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12.07.2023 | Breast Oncology

Intraoperative Pathology Assessment May Lead to Overtreatment of the Axilla in Clinically Node-Negative Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Upfront Mastectomy

verfasst von: Robert M. Pride, MD, Charity C. Glass, MD, MPP, Faina Nakhlis, MD, Alison Laws, MD, MPH, Anna C. Weiss, MD, Jennifer R. Bellon, MD, Elizabeth A. Mittendorf, MD, PhD, MHCM, Tari A. King, MD, Olga Kantor, MD, MS

Erschienen in: Annals of Surgical Oncology | Ausgabe 10/2023

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Randomized trials have established the safety of observation or axillary radiation (AxRT) as an alternative to axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) in patients with limited nodal disease who undergo upfront surgery. Variability remains in axillary management strategies in cN0 patients undergoing mastectomy found to have one to two positive sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs). We examined the impact of intraoperative pathology assessment in axillary management in a national cohort of AMAROS-eligible mastectomy patients.


The National Cancer Database was used to identify AMAROS-eligible cT1-2N0 breast cancer patients undergoing upfront mastectomy and SLN biopsy (SLNB) and found to have one to two positive SLNs, from 2018 to 2019. We constructed a variable defining intraoperative pathology as ‘not performed/not acted on’ if ALND was either not performed or performed at a later date than SLNB, or ‘performed/acted on’ if SLNB and ALND were completed on the same day. Adjusted multivariable analysis examined predictors of treatment with both ALND and AxRT.


Overall, 8222 patients with cT1-2N0 disease underwent upfront mastectomy and had one to two positive SLNs. Intraoperative pathology was performed/acted on in 3057 (37.2%) patients. These patients were significantly more likely to have both ALND and AxRT than those without intraoperative pathology (41.0% vs. 4.9%; p < 0.001). On multivariate analysis, the strongest predictor of receiving both ALND and AxRT was use of intraoperative pathology (odds ratio 8.99, 95% confidence interval 7.70–10.5; p < 0.001).


We advocate that consideration should be made for omission of routine intraoperative pathology in mastectomy patients likely to be recommended postmastectomy radiation to minimize axillary overtreatment with both ALND and AxRT in appropriate patients.
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Intraoperative Pathology Assessment May Lead to Overtreatment of the Axilla in Clinically Node-Negative Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Upfront Mastectomy
verfasst von
Robert M. Pride, MD
Charity C. Glass, MD, MPP
Faina Nakhlis, MD
Alison Laws, MD, MPH
Anna C. Weiss, MD
Jennifer R. Bellon, MD
Elizabeth A. Mittendorf, MD, PhD, MHCM
Tari A. King, MD
Olga Kantor, MD, MS
Springer International Publishing
Erschienen in
Annals of Surgical Oncology / Ausgabe 10/2023
Print ISSN: 1068-9265
Elektronische ISSN: 1534-4681

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