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International Journal of Hematology

2001 - 2025
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International Journal of Hematology OnlineFirst articles

Über diese Zeitschrift

This official journal of the Japanese Society of Hematology covers all aspects of the field of hematology, namely, erythrocytes, leukocytes and hematopoiesis, hemostasis, thrombosis and vascular biology, hematological malignancies, transplantation, and cell therapy.

The International Journal of Hematology has a long history of publishing leading research in the field. It features articles that contribute to progress in research not only in basic hematology but also in clinical hematology. The expanded Progress in Hematology section integrates such relevant fields as the cell biology of stem cells and cancer cells, and clinical research in inflammation, cancer, and thrombosis. In addition, the journal includes reports on results of clinical trials, which help foster communication among researchers in the growing field of modern hematology.

The journal provides the best of up-to-date information on modern hematology, presenting readers with high-impact, original work focusing on pivotal issues.

Color figures are free in print and online.

International Journal of Hematology
Volume 73/2001 - Volume 121/2025
Springer Nature Singapore
Elektronische ISSN
Print ISSN

Neu im Fachgebiet Onkologie

Frühe CLL-Therapie: BTK-Hemmer verlängert EFS und PFS, aber nicht OS

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