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01.02.2011 | Case Report

Large Unilateral Breast Autoinflation After Breastfeeding Linked to Polyacrylamide Hydrogel Injection Augmentation Mammaplasty

verfasst von: Gavin Chun-Wui Kang, Yee Siang Ong

Erschienen in: Aesthetic Plastic Surgery | Ausgabe 1/2011

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Augmentation mammaplasty using polyacrylamide hydrogel (PAAG) injection is associated with myriad complications. A patient treated by the authors had bilateral breast augmentation with PAAG injection and experienced large unilateral right breast autoinflation after breastfeeding, which required surgical clearance of a likely galactocele or sterile pus collection that resulted in deformity. Patients with PAAG filler injection-augmented breasts should avoid breastfeeding. The authors recommend against using PAAG injection for augmentation mammaplasty, especially in women intending to breastfeed. Physicians and patients must be aware of the complications associated with PAAG before gel administration.
Zurück zum Zitat Acartürk S, Gencel E, Tuncer I (2005) An uncommon complication of secondary augmentation mammaplasty: bilaterally massive engorgement of breasts after pregnancy attributable to postinfection and blockage of mammary ducts. Aesthetic Plast Surg 29:274–279CrossRefPubMed Acartürk S, Gencel E, Tuncer I (2005) An uncommon complication of secondary augmentation mammaplasty: bilaterally massive engorgement of breasts after pregnancy attributable to postinfection and blockage of mammary ducts. Aesthetic Plast Surg 29:274–279CrossRefPubMed
Zurück zum Zitat Cheng NX, Liu LG, Hui L, Chen YL, Xu SL (2009) Breast cancer following augmentation mammaplasty with polyacrylamide hydrogel (PAAG) injection. Aesthetic Plast Surg 33:563–569CrossRefPubMed Cheng NX, Liu LG, Hui L, Chen YL, Xu SL (2009) Breast cancer following augmentation mammaplasty with polyacrylamide hydrogel (PAAG) injection. Aesthetic Plast Surg 33:563–569CrossRefPubMed
Zurück zum Zitat Cheng NX, Wang YL, Wang JH, Zhang XM, Zhong H (2002) Complications of breast augmentation with injected hydrophilic polyacrylamide gel. Aesthetic Plast Surg 26:375–382CrossRefPubMed Cheng NX, Wang YL, Wang JH, Zhang XM, Zhong H (2002) Complications of breast augmentation with injected hydrophilic polyacrylamide gel. Aesthetic Plast Surg 26:375–382CrossRefPubMed
Zurück zum Zitat Chun YS, Taghinia A (2009) Hyperprolacinemia and galactocele formation after augmentation mammaplasty. Ann Plast Surg 62:122–123CrossRefPubMed Chun YS, Taghinia A (2009) Hyperprolacinemia and galactocele formation after augmentation mammaplasty. Ann Plast Surg 62:122–123CrossRefPubMed
Zurück zum Zitat Khan UD (2009) Breast autoinflation with sterile pus as a marker of implant rupture: single-stage treatment and outcome of five consecutive cases. Aesthetic Plast Surg 33:58–65CrossRefPubMed Khan UD (2009) Breast autoinflation with sterile pus as a marker of implant rupture: single-stage treatment and outcome of five consecutive cases. Aesthetic Plast Surg 33:58–65CrossRefPubMed
Zurück zum Zitat Leung KM, Yeoh GP, Chan KW (2007) Breast pathology in complications associated with polyacrylamide hydrogel (PAAG) mammaplasty. Hong Kong Med J 13:137–140PubMed Leung KM, Yeoh GP, Chan KW (2007) Breast pathology in complications associated with polyacrylamide hydrogel (PAAG) mammaplasty. Hong Kong Med J 13:137–140PubMed
Zurück zum Zitat Lin WC, Hsu GC, Hsu YC, Hsu HH, Li CS, Chen TY, Huang GS (2008) A late complication of augmentation mammaplasty by polyacrylamide hydrogel injection: ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging findings of huge galactocele formation in a puerperal woman with pathological correlation. Breast J 14:584–587CrossRefPubMed Lin WC, Hsu GC, Hsu YC, Hsu HH, Li CS, Chen TY, Huang GS (2008) A late complication of augmentation mammaplasty by polyacrylamide hydrogel injection: ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging findings of huge galactocele formation in a puerperal woman with pathological correlation. Breast J 14:584–587CrossRefPubMed
Large Unilateral Breast Autoinflation After Breastfeeding Linked to Polyacrylamide Hydrogel Injection Augmentation Mammaplasty
verfasst von
Gavin Chun-Wui Kang
Yee Siang Ong
Erschienen in
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery / Ausgabe 1/2011
Print ISSN: 0364-216X
Elektronische ISSN: 1432-5241

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