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  1. Open Access 24.11.2023 | OriginalPaper

    A multicenter prospective randomized controlled trial investigating the effects of combustion-free nicotine alternatives on cardiovascular risk factors and metabolic parameters in individuals with type 2 diabetes who smoke: the DiaSmokeFree study protocol

    Stopping smoking is crucial for public health and especially for individuals with diabetes. Combustion-free nicotine alternatives like e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products are increasingly being used as substitutes for conventional cigarettes …

  2. 01.09.2019 | ReviewPaper

    The Casualties Left Behind in Tobacco’s Cinders of Combustion

    In 1964, when the first report on Smoking and Health was published [ 1 ], the differences in smoking among racial/ethnic–gender groups were quite evident. Although 40% of all Americans smoked cigarettes [ 2 ], nearly 60% of African-American males …

  3. Open Access 01.12.2022 | OriginalPaper

    Health impacts of PM2.5 originating from residential wood combustion in four nordic cities

    The use of biomass combustion for heating and energy production was the first ever fuel used by mankind, and it is still being widely used [ 1 ]. Currently, biomass constitutes approximately 12% of the global energy supply [ 2 ]. Biomass burning is …

  4. 20.07.2021 | OriginalPaper

    Health damage to housewives by contaminants emitted from coal combustion in the Chinese countryside: focusing on day-to-day cooking

    Coal is widely used in power generation, locomotive power, industrial production, domestic heating and cooking due to its large reserves, convenient availability and low cost of exploration and exploitation, and it is favored for use by countries …

  5. Open Access 01.12.2019 | OriginalPaper

    Effect of household air pollution due to solid fuel combustion on childhood respiratory diseases in a semi urban population in Sri Lanka

    Household air pollution from combustion of solid fuels for cooking and space heating is one of the ten most important risk factors of the global burden of disease [ 1 ]. Household air pollution contains some of the same pollutants found in tobacco …

  6. 12.02.2016 | OriginalPaper

    The mythology of “spontaneous” human combustion

  7. 04.08.2015 | OriginalPaper

    Modeling internal ballistics of gas combustion guns

    Potato guns are popular homemade guns which work on the principle of gas combustion. They are usually constructed for recreational rather than criminal purposes. Yet some serious injuries and fatalities due to these guns are reported. As …

  8. 01.11.1997 | OriginalPaper

    Production and systemic absorption of toxic byproducts of tissue combustion during laparoscopic surgery

    Background: Among the potential hazards of laparoscopic surgery using electrocautery is the intraperitoneal release and subsequent absorption of byproducts of tissue combustion. In a porcine model of laparoscopic surgery with smoke production, our …

  9. 01.10.1998 | OriginalPaper

    Production and systemic absorption of toxic byproducts of tissue combustion during laparoscopic cholecystectomy

    Among the potential hazards of laparoscoplc surgery using electrocautery IS the release of chermcal byproducts of incomplete tissue combustion into the pneumoperitoneum with subsequent transpentoneal absorption into the bloodstream and/or release …

  10. 01.08.2004 | OriginalPaper

    The association of biomass fuel combustion on pulmonary function tests in the adult population of Mid-Anatolia

    Objectives:To assess the association of biomass as domestic energy source on respiratory function in rural areas of Mid-Anatolia in Turkey where biomass use is frequent.Methods:In a cross-sectional study, pulmonary functions measurements of 112 …

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