COVID-19 has disrupted virtually every aspect of society, infecting over 85 million individuals in the USA and causing over one million COVID deaths through June 2022.
1 Vaccination with any of the FDA-approved SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) vaccinations can prevent more severe COVID-19 disease,
2‐4 protect against different COVID-19 variants,
2‐5 and produce persistent effects.
2 However, important knowledge gaps remain.
Little research has examined vaccination effects in hospitalized populations, patients that typically have the most severe COVID disease. While some studies track individuals as they transition from nonhospitalized to hospitalization status,
2,3,6‐9 there is less research on vaccination effects in large, hospitalized samples. Research with relatively small samples of hospitalized patients shows that vaccination reduces mortality.
4,10,11 However, the small sample sizes of these studies limit the ability to determine associations between vaccination and disease severity in specific patient groups. Such information could reveal groups who would benefit from additional preventive or ameliorative actions to reduce their risk of COVID-19 morbidity or mortality.
This study examined associations between COVID-19 vaccination status and mortality in a sample of 86,732 patients who were hospitalized with COVID-19 from January 2021, when COVID-19 vaccination became generally available, to January 2022.
Study Design
The COVID EHR Cohort at the University of Wisconsin (CEC-UW) is a retrospective cohort study funded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Health systems from across the USA were invited to participate; 21 joined the cohort (S Figure
1) and transferred data regularly to the CEC-UW Coordinating Center in Madison, Wisconsin. Each data extraction was retrospective to January 2021 for the analysis sample and captured both new patients entering the cohort and follow-up data from patients identified at earlier extractions.
Ethics Statement
The CEC-UW study was initially approved in May 2020 by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Health Sciences Minimal Risk Institutional Review Board (MR-IRB) for collection of de-identified EHR data. In February 2021, the MR-IRB approved a protocol change to a Limited Data Set.
The five categories of data extracted (i.e., demographics, ICD-10 diagnoses, clinical encounter data, laboratory tests, and medications) are described in the S Methods. Health systems provided data only for closed clinical encounters (i.e., completed). For closed inpatient encounters, the patient must have been discharged (or transferred) or died during the hospitalization. Data on outcomes or treatment at nonparticipating health systems were not captured.
Analysis Sample
The analysis sample comprised 86,732 adult patients hospitalized with COVID-19 who were admitted to a participating hospital and completed their hospitalization over the period from January 1, 2021, to January 31, 2022 (Table
1). Analysis sample inclusion criteria included the following: (1) age ≥18 years old; (2) the inpatient encounter was the first COVID hospitalization with duration ≥ 24 h (or, if < 24 h, admission to ICU or death during the hospitalization); and (3) prior contact with the health system to permit extraction of vaccination data and pre-COVID ICD-10 diagnoses to calculate the Elixhauser Comorbidity Index score
13 (S Methods). In addition, positive COVID-19 status was determined by either COVID ICD-10 diagnosis (U07.1 or J12.82) during the hospitalization or a positive COVID PCR test result in a 14-day window (± 7 days centered at the admission date).
Table 1
Descriptive Statistics for 86,732 Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients from January 2021 to January 2022
Age groups |
Under 60 years | 38,775 | 44.7 | | |
60–70 years | 19,593 | 22.6 | | |
Over 70 years | 28,364 | 32.7 | | |
Sex |
Female | 45,082 | 52.0 | | |
Male | 41,649 | 48.0 | | |
Other | 1 | <0.01 | | |
Race |
American Indian/Alaska Native | 323 | 0.4 | | |
Asian | 2065 | 2.4 | | |
Black or African American | 20,800 | 24.0 | | |
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander | 269 | 0.3 | | |
White | 53,017 | 61.1 | | |
Other race | 8470 | 9.8 | | |
More than one race | 359 | 0.4 | | |
Missing | 1429 | 1.6 | | |
Ethnicity |
Not Hispanic or Latino | 74,222 | 85.6 | | |
Hispanic or Latino | 10,901 | 12.6 | | |
Missing | 1609 | 1.9 | | |
Body mass index |
Underweight | 2767 | 3.2 | | |
Healthy weight | 20,100 | 23.2 | | |
Overweight | 24,128 | 27.8 | | |
Obese | 28,620 | 33.0 | | |
Severely obese | 10,299 | 11.9 | | |
Missing | 818 | 0.9 | | |
Insurance status |
Medicare | 43,482 | 50.1 | | |
Medicaid | 10,790 | 12.4 | | |
Commercial | 24,032 | 27.7 | | |
Uninsured | 2046 | 2.4 | | |
Other | 6382 | 7.4 | | |
Vaccination status |
No recorded vaccination | 63,940 | 73.7 | | |
Yes, at least one | 22,792 | 26.3 | | |
Vaccination doses |
0 | 63,940 | 73.7 | | |
1 | 5569 | 6.4 | | |
2 | 13,647 | 15.7 | | |
3 | 3576 | 4.1 | | |
Elixhauser Comorbidity Index | | | 6.0 | 10.1 |
Age (years) | | | 60.0 | 18.6 |
Primary Outcome
The primary and sole outcome for these analyses was in-hospital mortality during the index COVID hospitalization documented via EHR.
