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06.11.2019 | Original Article

A Brief Worry Reappraisal Paradigm (REAP) Increases Coping with Worries

verfasst von: Nehjla M. Mashal, Sherry A. Beaudreau, Michael A. Hernandez, Rachel Cackler Duller, Holly Romaniak, Ki Eun Shin, Ken A. Paller, Richard E. Zinbarg

Erschienen in: Cognitive Therapy and Research | Ausgabe 1/2020

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The current study examined a novel computerized cognitive reappraisal paradigm (REAP) for worry management in college-aged adults with a range of PSWQ scores (n = 98). Participants listed three current worries and were randomized to either REAP or a worry condition. For the REAP condition, participants selected positive reappraisal statements of their worries over negative ones. Before and after completing the reappraisal or worry task, participants discussed each worry. Participants rated their worries on coping ability, distress, and probability the worry would materialize. Relative to worry, the REAP group rated an increase in ability to cope with their worries whereas the results failed to provide evidence for a similar increase among the worry group. If similar findings emerge in clinical populations, REAP may eventually serve as a useful tool in augmenting cognitive behavioral therapy protocols.
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A Brief Worry Reappraisal Paradigm (REAP) Increases Coping with Worries
verfasst von
Nehjla M. Mashal
Sherry A. Beaudreau
Michael A. Hernandez
Rachel Cackler Duller
Holly Romaniak
Ki Eun Shin
Ken A. Paller
Richard E. Zinbarg
Springer US
Erschienen in
Cognitive Therapy and Research / Ausgabe 1/2020
Print ISSN: 0147-5916
Elektronische ISSN: 1573-2819

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