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Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

Ausgabe 2/2021

Inhalt (30 Artikel)

Breast cancer patients with a negative axillary ultrasound may have clinically significant nodal metastasis

  • Review

Stephen Keelan, Anna Heeney, Eithne Downey, Aisling Hegarty, Trudi Roche, Colm Power, Neasa Ni Mhuircheartaigh, Deirdre Duke, Jennifer Kerr, Niamh Hambly, Arnold Hill

New horizons in imaging and surgical assessment of breast cancer lymph node metastasis

  • Review

Firouzeh Arjmandi, Ann Mootz, Deborah Farr, Sangeetha Reddy, Basak Dogan

Benefit of adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with special histology subtypes of triple-negative breast cancer: a systematic review

  • Review

D. Trapani, F. Giugliano, J. Uliano, V. A. A. Zia, A. Marra, G. Viale, E. Ferraro, A. Esposito, C. Criscitiello, P. D’amico, G. Curigliano

SETD2 alterations and histone H3K36 trimethylation in phyllodes tumor of breast

  • Preclinical study

Julia Y. Tsang, Sui-Ting Lai, Yun-Bi Ni, Yan Shao, Ivan K. Poon, Johnny S. Kwan, Chit Chow, Ka-Ho Shea, Gary M. Tse

NSDHL promotes triple-negative breast cancer metastasis through the TGFβ signaling pathway and cholesterol biosynthesis

  • Preclinical study

Mengting Chen, Yang Zhao, Xueli Yang, Yuanyuan Zhao, Qiqi Liu, Yang Liu, Yifeng Hou, Hefen Sun, Wei Jin

Efficacy of fluvastatin and aspirin for prevention of hormonally insensitive breast cancer

  • Open Access
  • Preclinical study

Anjana Bhardwaj, Matthew D. Embury, Raniv D. Rojo, Constance Albarracin, Isabelle Bedrosian

FASN inhibition as a potential treatment for endocrine-resistant breast cancer

  • Preclinical study

Aleksandra Gruslova, Bryan McClellan, Henriette U. Balinda, Suryavathi Viswanadhapalli, Victoria Alers, Gangadhara R. Sareddy, Tim Huang, Michael Garcia, Linda deGraffenried, Ratna K. Vadlamudi, Andrew J. Brenner

Circulating tumor cells, circulating tumor DNA, and disease characteristics in young women with metastatic breast cancer

  • Preclinical study

Ami N. Shah, Kristen J. Carroll, Lorenzo Gerratana, Chenyu Lin, Andrew A. Davis, Qiang Zhang, Saya Jacob, Brian Finkelman, Youbin Zhang, Wenen Qiang, Paolo D’Amico, Carolina Reduzzi, William J. Gradishar, Amir Behdad, Massimo Cristofanilli

The impact of high-intensity interval exercise training on NK-cell function and circulating myokines for breast cancer prevention among women at high risk for breast cancer

  • Open Access
  • Clinical trial

Adriana M. Coletta, Nadia H. Agha, Forrest L. Baker, Grace M. Niemiro, Preteesh L. Mylabathula, Abenaa M. Brewster, Therese B. Bevers, Enrique Fuentes-Mattei, Karen Basen-Engquist, Susan C. Gilchrist, Richard J. Simpson

A propensity score-matched comparison of recurrence outcomes after immediate implant vs autologous flap reconstruction in patients receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer

  • Clinical trial

Zhen-Yu Wu, Hyun Ho Han, Hee Jeong Kim, Jong Won Lee, Il Yong Chung, Jisun Kim, Sae Byul Lee, Byung-Ho Son, Jin Sup Eom, Jae Ho Jung, Sung- Bae Kim, Gyungyub Gong, Hak Hee Kim, Sei -Hyun Ahn, BeomSeok Ko

The impact of age on patient-reported outcomes after oncoplastic versus conventional breast cancer surgery

  • Open Access
  • Clinical trial

M. Ritter, B. M. Ling, I. Oberhauser, G. Montagna, L. Zehnpfennig, J. Lévy, S. D. Soysal, L. López Castrezana, M. Müller, F. D. Schwab, C. Kurzeder, M. Haug, W. P. Weber, E. A. Kappos

Prognostic value of p53 expression in hormone receptor-positive and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative breast cancer patients receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy

  • Clinical trial

Loai Saleh Albinsaad, Jisun Kim, Il Yong Chung, Beom Seok Ko, Hee Jeong Kim, Jong Won Lee, Byung Ho Son, Sei-Hyun Ahn, Sae Byul Lee

Subcutaneous trastuzumab with pertuzumab and docetaxel in HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer: Final analysis of MetaPHER, a phase IIIb single-arm safety study

  • Open Access
  • Clinical trial

Sherko Kuemmel, Carlo A. Tondini, Jacinta Abraham, Zbigniew Nowecki, Bartosz Itrych, Erika Hitre, Bogusława Karaszewska, Alejandro Juárez-Ramiro, Flavia Morales-Vásquez, Jose Manuel Pérez-García, Servando Cardona-Huerta, Estefania Monturus, Marco Sequi, Eleonora Restuccia, Mark Benyunes, Miguel Martín

Adjuvant bisphosphonate use in patients with early stage breast cancer: a physician survey

  • Clinical trial

Sharon McGee, Mashari Alzahrani, Lisa Vandermeer, Katherine Cole, Gail Larocque, Arif Awan, Brian Hutton, Gregory Pond, Deanna Saunders, Mark Clemons

