Cutaneous melanoma results from malignant mutation of melanocytes, the melanin-producing cells from the basal layer of the epidermis. Although melanoma only constitutes 4% of all cutaneous cancer, this malignancy leads to over 80% of skin cancer-related mortality due to its invasive potential of metastasis. The incidence of melanoma continuously rose in the past decades in developed, primarily fair-skinned countries [
1]. In the United States, the rise in melanoma incidence has occurred faster than any other tumor to represent the fifth most common cancer diagnosis [
3]. While the likelihood of developing melanoma typically rises with advancing age, this condition is also a prominent contributor to cancer among the young, and its increasing occurrence presents a significant concern for public health burden, especially regarding years of life lost by affected individuals [
4]. This pattern further underscores the importance of ensuring optimal care for MM patients.
Significant variations in the incidence of melanoma have been observed across different countries and regions worldwide. The highest rates of occurrence are found among populations with fair skin, specifically in Oceania, Western and Northern Europe, and North America. Conversely, melanoma remains relatively rare in the majority of regions in Africa, South and Central America, and Asia. However, there has reported a shift in the burden of melanoma in recent years toward the transitioning regions [
5]. Some Latin American countries, such as Colombia and Mexico, have reported a significant increase in melanoma cases in recent years compared to 1990 [
7]. Factors contributing to the rising prevalence may comprise the lengthening of human lifespan, insufficient prevention and early detection initiatives, strained national healthcare systems, and inadequate supporting systems for clinical research [
8]. In addition, developing countries, specifically in Asia and Africa, experience a higher fatality rate associated with melanoma. While Asia accounted for only 7.3% of all observed cases, a disproportionately high 21.0% of all melanoma-related deaths were reported from this region. In comparison, Oceania accounted for 5.9% of all melanoma cases, and the global deaths attributed to Oceania were only 3.4% [
An important challenge facing modern healthcare systems is the unequal division of quality of cancer care. A cohort study conducted by Zheng et al. using the SEER database affirmed that within the U.S., Asians and Pacific Islanders have a significantly lower risk of developing melanoma but poorer overall survival and disease-specific survival rates for melanoma as compared to Fitzpatrick type I skin types, primarily due to delayed diagnosis and treatment [
9]. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines quality of care (QoC) as the provision of healthcare services that improve desired health outcomes for individuals and populations through effective, efficient, and safe means [
10]. However, the quality of care for MM on a national, regional and global level remained unclear. Given the significant differences in melanoma incidence and mortality and the limited literature on its quality of care in developing countries, there is a need to comprehensively investigate the quality of care index (QCI) specific to melanoma that across different world regions, genders and ages. This comprehensive and comparative study of QCI has the potential to provide experts and policymakers with a worldwide visualization of the current melanoma quality of care status and raise public health awareness, leading to possible interventions and strategies to resolve existing inequalities in healthcare access and improve the quality of care in regions with low-quality care in the future.
This study aimed to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the quality of care and disparities associated with malignant melanoma (MM) on global, national and regional scales using the validated quality of care index. The analysis of data from the Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD) 2019 revealed both positive and concerning trends pertaining to the burden and quality of care for MM. On a positive note, a declining trend in the age-standardized disability-adjusted life years and mortality rates was observed for MM between the years 1990 and 2019. However, despite these improvements, there was a concerning upward trend observed in the all-age mortality and DALYs for MM over the same period, suggesting an increased overall burden of MM. The rationale behind this divergent trend may be attributed to improved life expectancy and the demographic shift towards population aging, alongside potential contributions from enhanced awareness, surveillance, and earlier detection practices.
