Ausgabe 5/2023
Inhalt (13 Artikel)
Runt-related Transcription Factors and Gene Regulatory Mechanisms in Skeletal Development and Diseases
- Open Access
Hironori Hojo, Shinsuke Ohba
Bone Trans-omics: Integrating Omics to Unveil Mechanistic Molecular Networks Regulating Bone Biology and Disease
- Open Access
Benjamin H. Mullin, Amy B. P. Ribet, Nathan J. Pavlos
Role of the Peripheral Nervous System in Skeletal Development and Regeneration: Controversies and Clinical Implications
- Open Access
Mohamed G. Hassan, Allison L. Horenberg, Ariella Coler-Reilly, Warren L. Grayson, Erica L. Scheller
Defects in Bone and Bone Marrow in Inherited Anemias: the Chicken or the Egg
Rachel Willimann, Christina Chougar, Lawrence C. Wolfe, Lionel Blanc, Jeffrey M. Lipton
Mitochondrial Genetics and Function as Determinants of Bone Phenotype and Aging
Sarah E. Catheline, Ethan Kaiser, Roman A. Eliseev
Genetics of Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis and Ossification of the Spinal Ligaments
- Open Access
Hajime Kato, Demetrios T. Braddock, Nobuaki Ito
Disparities in the Epidemiology and Management of Fragility Hip Fractures
Derek T. Schloemann, Benjamin F. Ricciardi, Caroline P. Thirukumaran
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Studies of the Gut Microbiome and Osteoporosis
Lisa C. Merrill, Kelsey M. Mangano
Osteoporosis and Fracture Risk among Older US Asian Adults
Joan C. Lo, Wei Yang, Jennifer J. Park-Sigal, Susan M. Ott
Recommendations for High-resolution Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography Assessment of Bone Density, Microarchitecture, and Strength in Pediatric Populations
- Open Access
L. Gabel, K. Kent, S. Hosseinitabatabaei, A. J. Burghardt, M. B. Leonard, F. Rauch, B. M. Willie
Cranial Neural Crest Cells Contribution to Craniofacial Bone Development and Regeneration
Piera Smeriglio, Antoine Zalc