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Emergency Radiology

Ausgabe 2/2022

Inhalt (21 Artikel)

The use of ultrasound in establishing COVID-19 infection as part of a trauma evaluation

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  • COVID-19
  • Original Article

Jose Diaz-Miron, Marina L. Reppucci, Jason Weinman, Alexander Kaizer, Aparna Annam, Jonathan Orsborn, Lauren Steward, Juliana Wilson, Denis Bensard

Retrospective analysis of the application of CT scan in the emergency department to screen clinically asymptomatic COVID-19 before hospital admission

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  • COVID-19
  • Original Article

Giovanni Volpicelli, Thomas Fraccalini, Matteo Barba, Claudia Fischetto, Guido Maggiani, Andrea Veltri, Luciano Cardinale

Prognostic findings for ICU admission in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia: baseline and follow-up chest CT and the added value of artificial intelligence

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  • COVID-19
  • Review Article

Maria Elena Laino, Angela Ammirabile, Ludovica Lofino, Dara Joseph Lundon, Arturo Chiti, Marco Francone, Victor Savevski

Vascular findings in CTA body and extremity of critically ill COVID-19 patients: commonly encountered vascular complications with review of literature

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  • COVID-19
  • Review Article

Emerson E. Lee, Anna J. Gong, Rakhee S. Gawande, Elliot K. Fishman, Harshna V. Vadvala

Retrospective analysis of the sonographic and computed tomographic features of gallbladder empyema

  • Original Article

Isa Azzaki Zainal, Thean Yean Kew, Hairol Azrin Othman

Utilization of CT angiography of the head and neck in the era of endovascular therapy for acute ischemic stroke: a retrospective study

  • Original Article

Leila Salehi, Jeff Jaskolka, Marc Ossip, Prashant Phalpher, Rahim Valani, Mathew Mercuri

A multicenter evaluation of the accuracy of prehospital eFAST by a physician-staffed helicopter emergency medical service

  • Original Article

Christopher Partyka, Andrew Coggins, Jimmy Bliss, Brian Burns, Michele Fiorentino, Pierre Goorkiz, Matthew Miller

Clinical significance of “positive” cervical spine MRI findings following a negative CT

  • Original Article

Bharti Khurana, Abhishek Keraliya, George Velmahos, Adrian A. Maung, Christopher M. Bono, Mitchel B. Harris

Detection of acute rib fractures on CT images with convolutional neural networks: effect of location and type of fracture and reader’s experience

  • Original Article

Minako Azuma, Hiroshi Nakada, Mizuki Takei, Keigo Nakamura, Shigehiko Katsuragawa, Norihiro Shinkawa, Tamasa Terada, Rie Masuda, Youhei Hattori, Takakazu Ide, Aya Kimura, Mei Shimomura, Masatsugu Kawano, Kengo Matsumura, Takayuki Meiri, Hidenobu Ochiai, Toshinori Hirai

Shortened total spine MRI protocol in the detection of spinal cord compression and pathology for emergent settings: a noninferiority study

  • Original Article

Yu-Ming Chang, Seyed Amir Ebrahimzadeh, Harry Griffin, Rafeeque A. Bhadelia

Deep learning versus iterative image reconstruction algorithm for head CT in trauma

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

Zlatan Alagic, Jacqueline Diaz Cardenas, Kolbeinn Halldorsson, Vitali Grozman, Stig Wallgren, Chikako Suzuki, Johan Helmenkamp, Seppo K. Koskinen

Increased relative risk of delayed hemorrhage in patients taking anticoagulant/antiplatelet medications with concurrent aspirin therapy: implications for clinical practice based on 3-year retrospective analysis in a large health system

  • Original Article

Warren Chang, Danielle Yin, Charles Li, Brian Weston, Albert Sohn, Christian Wanamaker, Matthew Kulzer, Tyson Tragon, Michael Spearman, Laura Eisenmenger, Michael Goldberg

Parenchymal echotexture changes as a predictor of viability in testicular torsion

  • Original Article

Dan Halevy, Natalia Simanovsky, Namma Lev-Cohain, Jacob Sosna, Nurith Hiller, Mordechai Duvdevani, Ofer N. Gofrit, Guy Hidas

Deep learning prediction of sex on chest radiographs: a potential contributor to biased algorithms

  • Original Article

David Li, Cheng Ting Lin, Jeremias Sulam, Paul H. Yi

The utility of spectral Doppler evaluation of acute appendicitis

  • Original Article

Tahereh Bakhshandeh, Abdulbaset Maleknejad, Narges Sargolzaie, Amin Mashhadi, Mohadeseh Zadehmir

Accidental or intentional ingestion of toothbrushes: experience with 8 adult patients

  • Original Article

Gary G. Ghahremani, Katherine M. Richman

Transfer patient imaging: discordances between community and subspecialist emergency radiologists

  • Original Article

Michael G. Flowers, Garvit D. Khatri, Jeffrey D. Robinson

Pediatric skull fractures: could suture contact be a sign of abuse?

  • Original Article

Berna Uçan, Oğuzhan Tokur, Sonay Aydın

Interventional radiology in renal emergencies: a pictorial essay

  • Pictorial Essay

Rachel Stein, Saeed Bashir, Joanna Kee-Sampson

Correction to: Detection of acute rib fractures on CT images with convolutional neural networks: effect of location and type of fracture and reader’s experience

  • Correction

Minako Azuma, Hiroshi Nakada, Mizuki Takei, Keigo Nakamura, Shigehiko Katsuragawa, Norihiro Shinkawa, Tamasa Terada, Rie Masuda, Youhei Hattori, Takakazu Ide, Aya Kimura, Mei Shimomura, Masatsugu Kawano, Kengo Matsumura, Takayuki Meiri, Hidenobu Ochiai, Toshinori Hirai

Neu im Fachgebiet Radiologie

Abdominale CT bei Kindern: 40% mit Zufallsbefunden

Wird bei Kindern mit stumpfem Trauma eine CT des Bauchraums veranlasst, sind in rund 40% der Fälle Auffälligkeiten zu sehen, die nichts mit dem Trauma zu tun haben. Die allerwenigsten davon sind klinisch relevant.

Genügt die biparametrische MRT für die Prostatadiagnostik?

Die multiparametrische Magnetresonanztomografie hat einen festen Platz im Screening auf klinisch signifikante Prostatakarzinome. Ob auch ein biparametrisches Vorgehen ausreicht, ist in einer Metaanalyse untersucht worden.

Höhere Trefferquoten bei Brustkrebsscreening dank KI?

Künstliche Intelligenz unterstützt bei der Auswertung von Mammografie-Screenings und senkt somit den Arbeitsaufwand für Radiologen. Wie wirken sich diese Technologien auf die Trefferquote und die Falsch-positiv-Rate aus? Das hat jetzt eine Studie aus Schweden untersucht.

KI-gestütztes Mammografiescreening überzeugt im Praxistest

Mit dem Einsatz künstlicher Intelligenz lässt sich die Detektionsrate im Mammografiescreening offenbar deutlich steigern. Mehr unnötige Zusatzuntersuchungen sind laut der Studie aus Deutschland nicht zu befürchten.

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