Non-outcome Variables
Patient-level variables include age (at time of entry into the cohort), sex, race, ethnicity, body mass index (BMI), insurance status, Elixhauser Comorbidity Index score and items, and vaccination status. Preadmission vaccination status was coded either as binary (no vaccination versus any vaccination) or by the number of vaccine doses (0, 1, 2, or 3 doses). S Table
1 presents the types of vaccines that patients received. Patients aged ≥ 90 years were coded as 90 at the time of data extraction for HIPAA compliance. For certain analyses, age was categorized as follows: 18–59 years, 60–70 years, and over 70 years (cut-points suggested by class probability trees) (see Table
1 for race, ethnicity, BMI categories, and insurance status categories). Race and ethnicity categories were based on definitions used by the National Institutes of Health.
14 The Elixhauser Comorbidity Index score was calculated using van Walraven weights
13 (S Methods) based on ICD-10 diagnoses (present vs. absent) determined via a 5-year look back pre-COVID.
Predicting Mortality
To determine the relations between vaccination status and mortality with other covariates statistically controlled, we applied generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) nesting COVID-19 patient (
j) within health system (
i), with patient-level mortality (
Yij=0 implying no death; 1=death) as the outcome. Patient-level predictors (
X) included COVID vaccination status, which was coded either as binary (
Xij1=0 implying no vaccination; 1 = any vaccination) or by the number of vaccine doses (i.e., continuous:
Xij1=0, 1, 2, or 3 doses), with the 7 patient covariates, with product variables between vaccination status and each of the patient covariates. Health system effects were reflected by a system-specific random intercept and a random slope for the vaccine effect. The resulting GLMM can be written as:
$$ logit\Pr \left({Y}_{ij}=1\right)={\beta}_0+\sum \limits_{k=1}^K{X}_{ij k}{\beta}_k+\sum \limits_{k=2}^K{X}_{ij1}{X}_{ij k}{\beta}_{K+k-1}+{b}_{i0}+{b}_{i1}{X}_{ij1} $$
β0 denotes a fixed intercept,
βk (k=1, .. K) denote fixed main effects associated with vaccination and other patient characteristics,
βk (
K+1, …2
K−1) denote fixed interaction effects of vaccination with all other patient characteristics, and
bi0 and
bi1 represent the system-specific random intercept and system-specific random vaccination slope which are assumed to follow a bivariate normal distribution with bivariate mean 0 and covariance matrix Τ. As four of the patient covariates were categorical, multivariate
χ2 tests were applied to separately evaluate the overall main effect and vaccine interaction effects of each categorical covariate. Results were consistent with the lme4 R package ( and HLM8 software
15; we report results from the HLM8, which uses a first-order penalized quasi-likelihood estimator.
A similar GLMM model was run that examined mortality rates as a function of time-since-last-vaccination (see S Methods).
To control for the correlates of vaccination status, we also report logistic regression-based adjustments of the mortality rate estimates accounting for differences in the multivariable distribution of the 7 patient covariates between vaccinated and unvaccinated patients. The adjusted proportions represent the expected mortality rates if the vaccinated and unvaccinated patients shared the same covariate distribution, here defined by the pooled covariate distribution of the vaccinated and unvaccinated patients within month. An additional analysis using covariate adjustment tested an interaction between number of vaccination doses (0–3) and whether or not the patient had an ICD-10 immunocompromised or immunosuppressed condition. This led to determination of mortality rates in a subpopulation from which patients with such diagnoses were removed.
In this large, diverse sample of 86,732 patients with COVID-19 hospitalized from January 1, 2021, to January 31, 2022, vaccination for COVID-19 was associated with significantly reduced mortality. Overall, in analyses in which results were adjusted for covariates that are often associated with COVID-19 severity,
17‐19 the mortality rates were 5.1% and 8.3% for vaccinated and unvaccinated patients, respectively. When patients were “restricted” to those who had no immune compromised or suppressed diagnoses, the association between the number of vaccination doses and mortality became somewhat stronger. Thus, in the Restricted subsample, the adjusted mortality rate for patients who were not immunized was 7.9% while it was only 3.5% in those who had received three vaccine doses. This underscores the value of additional vaccine doses or booster vaccinations even among patients sufficiently ill so as to require hospitalization
Results showed that vaccination rates differed significantly across the study period for different patient groups. Patient groups that were especially likely to be vaccinated were those of older age (60 and older), those on Medicare, and those with higher comorbidity scores, groups that were targeted for early vaccination. In contrast, Black and Hispanic individuals tended to have relatively low vaccination rates
9 over the study period but also showed the greatest rate of increase over time. Patients on Medicaid and severely obese patients also had low rates of vaccination relative to their comparison conditions. Thus, the findings highlight populations that may benefit from targeting in future vaccination efforts, although these data do not reflect population-based vaccination rates. Relatively low vaccination rates have also been reported for younger, Black, and Hispanic individuals in population-based studies.
