Ausgabe 1/2023
Inhalt (18 Artikel)
A century of exercise physiology: lung fluid balance during and following exercise
- Open Access
- Invited Review
Giuseppe Miserocchi, Egidio Beretta
A century of exercise physiology: key concepts in muscle energetics
- Open Access
- Invited Review
C. J. Barclay
Interrater reliability of a customized submaximal cycle ergometer test
- Original Article
M. A. Kantor, S. Fretti, C. Gubler, M. Kramer, R. W. Pettitt
Active warm-up and time-of-day effects on repeated-sprint performance and post-exercise recovery
- Original Article
Adriano A. L. Carmo, Karine N. O. Goulart, Christian E. T. Cabido, Ygor A. T. Martins, Gabriela C. F. Santos, Felipe L. T. Shang, Luciano S. Prado, Danusa D. Soares, Marco T. de Mello, Thiago T. Mendes, Emerson Silami-Garcia, Samuel P. Wanner
The influence of reduced foot dorsum cutaneous sensitivity on the vestibular control of balance
- Original Article
Mathew I. B. Debenham, Hogun J. Kang, Stephen S. Cheung, Brian H. Dalton
A randomized, cross-over trial assessing effects of beverage sodium concentration on plasma sodium concentration and plasma volume during prolonged exercise in the heat
- Open Access
- Original Article
L. A. J. Wijering, J. D. Cotter, N. J. Rehrer
Dietary nitrate supplementation enhances heavy load carriage performance in military cadets
- Original Article
Nicholas C. Bordonie, Michael J. Saunders, Joaquin Ortiz de Zevallos, Stephanie P. Kurti, Nicholas D. Luden, Jenny H. Crance, Daniel A. Baur
Ratings of perceived exertion from a submaximal 20-m shuttle run test predict peak oxygen uptake in children and the test feels better
- Open Access
- Original Article
Daiki Kasai, Margarita D. Tsiros, Roger Eston, Gaynor Parfitt
The physiological, perceptual and neuromuscular responses of team sport athletes to a running and cycling high intensity interval training session
- Open Access
- Original Article
Craig Twist, Richard Bott, Jamie Highton
Mixed circuit training acutely reduces arterial stiffness in patients with chronic stroke: a crossover randomized controlled trial
- Original Article
André C. Michalski, Arthur S. Ferreira, Adrian W. Midgley, Victor A. B. Costa, Guilherme F. Fonseca, Nádia S. L. da Silva, Juliana Borges, Sandra A. Billinger, Felipe A. Cunha
Interactions between monthly training volume, frequency and running distance per workout on marathon time
- Original Article
Akihiko Yamaguchi, Miku Shouji, Akane Akizuki, Koshiro Inoue, Takemune Fukuie, Kunihiro Sakuma, Isao Morita
Dopamine/BDNF loss underscores narcosis cognitive impairment in divers: a proof of concept in a dry condition
- Open Access
- Original Article
Gerardo Bosco, Tommaso Antonio Giacon, Nazareno Paolocci, Alessandra Vezzoli, Cinzia Della Noce, Matteo Paganini, Jacopo Agrimi, Giacomo Garetto, Danilo Cialoni, Natalie D’Alessandro, Enrico M. Camporesi, Simona Mrakic-Sposta
Physiological adaptations following vigorous exercise and moderate exercise with superimposed electrical stimulation
- Original Article
Kohei Watanabe, Akane Yoshimura, Hiroya Nojima, Tetsuya Hirono, Shun Kunugi, Tatsuya Takada, Shuhei Kawade, Toshio Moritani
Individual physiological responses to changes in shoe bending stiffness: a cluster analysis study on 96 runners
- Original Article
Mickael Chollet, Samuel Michelet, Nicolas Horvais, Sebastien Pavailler, Marlene Giandolini
Acute response of biomarkers in plasma from capillary blood after a strenuous endurance exercise bout
- Open Access
- Original Article
Thomas Reichel, Steffen Held, Anthony Schwarz, Sebastian Hacker, Fabian Wesemann, Lars Donath, Karsten Krüger
Methodological considerations for the determination of VO2max in healthy men
- Original Article
Pasquale J. Succi, Brian Benitez, Minyoung Kwak, Haley C. Bergstrom
High-intensity interval training: optimizing oxygen consumption and time to exhaustion taking advantage of the exponential reconstitution behaviour of D’
- Open Access
- Original Article
Filippo Vaccari, Jacopo Stafuzza, Nicola Giovanelli, Stefano Lazzer
Flawed analysis and erroneous interpretations of the critical power concept: response to Mr. Dotan
- Letter to the Editor
Mark Burnley