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Breast Cancer 

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  1. Open Access 03.04.2024 | OriginalPaper

    The Japanese Breast Cancer Society Clinical Practice Guidelines for Breast Cancer, 2022 Edition: changes from the 2018 edition and general statements on breast cancer treatment

    The Japanese Breast Cancer Society Clinical Practice Guidelines for Breast Cancer, 2022 Edition was published in June 2022. The guidelines were prepared while conforming as much as possible to the “Minds Manual for Guideline Development 2020 ver.

  2. Zeitschrift

    Breast Cancer Research

    Breast Cancer Research is the leading journal in the breast cancer field. The journal publishes research and reviews of exceptional interest covering all areas of biology and medicine relevant to breast cancer, with a special emphasis on the …

  3. Open Access 19.04.2024 | Online First

    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on symptomatic breast cancer presentations in an Irish breast cancer unit: a retrospective cohort study

    The first case of the COVID-19 virus was confirmed in Ireland on 26th February 2020 [ 1 ], with the first ensuing population-level lockdown ordered on 27th March 2020. Breast cancer services were disrupted at the onset of the pandemic due to the …

  4. 13.01.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Understanding mechanisms of racial disparities in breast cancer: an assessment of screening and regular care in the Carolina Breast Cancer Study

    Despite similar rates of diagnosis as White women, Black women are approximately 40% more likely to die from breast cancer [ 1 , 2 ]. One reason for this survival disparity is that Black women are more likely to be diagnosed with later stage tumors …

  5. Open Access 21.03.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Locoregional staging of breast cancer: contrast-enhanced mammography versus breast magnetic resonance imaging

    Breast cancer is the most diagnosed malignant tumor and the leading cause of death among women [ 1 , 2 ]. The evolution of surgical techniques and a more conservative approach [ 3 – 5 ], along with the detection of multi-focal, multicentric and/or …

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„ ... ... “ Findet Dokumente mit genau dieser Wortgruppe in exakt dieser Schreibweise und Reihenfolge (z.B., "rheumatische Beschwerden").
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Leerzeichen Findet Dokumente, in denen alle Begriffe vorkommen. Der Leerschritt wird als UND interpretiert (z.B., isolierte systolische hypertonie).
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COUNT(...)>n Findet Dokumente, in denen der gesuchte Begriff mehr als n mal vorkommt. n steht für eine beliebige Anzahl (z.B., COUNT(mammakarzinom)>8).
NEAR(..., ..., ) Findet Dokumente, in denen beide Begriffe in beliebiger Reihenfolge innerhalb von maximal n Worten zueinander stehen. Empfehlung: wählen Sie zwischen 15 und 30 als maximale Wortanzahl (z.B., NEAR(covid, diabetes,20)).
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? Findet Dokumente mit dem Suchbegriff in verschiedenen Schreibweisen, hier mit s oder z, also organisation und organization. Das ? steht für eine einzige Stelle (z.B., organi?ation).
& + - Sonderzeichen werden als UND interpretiert (z.B., Diagnose + Therapie).

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