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Endocrine Pathology

1997 - 2024
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Ausgabe 4/2024
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Über diese Zeitschrift

Endocrine Pathology publishes refereed original articles on clinical and basic aspects of endocrine disorders, focusing on the diagnostic aspects of endocrine pathology. Coverage includes book reviews, clinical case presentations, and descriptions of techniques. Particular attention is paid to new developments in the diagnostic applications of molecular biology and immunohistochemistry.

Endocrine Pathology
Volume 8/1997 - Volume 35/2024
Springer US
Elektronische ISSN
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Neu im Fachgebiet Pathologie

Overview of a comparative analysis of microsatellite instability and standard mismatch repair protein-deficiency tests in a large cancer cohort

  • Hauptreferate: Hauptprogramm der DGP

A retrospective analysis was carried out based on a large cancer patient cohort of our institute ( n  = 1306; collected from 2018 to 2023). dMMR was tested by four IHC reactions (MLH1 and PMS2 or MSH2 and MSH 6). Further, parallel pentaplex …

Molekulare Testung bei mesenchymalen Neoplasien: Was, wann und wie testen?

Mit dem weit verbreiteten Einsatz diverser molekularer Methoden in der histopathologischen Routinediagnostik hat die Tumorklassifikation in den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten signifikante Fortschritte gemacht. Dabei wurden zum einen zahlreiche …

Reconstructing 3D histological structures using machine learning (artificial intelligence) algorithms

  • Hauptreferate: Hauptprogramm der DGP

Artificial intelligence (AI) has recently been applied to pathological and medical image analysis with high sensitivity and specificity [ 1 , 2 ], aiding in various dental diagnostic techniques. The use of AI in image annotation has enhanced the …

Key considerations when implementing new diagnostic technologies in routine practice

  • Hauptreferate: Arbeitsgemeinschaften der DGP

This review explores several key considerations that are critical for implementing new diagnostic technologies into routine practice. These elements will provide a comprehensive guide for navigating the complexities of integrating cutting-edge …