 1 in 10,000 children [ 1 ]. Unilateral …

  2. 18.04.2024 | Online First

    The imaging findings of migraine with visual aura in a CADASIL patient

    Head MRI images of cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) patients during migraine attacks are rare.

  3. Open Access 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Clinical features of migraine with aura: a REFORM study

    Migraine, a disabling neurologic disorder, affects more than 1 billion persons worldwide [ 1 , 2 ]. Among those with migraine, about one-third experience migraine with aura (MA), characterized by transient neurologic symptoms [ 3 – 8 ]. Aura

  4. 28.02.2024 | Online First

    Headache patterns in patent foramen ovale patients: beyond migraine with aura

    Patent foramen ovale (PFO) is a common cardiac anomaly linked with cryptogenic strokes and migraine, particularly migraine with aura. This study aims to explore the spectrum of headache disorders in PFO patients, focusing on identifying patterns …

  5. 04.10.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Aural microsuction: an analysis of post-procedure patient safety incidents

    Aural microsuction is one of the most commonly performed outpatient procedures in otolaryngology [ 1 ]. It provides clear benefit to patients with external auditory canal debris and cerumen impaction [ 2 ]. All otolaryngologists have experience …

  6. Open Access 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Auranofin repurposing for lung and pancreatic cancer: low CA12 expression as a marker of sensitivity in patient-derived organoids, with potentiated efficacy by AKT inhibition

    Auranofin, originally approved as an oral gold-containing agent for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, has gained attention in the realm of drug repurposing for oncology. Its unique mechanisms of action, combined with its well-established …

  7. 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    SEEG study of a rare male temporal lobe epilepsy with orgasmic aura originating from the right amygdala

    As a primitive driving force for biological reproduction, sexual behavior (and its associated mechanisms) is extremely complex, and orgasm plays an essential role. The limbic system plays a very important role in regulating human sexual behavior.

  8. 13.12.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Are anti-calcitonin gene-related peptide monoclonal antibodies effective in treating migraine aura? A pilot prospective observational cohort study

    Migraine affects a substantial portion of the global population, with an estimated prevalence of 14.7% worldwide [ 1 ]. Migraine can manifest with or without aura, and aura symptoms are experienced by approximately 15% to 33% of individuals with …

  9. 07.08.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Remote Possibility of Post Aural Swelling as Nodular Hidradenoma: A Case Report

    A 30-year-old female patient presented with swelling over the left post aural region of 6 months duration which gradually increased in size. Cutaneous examination: A solitary, non-tender, mobile swelling of variable consistency over the post aural …

  10. Open Access 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Variation of the essential oil components of Citrus aurantium leaves upon using different distillation techniques and evaluation of their antioxidant, antidiabetic, and neuroprotective effect against Alzheimer’s disease

    Citrus fruit essential oil is considered one of the widely studied essential oils while its leaves attract less attention although being rich in nearly the same composition as the peel and flowers. The leaves of bitter orange or sour orange …

  11. Open Access 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    The effectiveness of agomelatine on headache severity and frequency in episodic migraine without aura; a parallel randomized controlled trial study

    Migraine is one of the 200 headache disorders [ 1 ]. This common neurovascular disorder is characterized by recurring headaches ranging from mild to severe headaches. It is the second most prevalent debilitating disease [ 2 , 3 ], and affects over …

  12. Open Access 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Different vulnerability of fast and slow cortical oscillations to suppressive effect of spreading depolarization: state-dependent features potentially relevant to pathogenesis of migraine aura

    Migraine aura is a neurological condition that precedes or accompanies the onset of headache in one-third of migraine patients. Aura symptoms include transient sensory (mainly visual) or motor disturbances. Several lines of evidence suggest that …

  13. 18.01.2024 | Online First

    Auraptene Mitigates Colitis Induced by Dextran Sulfate Sodium in Mice by Regulating Specific Intestinal Flora and Repairing the Intestinal Barrier

    Auraptene (AUT) is widely known to possess both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This study attempted to evaluate the protective effects of AUT in dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-induced colitis in mice and to determine the underlying …

  14. 04.08.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Efficacy and safety of three inflation methods of the laryngeal mask airway Ambu® Auraonce™: a randomized controlled study

    The laryngeal mask airway (LMA) is commonly used for airway management. Cuff hyperinflation has been associated with complications, poor ventilation and increased risk of gastric insufflation. This study was designed to determine the best cuff …

  15. Open Access 01.12.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Machine learning approach for Migraine Aura Complexity Score prediction based on magnetic resonance imaging data

    Migraine with aura (MwA) is a type of migraine that can be manifested very heterogeneously [ 1 ]. It is characterized by the aura phase, defined as the complex of fully reversible neurological symptoms, such as visual, somatosensory, speech, motor …

  16. Open Access 21.08.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Long-term results and quality of life after vibrant soundbridge implantation (VSBs) in children and adults with aural atresia

    The absence of an open external auditory ear canal, called aural atresia (AA), can be congenital and present as hypoplasia or aplasia of the external auditory canal. It is often associated with dysmorphic formation of the auricle, the middle ear …

  17. Open Access 01.12.2023 | Letter

    Direct inhibition of dioxygenases TET1 by the rheumatoid arthritis drug auranofin selectively induces cancer cell death in T-ALL

    T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) is a type of hematologic tumor with malignant proliferation of hematopoietic progenitor cells. However, traditional clinical treatment of T-ALL included chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation always …

  18. Open Access 01.12.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Calcitonin gene-related peptide causes migraine aura

    Migraine is a prevalent and disabling neurological disorder that affects over 1 billion people worldwide [ 1 ]. The clinical presentation is characterized by recurrent attacks of headache accompanied by symptoms such as photophobia, phonophobia …

  19. 22.05.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Role of sensory processing sensitivity and high sensation seeking in migraine with typical aura

    The psychological differences between migraine with aura (MwA) patients and healthy controls (HCs) have not been sufficiently investigated in the current scientific literature. Taking this into account, the present study aimed to examine …

  20. Open Access 01.12.2023 | Erratum

    Correction: Changes of migraine aura with advancing age of patients

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Kopfschmerzen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen

Kopfschmerzen sind ein häufiger Vorstellungsgrund beim Pädiater. Dort gilt es, primäre Kopfschmerzen wie Migräne oder Kopfschmerz vom Spannungstyp von sekundären Kopfschmerzen, d. h. solchen mit einer zugrunde liegenden Erkrankung, zu differenzieren, im Falle primärer Kopfschmerzen diese näher einzuordnen und gegebenenfalls Risikofaktoren zu ermitteln. Finden sich in der Primärdiagnostik – genaue Anamnese in Kenntnis des typischen Bildes primärer Kopfschmerzen, gründliche körperliche Untersuchung, ophthalmologische Vorstellung – Auffälligkeiten, sind weitere Untersuchungen angezeigt. Bedürfen Kopfschmerzen vom Spannungstyp meist keiner Akut-Analgesie, ist bei Migräneattacken die frühzeitige Therapie mit einem ausreichend hoch dosierten Analgetikum (1. Wahl Ibuprofen) und/oder einem Triptan wichtig. In der Prophylaxe stehen verhaltensmedizinische Maßnahmen (Entspannungstechniken, Tagesstrukturierung, Ausgleichssport etc.) im Vordergrund. Eine medikamentöse Migräneprophylaxe ist nur selten indiziert.

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