Ausgabe 6/2016
Inhalt (27 Artikel)
Muscle dysfunction in type 2 diabetes: a major threat to patient’s mobility and independence
- Review Article
Lara Bianchi, Stefano Volpato
Plasma fatty acid-binding protein 4 (FABP4) as a novel biomarker to predict gestational diabetes mellitus
- Original Article
Hui Ning, Hong Tao, Zhanping Weng, Xingbo Zhao
Identification of four novel mutations of the WFS1 gene in Iranian Wolfram syndrome pedigrees
- Original Article
Martha Ghahraman, Mohammad Reza Abbaszadegan, Rahim Vakili, Sousan Hosseini, Fatemeh Fardi Golyan, Nosrat Ghaemi, Mohammad Mahdi Forghanifard
Lipid and inflammatory biomarker profiles in early insulin resistance
- Original Article
Itahisa Marcelino Rodríguez, José Oliva García, José Juan Alemán Sánchez, Delia Almeida González, Santiago Domínguez Coello, Buenaventura Brito Díaz, Fadoua Gannar, María del Cristo Rodríguez Pérez , Roberto Elosua, Antonio Cabrera de León
Replication of genome-wide association signals in Asian Indians with early-onset type 2 diabetes
- Original Article
Manickam Chidambaram, Samuel Liju, Banshi Saboo, Kumpatla Sathyavani, Vijay Viswanathan, Nathan Pankratz, Myron Gross, Viswanathan Mohan, Venkatesan Radha
Vascular or chronological age: which is the better marker to estimate the cardiovascular risk in patients with type 1 diabetes?
- Original Article
Carlos Roberto Moraes de Andrade Jr, Eliete Leão Clemente Silva, Maria de Fátima Bevilaqua da Matta, Marcia Bueno Castier, Maria Luiza Garcia Rosa, Marília Brito Gomes
A stable isotope method for in vivo assessment of human insulin synthesis and secretion
- Open Access
- Original Article
Sjaam Jainandunsing, Joram N. I. van Miert, Trinet Rietveld, J. L. Darcos Wattimena, Eric J. G. Sijbrands, Felix W. M. de Rooij
Insulin resistance is associated with the aggressiveness of pancreatic ductal carcinoma
- Original Article
Erica Dugnani, Gianpaolo Balzano, Valentina Pasquale, Marina Scavini, Francesca Aleotti, Daniela Liberati, Gaetano Di Terlizzi, Alessandra Gandolfi, Giovanna Petrella, Michele Reni, Claudio Doglioni, Emanuele Bosi, Massimo Falconi, Lorenzo Piemonti
Effects of the neuroprotective drugs somatostatin and brimonidine on retinal cell models of diabetic retinopathy
- Original Article
Elena Beltramo, Tatiana Lopatina, Aurora Mazzeo, Ana I. Arroba, Angela M. Valverde, Cristina Hernández, Rafael Simó, Massimo Porta
Prolonged episodes of hypoglycaemia in HNF4A-MODY mutation carriers with IGT. Evidence of persistent hyperinsulinism into early adulthood
- Original Article
S. Bacon, M. P. Kyithar, E. M. Condron, N. Vizzard, M. Burke, M. M. Byrne
Glycated albumin indicates peripheral diabetic neuropathy
- Original Article
Nana Wang, Chuanji Guo, Ping Han, Tiegang Li
Acute-phase proteins and incidence of diabetes: a population-based cohort study
- Open Access
- Original Article
Iram Faqir Muhammad, Yan Borné, Bo Hedblad, Peter M. Nilsson, Margaretha Persson, Gunnar Engström
Insulin pump-associated adverse events are common, but not associated with glycemic control, socio-economic status, or pump/infusion set type
- Original Article
P Ross, AR Gray, J Milburn, IM Kumarasamy, F Wu, S Farrand, J Armishaw, E Wiltshire, J Rayns, P Tomlinson, BJ Wheeler
Statin-induced improvements in vulnerable plaques are attenuated in poorly controlled diabetic patients with coronary atherosclerosis disease: a serial optical coherence tomography analysis
- Original Article
Nana Dong, Zulong Xie, Jiannan Dai, Wei Wang, Rong Sun, Yefei Zhan, Meng Sun, Jinwei Tian, Bo Yu
Does the hospitalization after a cancer diagnosis modify adherence to process indicators of diabetes care quality?
- Original Article
Laura Policardo, Alessandro Barchielli, Giuseppe Seghieri, Paolo Francesconi
Evaluating the effect of knowledge, attitude and practice on self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes
- Original Article
Ronak Karbalaeifar, Sara Kazempour-Ardebili, Parisa Amiri, Shima Ghannadi, Zhale Tahmasebinejad, Atieh Amouzegar
Sex ratio at birth is associated with type 1 diabetes characteristics
- Original Article
Apolonia García-Patterson, Inka Miñambres, Juan María Adelantado, Ignasi Gich, Teresa Puig, Alberto de Leiva, Rosa Corcoy
A novel insulin sensitivity index particularly suitable to measure insulin sensitivity during gestation
- Original Article
Robert Wagner, Louise Fritsche, Martin Heni, Ellen Fehlert, Norbert Stefan, Harald Staiger, Hans-Ulrich Häring, Andreas Fritsche
Urinary albumin excretion correlates with carotid intima-media thickness in offspring of patients with type 2 diabetes and albuminuria
- Short Communication
Simonetta Bacci, Alessia Gargano, Antonia di Lorenzo, Angela De Matthaeis, Pamela Piscitelli, Antonio Pacilli, Gianluigi Vendemiale, Salvatore De Cosmo
Tumor necrosis factor alpha increases following sleep in young adults with type 1 diabetes
- Short Communication
Sarah S. Farabi, David W. Carley, Rand T. Akasheh, Lauretta Quinn
Reference intervals for HbA1c partitioned for gender and age: a multicenter study
- Short Communication
M. Pieri, S. Pignalosa, R. Zenobi, C. Callà, F. G. Martino, G. Menichella, F. Mancina, U. Moscato, G. Nocca, H. Khashoggi, S. Bernardini, M. Dessì, N. Di Daniele
Blood levels of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in a patient with a flat glucose curve
- Case Report
Roberto Barbosa Bazotte, Any de Castro Ruiz Marques, Maria Angélica Rafaini Covas Pereira da Silva, Tuane Krupek, Wilson Eik Filho
Biventricular takotsubo cardiomyopathy in an elderly woman with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes: the biphasic echocardiographic and clinical pattern
- Case Report
Janusz Kochanowski, Radoslaw Piatkowski, Monika Budnik, Mariusz Jasik, Marek Roik, Grzegorz Opolski
Erratum to: Biventricular takotsubo cardiomyopathy in an elderly woman with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes: the biphasic echocardiographic and clinical pattern
- Erratum
Janusz Kochanowski, Radoslaw Piatkowski, Monika Budnik, Mariusz Jasik, Marek Roik, Grzegorz Opolski
Hamman’s syndrome triggered by the onset of type 1 diabetes mellitus accompanied by diabetic ketoacidosis
- Open Access
- Letter to the Editor
Shinji Kamei, Hideaki Kaneto, Akihito Tanabe, Ryo Shigemoto, Shintaro Irie, Yurie Hirata, Maiko Takai, Kenji Kohara, Masashi Shimoda, Tomoatsu Mune, Kohei Kaku