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  1. Open Access 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Serum MicroRNA profiles in chronic hepatitis C Egyptian patients before and after combined sofosbuvir and daclatasvir treatment

    Egypt had the highest frequency of chronic HCV infection in the world until recently [ 1 ]. Individuals infected with HCV develop a variety of liver morphologies, including fibrosis, steatosis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), as a …

  2. Open Access 19.10.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Alfosbuvir plus Daclatasvir for Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection in China

    There are nearly 170 million people worldwide chronically infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) [ 1 ]. HCV and its complications remain a significant medical burden in Asia. HCV infection has become one of the leading causes of hepatic cell …

  3. 01.04.2023 | News


    Treatment failure: case report
  4. 01.04.2023 | News


    Lack of efficacy: case report
  5. 01.03.2023 | News


    Treatment relapse and drug resistance: 3 case reports
  6. 01.12.2022 | News


    Allergic reaction: case report
  7. 01.06.2022 | News


    Lack of efficacy following off label use: 2 case reports
  8. 01.10.2021 | News


    Hypoglycaemia and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: 2 case reports
  9. 01.06.2021 | News


    Anaemia and impaired renal function: 10 case reports
  10. Open Access 01.12.2022 | OriginalPaper

    Circulating microRNAs as predictors of response to sofosbuvir + daclatasvir + ribavirin in in HCV genotype-4 Egyptian patients

    With about 71 million people worldwide infected, hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a global health issue. It is a significant cause of chronic hepatitis, hepatic cirrhosis, hepatic cell carcinoma [ 1 ]. Unfortunately, Egypt has one of the …

  11. 01.01.2021 | News


    Acute graft rejection: case report
  12. 01.01.2021 | News


    Hepatitis-B virus reactivation and worsening of elevated hepatitis-B virus DNA: 5 case reports
  13. 01.12.2020 | News


    Lack of efficacy: case report
  14. 01.12.2020 | News


    Virologic failure due to development of drug resistance in hepatitis C virus infection: 2 case reports
  15. 01.03.2024 | Erratum

    Retraction Note: High success rates for the use of sofosbuvir/ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir + ribavirin and sofosbuvir/simeprevir/daclatasvir + ribavirin in retreatment of chronic hepatitis C infection after unsuccessful sofosbuvir/daclatasvir therapy: a real-life experience

  16. 01.01.2022 | BriefCommunication

    Association of Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir Plasma Trough Concentrations with Patient-, Treatment-, and Disease-Related Factors Among HIV/HCV-Coinfected Persons

    The development of peginterferon-free (pegIFN-free) oral regimens of direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) has greatly improved the efficacy and tolerability of HCV treatment in the HIV-coinfected population [ 1 – 3 ]. The attainment of a sustained …

  17. 01.05.2020 | News


    Viral infectious disorder: case report
  18. 01.02.2020 | News


    Development of drug resistance: 2 case reports
  19. 01.12.2019 | News


    Anaemia: case report
  20. 01.11.2019 | News


    Headache: case report

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Hepatitis C

DGIM Innere Medizin
Die Hepatitis-C-Virusinfektion zählt zu den häufigsten chronischen Infektionskrankheiten. Der komplette HCV-Replikationszyklus ist nach aktuellen Kenntnissen nur in der Leber möglich ist. Es gibt sieben HCV-Genotypen, deren Prävalenz regional verschieden ist. Die akute HCV-Infektion verläuft in der Regel symptomarm und unspezifisch, oft auch gänzlich klinisch stumm. Typische Symptome einer chronischen Hepatitis C sind Müdigkeit, Depressionen, Oberbauchschmerzen und Verdauungsprobleme. Auch Gelenkschmerzen oder eine Sicca-Symptomatik können auftreten. Oft verläuft die chronische Infektion aber auch klinisch stumm. Für die Diagnostik einer Hepatitis-C-Virusinfektion werden Anti-HCV-Antikörpertests als Screening eingesetzt. Im Fall eines positiven Ergebnisses erfolgt die Bestimmung der HCV-RNA mittels PCR oder ein HCV-Core-Antigenassay. Die aktuelle Therapie besteht aus einer Kombination verschiedener Arzneimittel (PEG-Interferon, Ribavirin, Sofosbuvir, Simeprevir, Daclatasvir).

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