The gender disparity in the quality of care of MM was estimated to be modest on a global level. Nevertheless, a notable finding of the study was that female MM patients generally have a better quality of care compared to their male counterparts in most countries. One primary explanation for this observation is the fact that MM is frequently diagnosed at an earlier stage in women. In general, females often exhibit a greater emphasis on maintaining skin health and on regular skin examinations, which enables the detection of melanomas at a younger age, facilitating earlier intervention and more effective treatment outcomes [
21]. In comparison, males typically possess less knowledge regarding skin health and are less likely to engage in self-checks or seek regular visits to dermatologists [
22]. The discrepancies are further described in diagnostic delays in males as manifested in their increased Breslow thickness, older age and higher AJCC stage at initial diagnosis [
23]. However, better survival outcomes were consistently observed in females even after adjusting for the factors including diagnosis delays, age, and Breslow thickness [
26], arguing for an intrinsic biological sex advantage in women. A large-cohort study of 10,538 MM patients conducted by de Vries et al. revealed that men overall had a worse relative excess risk (RER) of mortality as compared to women (RER 2.70, 95% CI 2.38–3.06) [
25]. Several hypotheses have been proposed regarding biological sex differences in relation to melanoma, such as the impact of estrogen receptor expression [
27] and variances in the ability to neutralize oxidative stress [
29]. Exploring the biological factors that underlie gender differences in melanoma prognosis could have important implications as it may provide insights into the mechanisms driving divergent melanoma survival outcomes and be applied in prognosis evaluation and even in potentially devising targeted therapy. For public health, these findings also emphasize the need for targeted programs to address the specific challenges faced by men in preventing, detecting and managing melanoma.
The positive correlation between SDI and QCI in the analysis aligns with expectations because of the availability of early diagnosis, high-quality care, screening and preventative programs, and the concentration of scientific efforts in countries with higher SDI to improve melanoma outcomes. Conversely, individuals in low SDI countries may face challenges in accessing optimal care for melanoma. Additionally, in many low SDI regions, healthcare priorities may need to focus more on communicable diseases due to their high prevalence and disease burden (such as malaria, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and various neglected tropical diseases) [
30], which could impact the allocation of resources and attention given to cancer care. However, there was a consistent gradual increase in QCI in regions of lower SDI, but minimal improvement was observed in the QCI for the high SDI group for the last ten years. Despite the quickest access to advanced therapies in high SDI countries, this stagnant QCI status suggests that scientific advancements in melanoma in recent years have not significantly improve the overall quality of care for melanoma patients in high SDI region yet.
Countries with favorable QCI scores can offer valuable insights for policymakers seeking to improve the quality of care for melanoma through the implementation of preventative and educational programs. Australia, as ‘the sunburnt country’, has implemented multiple effective skin cancer programs, such as the renowned ‘SunSmart’ program that emphasized sun protection measures, such as wearing protective clothing, using sunscreen, seeking shade, and undergoing regular skin checks [
32]. Mass media resources were applied to raise awareness and promote preventative behaviors, targeting both the general population and specific high-risk groups, such as teenagers and outdoor workers [
33]. The messages conveyed by the campaign are further reinforced by comprehensive social supportive systems, including the availability of outdoor shading and access to quality sun-protection products. Early detection has also been a key focus, with efforts directed toward improving skin cancer detection and diagnosis among general practitioners, as well as establishing accessible skin cancer clinics throughout the country [
33]. Ultimately, achieving high quality of care for MM requires a multi-faceted approach that encompasses healthcare infrastructure improvement, education, research, and advocacy for affordable and accessible healthcare services.