With statistical adjustment for the covariates, mortality was associated with risk factors for COVID-19 severity identified in earlier research,
17‐19 e.g., older age, comorbid conditions, and male sex. Data were also examined for interactions between covariate categories and vaccination status (vaccinated vs. non-vaccinated). In analyses adjusting for multiple covariates, results showed significantly less reduction in vaccination-related mortality in Black patients versus While patients and significantly greater reduction in mortality in older patients and the obese and severely obese. Black and White patients had similar mortality rates when vaccinated, but when unvaccinated, White patients had significantly higher rates. Most previous research suggests that Black individuals tend to benefit from vaccination as much as White individuals, but little research has been done on this issue in hospitalized samples. One study using a patient population from a single large health system suggests fairly equivalent short-term vaccine effectiveness in Black and White patients as measured by infection rates.
22 An additional study
7 of US military veterans reported no significant difference between Black and White individuals in the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination in reducing likelihood of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 infection. We conducted a series of analyses to determine if patterns of individual comorbidities or other risk factors might account for this race difference but no strong evidence was found. More research is needed to understand this difference in mortality risk as a function of race and vaccination status.
Many factors may have affected mortality and vaccine effectiveness over time, including changes in COVID-19 variant distribution, differences in populations being vaccinated, and improvements in patient care and management. Analyses examining mortality showed relatively high mortality rates after study month 7. Analyses of mortality from early (January–July 2021) and later (August 2021 to January 2022) time periods showed that mortality rates increased significantly from the first to the second period with some evidence that they did so especially for vaccinated individuals. We conducted analyses (not presented) that failed to show a meaningful relationship between increased mortality and a surge in hospital admissions. In addition, analyses showed that a time-since-vaccination covariate was only modestly related to mortality (S: Time Since Vaccination) suggesting that this factor was not an important determinant of the increase in mortality among vaccinated patients. The second 6-month time period captures a period of relative elevation of delta variant prevalence (late in 2021
23,24:. Some data suggest a greater mortality risk with that variant relative to other variants that preceded and followed it (e.g., relative to the alpha variant, which preceded it
23,25 and the omicron variant, which followed it
23). In addition, some data also suggest a relatively reduced efficacy of COVID-19 vaccination against this variant versus other variants.
23,26,27 It is also the case that this study did not distinguish between patients hospitalized primarily for COVID-19 versus for other causes (cf.
23) because we were interested in the likelihood of mortality among all patients diagnosed with COVID-19, not just those hospitalized primarily for COVID-19. The temporal patterns of mortality observed in this study may have changed had analyses been restricted to the latter group of patients. For instance, during the period of delta variant prominence, a greater proportion of patients may have been hospitalized primarily because of COVID-19 versus for other reasons, meaning that mortality was more likely to reflect severe COVID-19 during that time.
Limitations of this work include the fact that EHR data would not reflect vaccination that was not recorded in the health system EHR
9,28 Also, mortality rates reflect all-cause mortality; some deaths may have occurred for reasons other than COVID-19 infection. Deaths outside of the healthcare systems and that occurred post-discharge were not available. Additionally, data on hospital features and care and staffing patterns at hospitals were unavailable as were data on type of COVID-19 variants infecting patients. We did not control for laboratory tests of COVID or COVID symptoms since we did not want to control disease severity.
In sum, analyses of a large, diverse sample of over 80,000 COVID-19 patients hospitalized from January 1, 2021, to January 31, 2022, in 21 US health systems demonstrated about a 40% decline in in-hospital mortality among all patients who had received any vaccination as compared with unvaccinated patients. Vaccination reduced the likelihood of mortality by more than half among patients who had three vaccine doses and who were not immune compromised or suppressed. Vaccination was associated with especially large reductions in mortality in obese, severely obese, and older patients, encouraging additional efforts to increase vaccination rates in such patient groups. Unfortunately, increased mortality rates were observed among hospitalized patients late in the 1-year study period, especially among vaccinated patients. This increase deserves additional research attention.
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