Examining the effect of obesity-associated gene variants on breast cancer survivors in a randomized weight loss intervention

  • Clinical trial

ThaiHien Nguyen, Melinda L. Irwin, Andrew T. Dewan, Brenda Cartmel, Maura Harrigan, Leah M. Ferrucci, Tara Sanft, Fangyong Li, Lingeng Lu, Yasmmyn D. Salinas

Repeat breast-conserving treatment of ipsilateral breast cancer recurrence: a nationwide survey amongst breast surgeons and radiation oncologists in the Netherlands

  • Open Access
  • Clinical trial

Coco J. E. F. Walstra, Robert-Jan Schipper, Yvonne E. van Riet, Peter-Paul G. van der Toorn, Marjolein L. Smidt, Maurice J. C. vd Sangen, Adri C. Voogd, Grard A. P. Nieuwenhuijzen

Breast cancer risk after age 60 among BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers

  • Epidemiology

Neda Stjepanovic, Jan Lubinski, Pal Moller, Susan Randall Armel, William D. Foulkes, Nadine Tung, Susan L. Neuhausen, Joanne Kotsopoulos, Ping Sun, Sophie Sun, Andrea Eisen, Steven A. Narod, Leigha Senter, Charis Eng Fergus Couch, Robert Fruscio, Jeffrey N. Weitzel, Olufunmilayo Olopade, Christian F. Singer, Tuya Pal, Tomasz Huzarski, Cezary Cybulski, Kevin Sweet, Dana Zakalik, Marie Wood, Wendy McKinnon, Christine Elser, Georgia Wiesner, Eitan Friedman, Wendy Meschino, Carrie Snyder, Kelly Metcalfe, Aletta Poll, Ellen Warner, Raymond Kim, Rochelle Demsky, Peter Ainsworth, Linda Steele, Howard Saal, Kim Serfas, Seema Panchal, Carey A. Cullinane, Robert E. Reilly, Joanne L. Blum, Ava Kwong, Daniel Rayson, Teresa Ramón y Cajal, Jeffrey Dungan, Rinat Yerushalmi, Ophira Ginsburg, Intan Schraeder, Stephanie Cohen, Edmond LemireLemire, Stefania Zovato, Antonella Rastelli, Jacek Gronwald, Jeanna McCuaig, Beth Karlan, Louise Bordeleau

Early postoperative outcomes in implant, pedicled, and free flap reconstruction for breast cancer: an analysis of 23,834 patients from the ACS-NSQIP datasets

  • Epidemiology

Murad J. Karadsheh, Richard Tyrell, Mengying Deng, Brian L. Egleston, James C. Krupp, M. Shuja Shafqat, Sameer A. Patel

Diagnostic value of radiomics and machine learning with dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging for patients with atypical ductal hyperplasia in predicting malignant upgrade

  • Open Access
  • Epidemiology

Roberto Lo Gullo, Kerri Vincenti, Carolina Rossi Saccarelli, Peter Gibbs, Michael J. Fox, Isaac Daimiel, Danny F. Martinez, Maxine S. Jochelson, Elizabeth A. Morris, Jeffrey S. Reiner, Katja Pinker

Comparison of the performance of four staging systems in determining the prognosis of breast cancer among women undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy

  • Epidemiology

Isabella Cristina Santos Soares, Marcelo Adeodato Bello, Anke Bergmann, Luiz Claudio Santos Thuler

Exploring provider- and practice-level drivers of cost-consciousness in breast cancer reconstruction—secondary analysis of a survey of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons

  • Epidemiology

Clifford C. Sheckter, Oluseyi Aliu, Chad Bailey, Jun Liu, Jesse C. Selber, Charles E. Butler, Anaeze C. Offodile II

The increasing importance of histologic grading in tailoring adjuvant systemic therapy in 30,843 breast cancer patients

  • Open Access
  • Epidemiology

C. van Dooijeweert, I. O. Baas, I. A. G. Deckers, S. Siesling, P. J. van Diest, E. van der Wall

Neu im Fachgebiet Onkologie

Körperlich fitte Krebskranke leben länger

Krebspatienten, auch und vor allem solche in fortgeschrittenen Stadien, profitieren offenbar von guter körperlicher Verfassung. Hohe Muskelkraft und kardiorespiratorische Fitness sind laut Ergebnissen einer Metaanalyse mit geringerer Mortalität assoziiert.

Kein (großer) Schutz vor Kolorektalkarzinom-Rezidiven durch ASS

Die erste Phase-3-Studie zum Nutzen von ASS in der adjuvanten Therapie des kolorektalen Karzinoms ist negativ verlaufen. Das abschließende Urteil über eine Sekundärprävention mit ASS ist trotzdem noch nicht gefallen.

Frühe CLL-Therapie: BTK-Hemmer verlängert EFS und PFS, aber nicht OS

Auch nach sechs Jahren ergibt sich kein Überlebensvorteil einer Therapie mit dem BTK-Hemmer Ibrutinib für Menschen mit frühem CLL-Stadium und erhöhtem Progressionsrisiko. Die Progressionsrate wird mit der Behandlung jedoch um über 80% gesenkt.

Adjuvantes Atezolizumab ohne Nutzen bei frühem TNBC

Patientinnen mit frühem triple-negativem Brustkrebs profitieren nach der Operation offenbar nicht von einer Zugabe des PD-L1-Hemmers Atezolizumab zur adjuvanten Standardchemotherapie. Die Studie, die das untersucht hat, wurde vorzeitig abgebrochen. Was könnte die schlechte Wirksamkeit erklären?

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