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Ophthalmology and Therapy

2012 - 2025
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Ausgabe 3/2025
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Über diese Zeitschrift

Ophthalmology and Therapy is an international, open access, peer-reviewed, rapid publication journal (peer review in 2 weeks, published 3–4 weeks from acceptance). The journal is dedicated to the publication of high-quality preclinical, clinical (all phases), observational, real-world, and health outcomes research around the discovery, development, and use of ophthalmological therapies, devices, and surgical techniques. Studies relating to diagnosis, pharmacoeconomics, public health, quality of life, and patient care, management, and education are also encouraged.

The journal is of interest to a broad audience of pharmaceutical and healthcare professionals and publishes original research, reviews, case reports, and short communications. The journal appeals to a global audience and receives submissions from all over the world.

Moving forward from traditional publishing, Ophthalmology and Therapy offers a range of additional enhanced features designed to increase visibility, readership, and the educational value of the content. Each paper is accompanied by a bulleted Summary slide, giving a time-efficient overview of the content to a wide readership. Articles also have the option to include various other types of enhanced features including slide sets, videos and animations. All enhanced features are open access and are peer reviewed to the same high standard as the article itself.

Ophthalmology and Therapy is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial License, which allows users to read, copy, distribute, and make derivative works for non-commercial purposes from the material, as long as the author of the original work is cited. The author assigns the exclusive right to any commercial use of the article to Springer. For more information about the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial License, click here:

Upon acceptance of your article for publication, you will be required to pay the article processing charge of £210/$330 per printed page. This will enable you to keep the copyright; you are simply assigning the exclusive right to any commercial use of the article to Springer. Your article will be immediately and permanently available with open access.

For more information about the journal, please contact or see the News page for the latest journal offers.

Ophthalmology and Therapy
Volume 1/2012 - Volume 14/2025
Springer Healthcare
Elektronische ISSN
Print ISSN

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Neu im Fachgebiet Innere Medizin

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Antikoagulation bei Vorhofflimmern: Sind DOAK noch zu toppen?

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EKG Essentials: EKG befunden mit System (Link öffnet in neuem Fenster)

In diesem CME-Kurs können Sie Ihr Wissen zur EKG-Befundung anhand von zwölf Video-Tutorials auffrischen und 10 CME-Punkte sammeln.
Praxisnah, relevant und mit vielen Tipps & Tricks vom Profi.

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