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American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs

2001 - 2025
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Ausgabe 2/2025
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Über diese Zeitschrift

Promoting rational therapy within the discipline of cardiology, the American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs covers all aspects of the treatment of cardiovascular disorders, particularly the place in therapy of newer and established agents.

Via a program of reviews and original clinical research articles, the journal addresses major issues relating to treatment of these disorders, including the pharmacology, efficacy and adverse effects of the major classes of drugs; information on newly developed drugs and drug classes; the therapeutic implications of latest research into the aetiology of cardiovascular disorders; and the practical management of specific clinical situations.

As a hybrid journal, the American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs does not charge authors to publish using the traditional subscription-based publishing route, but does offer the option to publish accepted articles open access if authors so wish or if their funders require. This is achieved via the Springer Open Choice™ initiative. More information about this optional route to open access and the associated article processing charge can be found by clicking on the ‘How to publish with us, including Open Access’ link below.

The American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs offers a range of additional features designed to increase the visibility, readership and educational value of the journal’s content. Each article is accompanied by a Key Points summary, giving a time-efficient overview of the content to a wide readership. Articles may be accompanied by plain language summaries to assist readers who have some knowledge of, but not in-depth expertise in, the area to understand the scientific content and overall implications of the article. The journal also provides the option to include various types of digital features including animated abstracts, video abstracts, slide decks, audio slides, instructional videos, infographics, podcasts and animations. All additional features are peer reviewed to the same high standard as the article itself. Peer review is conducted using Editorial Manager®, supported by a database of international experts. This database is shared with other Adis journals.

American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs
Volume 1/2001 - Volume 25/2025
Springer International Publishing
Elektronische ISSN
Print ISSN

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