Another example of a multicomponent melanoma campaign is Euromelanoma, with over 85% of the participating countries achieving high QCI or remarkable improvements. This pan-European campaign prioritizes the prevention, risk-factor identification and early diagnosis of skin cancers [
34]. Annual free skin screenings are promoted, and standardized questionnaires were used for data on skin cancer demographics and risk factors, which have informed concrete legislative actions against tanning beds [
35]. Additionally, its comprehensive online resources have been informing about skin cancer prevention and risk factors, as well as the self-examinations of the skin to the European public [
36]. Tailoring the message to address a high-risk population has proven effective in Belgium and Sweden [
37]. In Belgium, the 2007 Euromelanoma campaign targeted men over fifty, a demographic at elevated risk for melanoma mortality. A former Belgian prime minister lent his support by sharing his body image, after which this proportion of male attendance increased from 37% to 64% [
38]. Building on its prior successes, Euromelanoma's future direction lies in the further identification and understanding of melanoma risk factors across different populations [
Peru is another example of remarkable progress in melanoma healthcare, with a QCI increase from 27.14 to 65.74. The melanoma campaign in Peru is characterized by a strong legislative approach since 2003 [
39]. This involves regulations to safeguard schoolchildren by limiting activities with unprotected UVR exposure, overseeing school uniforms, and ensuring UVR exposure risk education in the curriculum. Employers are mandated to furnish sunscreens and suitable protective attire for UVR-exposed employees. Public parks are obligated to feature signs emphasizing the risks of extended UVR exposure [
39]. Additionally, their annual free mole screenings have been established as an official national event, leading to the identification of melanoma in approximately 0.74% of the 118,092 participating citizens [
However, regarding the southern African regions covering countries with QCI below 50—like Lesotho, Namibia, Botswana, and South Africa—prior GBD research on melanoma highlighted their lack of effective skin cancer prevention campaigns [
41]. As an example, while South Africa has implemented public campaigns and educational programs for melanoma prevention and self-examination, the scarcity of skin screening initiatives and the lack of clinical resources are conspicuous challenges (166 dermatologists serving a population surpassing 40 million) [
42], potentially impeding advancements in melanoma healthcare. While effective campaigns in developed countries offer substantial insights to countries striving for enhanced melanoma healthcare, it is crucial to acknowledge the significant variations in the manifestations and underlying etiology of melanoma across different regions and ethnicities [
43]. In Africa, the lower limbs were consistently reported as the most frequent site (over 70%) for overall cutaneous cancers, with a substantial proportion of melanoma being acral lentiginous melanoma [
46]. This finding implied a possible reduced contribution of ultraviolet radiation to the pathogenesis of cutaneous neoplasm in this population [
47]. For health campaigns promoting melanoma prevention in this region, the educational focus should shift partially from cultivating sun-seeking behaviour to regular skin self-examinations of the soles and legs, protective footwear, and potentially proper wound care.
The strengths of our study are evident in several aspects. Multiple important epidemiological indicators were utilized to constitute mortality-to-incidence ratio, DALYs-to-prevalence ratio, prevalence-to-incidence ratio and YLLs-to-YLDs ratio, which were then incorporated into the derivation of a single outcome-oriented objective index of quality of care. This approach enables a holistic assessment of the quality of care among countries and geographical and SDI regions as well as facilitates comparisons across age and sex.
There are also several limitations of this study. Our study shares the limitations of the GBD study as we relied on its primary data. For example, ethnic and racial inequalities could not be estimated due to the lack of available data in GBD 2019. Secondly, the GBD study relies on statistical modeling and predictive covariates in locations with limited data sources, and the accuracy of the primary indices used in the calculation of QCI for these regions should be treated more cautiously. Additionally, the potential impact of enhancements in data reporting between 1990 and 2019 should be interpreted with caution. The improvement in data reporting quality can confound the actual trend in QCI by mirroring a trend partially towards data collection. Lastly, although the application of principal component analysis (PCA) enabled an informative single variable of QCI, this method does not allow for the presentation of uncertainty values and limits the ability to assess the precision of the QCI estimates.
This systematic analysis of the quality of care for skin malignant melanoma highlights the significant regional disparities, age and gender disparities, and temporal trends observed worldwide. It underscores the need for targeted interventions, resource allocation, and addressing socio-economic disparities to improve care quality and outcomes for MM patients globally. Continued efforts to enhance care delivery, particularly in underperforming regions, are crucial to ensure equitable access and improve the overall quality of care for individuals affected by skin malignant melanoma. Harnessing the impacts of social media can serve as a powerful tool today to enhance message delivery and awareness and promote preventive measures, contributing to better care for the public and improved outcomes for MM patients.
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