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  1. 23.02.2024 | Psoriasis-Arthritis | ProductNotes

    Neue Real-World-Daten zu Guselkumab bei Psoriasis-Arthritis

  2. Open Access 12.03.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Association between enthesitis/dactylitis resolution and patient-reported outcomes in guselkumab-treated patients with psoriatic arthritis

    Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is an inflammatory musculoskeletal and cutaneous disease with heterogenous clinical presentation and variable course. Musculoskeletal manifestations include enthesitis and dactylitis along with peripheral arthritis and …

  3. Open Access 15.03.2024 | Online First

    Comparative Effectiveness of Bimekizumab and Guselkumab in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis at 52 Weeks Assessed Using a Matching-Adjusted Indirect Comparison

    Approximately 30% of patients with psoriasis develop psoriatic arthritis (PsA), a chronic and systemic disease characterized by inflammation across a range of tissue domains, particularly cutaneous and musculoskeletal [ 1 ]. According to the …

  4. Open Access 04.03.2024 | Online First

    The Evaluation of Effectiveness and Safety of Guselkumab in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis in a Prospective Multicentre “Real-Life” Cohort Study

    Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic disease characterized by inflammatory musculoskeletal manifestations in patients with psoriasis [ 1 ]. This disorder is associated with heterogeneous clinical manifestations variously involving peripheral …

  5. Open Access 22.02.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Work Productivity and General Health Through 2 Years of Guselkumab Treatment in a Phase 3 Randomized Trial of Patients With Active Psoriatic Arthritis

    Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic inflammatory disease that can lead to substantial impairment in physical function and a high degree of disability [ 1 – 3 ], reflecting symptomatology across a variety of affected domains, such as skin …

  6. Open Access 28.02.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Comparing Efficacy of Guselkumab versus Ustekinumab in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis: An Adjusted Comparison Using Individual Patient Data from the DISCOVER and PSUMMIT Trials

    Treatment for psoriatic arthritis (PsA), a chronic inflammatory condition, has evolved from traditional disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) to targeted synthetic and biologic DMARDs [ 1 , 2 ]. Specifically, biologic therapies that …

  7. 01.12.2023 | News


    Various toxicities: 7 case reports
  8. Open Access 01.02.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Brodalumab Versus Guselkumab in Patients with Moderate-to-Severe Psoriasis with an Inadequate Response to Ustekinumab: A Randomized, Multicenter, Double-Blind Phase 4 Trial (COBRA)

    With increasing availability of novel biologics with new targets for psoriasis, the complexity of choosing the appropriate biologic treatment is ever more challenging for physicians. This applies not only to choosing the most appropriate treatment …

  9. Open Access 09.02.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Speed and Cumulative Responses According to Body Regions in Patients with Moderate-to-Severe Plaque Psoriasis Treated with Ixekizumab (Interleukin-17A Antagonist) versus Guselkumab (Interleukin-23p19 Inhibitor)

    An interactive infographic provided for this article: .

  10. 21.04.2023 | Psoriasis-Arthritis | ProductNotes

    Lebensqualität bei PsA unter Guselkumab verbessert

  11. Open Access 07.10.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Guselkumab-Treated Patients with Plaque Psoriasis Who Achieved Complete Skin Clearance for ≥ 156 Consecutive Weeks: A Post-Hoc Analysis From the VOYAGE 1 Clinical Trial

    Plaque psoriasis is the most common form of psoriasis [ 1 ] and the concept of this highly prevalent disease [ 2 , 3 ] involving accumulating disease memory and increasing impact of chronification is now well established [ 4 ]. However, further …

  12. 19.12.2022 | Psoriasis-Arthritis | ProductNotes

    Guselkumab wirkt auch auf axiale Symptome der PsA

  13. 01.10.2023 | News


    Treatment failure: case report
  14. Open Access 03.10.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Earlier clinical response predicts low rates of radiographic progression in biologic-naïve patients with active psoriatic arthritis receiving guselkumab treatment

    Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a complex inflammatory disease affecting peripheral and axial joints, entheses, and tendons, as well as skin and nails [ 1 ]. Structural joint damage occurs in up to half of patients with PsA within 2 years of …

  15. 01.10.2023 | News


    Itching, diarrhoea and inflammatory bowel disease: 3 case reports
  16. Open Access 31.10.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Long-Term Safety of Guselkumab in Patients with Psoriatic Disease: An Integrated Analysis of Eleven Phase II/III Clinical Studies in Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis

    Psoriatic disease is a chronic, systemic, inflammatory disorder that includes psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis (PsA), and associated metabolic, cardiovascular, and psychosocial comorbidities [ 1 – 3 ]. Uncontrolled psoriatic disease can substantially …

  17. 24.06.2022 | Arthritis | Report

    100 Wochen Patientendaten zu Guselkumab bei PsA

  18. Open Access 07.09.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Rapid Remission of Sunburn-Induced Guttate Psoriasis with Guselkumab

    Guselkumab is an anti-interleukin-23 monoclonal antibody that is approved for plaque psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. We present a case of a 28-year-old female patient with acute onset of guttate psoriasis after a blistering sunburn. She had no …

  19. Open Access 15.09.2023 | Report

    Efficacy of Guselkumab in Treating Nails, Scalp, Hands, and Feet in Patients with Psoriasis and Self-reported Psoriatic Arthritis

    Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a heterogeneous chronic inflammatory disease characterized by skin and musculoskeletal involvement. Current treatment recommendations consider the six PsA domains: peripheral arthritis, axial disease, enthesitis …

  20. Open Access 26.09.2023 | Letter

    Response to the Letter to the Editor: Long-Term Psoriasis Control with Guselkumab, Adalimumab, Secukinumab, or Ixekizumab in the USA

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Weiterentwicklung in der Therapie rheumatischer Erkrankungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen

Pädiatrische Rheumatologie
Es ist zu erwarten, dass in naher Zukunft neue medikamentöse Optionen zur Behandlung kinderrheumatologischer Erkrankungen zur Verfügung stehen werden. Daher werden in diesem Kapitel Medikamente vorgestellt, die bereits für die Therapie im Erwachsenenalter zugelassen sind und deren Testung im Kindesalter durchgeführt wird bzw. zeitnah zu erwarten ist. Darüber hinaus werden aber auch pharmakologische Substanzen vorgestellt, die sich noch in früheren Phasen der Entwicklung befinden. Es werden Möglichkeiten der Inhibition intrazellulärer Signalwege (z. B. IRAK-Moleküle, Phosphodiesterase 4, Bruton-Tyrosinkinase, Phosphoinositid-3-Kinasen, Januskinasen, Inflammasome) und löslicher Mediatoren (Interferone, IL-18, IL-12/IL-23, IL-17, GM-CSF) diskutiert. Darüber hinaus werden therapeutische Optionen zur Beeinflussung der B-Zell- und Plasmazell-Aktivität beleuchtet und Entwicklungen bei der antifibrotischen Therapie vorgestellt. Abschließend werden die aktuellen Entwicklungen zur Gentherapie mit Stammzellen bzw. zur Manipulation differenzierter Zellen erörtert.

weitere e.Medpedia Einträge


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