Ausgabe 4/2016
Inhalt (38 Artikel)
ESGE survey on tissue power morcellation complications other than leiomyosarcoma
- Original Article
Vasilios Tanos, Hans Brölmann, Rudy Leon De Wilde, Peter O’Donovan, Elina Symeonidou, Rudi Campo
BSGE/ESGE guideline on management of fluid distension media in operative hysteroscopy
- Open Access
- Review Article
Sameer Umranikar, T. Justin Clark, Ertan Saridogan, Dimitrios Miligkos, Kirana Arambage, Emma Torbe, Rudi Campo, Attilio Di Spiezio Sardo, Vasilios Tanos, Grigoris Grimbizis
The management of gynecological hemoperitoneum found to be associated with a ruptured corpus luteum cyst
- Original Article
Jessica K. Lee, Serkan Bodur, Richard Guido
A patient-preference cohort study of office versus inpatient uterine polyp treatment for abnormal uterine bleeding
- Open Access
- Original Article
Natalie A. M. Cooper, Lee Middleton, Paul Smith, Elaine Denny, Lynda Stobert, Jane Daniels, T. Justin Clark
Prevalence and predictors of burnout among obstetrics and gynecology residents in Canada
- Original Article
Na’ama O. Al-Ma’mari, Ashley I. Naimi, Togas Tulandi
Laparoscopic treatment of ovarian tumors in children: an experience of seven cases in Mansoura University Hospital
- Original Article
Alaa Mosbah, Yasmin Nabiel, Nirmeen Megahed
Surgical complications in 448 gynecological 3D laparoscopic surgeries adopting the Clavien—Dindo classification
- Original Article
Rakesh Sinha, Ila Jalote, Manju Sinha, Shweta Raje, Gayatri Rao
Therapeutic hysteroscopy in an outpatient office-based setting compared to conventional inpatient treatment: superior? a cohort study
- Original Article
Roos M. Smits, Nienke P.M. Kuijsters, Loes Braam, Huib A. A. M. van Vliet, Benedictus C. Schoot
Posterior colpotomy for the retrieval of ovarian specimens in laparoscopy: a large case series
- Original Article
Chou Phay Lim, Neil Hebblethwaite
Ovarian remnant syndrome: a retrospective evaluation of surgical management
- Original Article
Andrea Benton, Timothy Deimling, Michelle Pacis, Gerald Harkins
Total laparoscopic hysterectomy versus total abdominal hysterectomy in the treatment of benign gynaecological disease: a retrospective review over 5 years
- Original Article
Rebecca Mallick, James English, Natasha Waters
Surgeon preference when purchasing integrated laparoscopic theatres: a survey of British gynaecologists
- Original Article
Tom Holland, Alfred Cutner, Stephen Morris
Medical modesty with “BAMD” trousers; a modified theatre outfit for female patients undergoing short surgical perineal procedures
- Short Communication
Baraya Ibn Fate, Amina Mohammed-Durosinlorun
Rectal misoprostol plus perivascular vasopressin versus tourniquet to decrease blood loss during abdominal myomectomy
- Original Article
Ibrahim Abd Elgafor El Sharkwy, Mohamed Lotfy, Hussein Mohamed Abdeldayem, Ali Abdel Hameed
Ergonomics of laparoscopic graspers and the importance of haptic feedback: the surgeons’ perspective
- Open Access
- Original Article
Chantal C. J. Alleblas, Michel P. H. Vleugels, Theodoor E. Nieboer
The emerging role of endovascular management of post-partum hemorrhage
- Letter to the Editor
Alberto Rebonato, Daniele Maiettini, Giacomo Alessandro Crino’, Stefano Mosca
Should we use visual entry techniques in patients with previous laparotomies?
- Original Article
P. G. Paul, Reena Garg, Aditya S. Khurd, Tanuka Das, Manju Thomas, K. T. Radhika
Retention of laparoscopic psychomotor skills after a structured training program depends on the quality of the training and on the complexity of the task
- Open Access
- Original Article
Carlos Roger Molinas, Rudi Campo
Intrauterine balloon therapy: a novel ultrasound guided treatment for intrauterine adhesions
- Techniques and Instrumentation
Sotirios H. Saravelos, Tin-Chiu Li
Uterine artery embolization for symptomatic uterine myomas using gelfoam pledgets alone vs. embospheres plus gelfoam pledgets: a randomized comparison
- Original Article
Angelos G. Vilos, George A. Vilos, Jackie Hollett-Caines, Greg Garvin, Roman Kozak, Basim Abu-Rafea, Ayman Oraif
Effectiveness of thermal balloon ablation versus NovaSure endometrial ablation in different age groups
- Review Article
N. Hussain, G. Barnes, N. L. Aziz
The role of video games in facilitating the psychomotor skills training in laparoscopic surgery
- Review Article
Elie Chalhoub, Vasilis Tanos, Rudi Campo, Assad Kesrouani, Elie El Rassy, Jamale Rizkallah, Dany Chalhoub, Chantal Walter, Zaki Sleiman
Fragmented (multi-step) removal of the cervix in total hysterectomy: A technique in obese females with deep pelvis and long cervix
- Short Communication
Ahmed Samy El-Agwany
Laparoscopic autologous and heterologous ovarian transplantation in orthotopic and heterotopic location without vascular anastomosis in rabbits: morphologic and endocrinologic assessment
- Original Article
George Pados, Andreas Sortsis, Basil C. Tarlatzis, Petros Skepastianos, Katerina Saratsi, John Savas, Valentini Tzioufa, George Kazakos
Deep infiltrating endometriosis affecting the urinary tract—surgical treatment and fertility outcomes in 2004–2013
- Open Access
- Original Article
Liisu Saavalainen, Oskari Heikinheimo, Aila Tiitinen, Päivi Härkki
Ovarian suspension for adhesion prevention during laparoscopic excision of severe pelvic endometriosis and endometrioma excision: a systematic review
- Review Article
Vasilios Pergialiotis, Anastasia Prodromidou, Nikoleta Karampetsou, Marios Diamantopoulos, Despina Perrea, Nikolaos Nikiteas
Effectiveness of treatment for infertility using clinical investigation of laparoscopy cytoreductive surgery combined with gestrinone in adenomyosis
- Original Article
Mutangala Muloye Guy, Wang Zhan Ying, Wang Xiao Yan, Fang Zheng Hui, Wu Xi Hai, Liu Yan Ping, Zhang Ying Chun, Kasangye Kangoy Aurelie, Wei Zeng Tao
Epidemiology of subtle, typical, cystic, and deep endometriosis: a systematic review
- Review Article
Philippe R. Koninckx, Anastasia Ussia, Jörg Keckstein, Arnaud Wattiez, Leila Adamyan
Resumption of menstrual cycles after 14 years of amenorrhea in a woman infected with Mycobacterium africanum
- Short Communication
Noran Jan, Togas Tulandi
Minimally invasive technique for the reconstruction of the cervix in cervical atresia
- Techniques and Instrumentation
Abdulaziz Alobaid, Roua Ali, Abed Al-Lehibi, Lateefa O AlDakhil, Ghazi Althubaiti
An unusual clinical presentation and histological findings provide insight into the pathogenesis of endometriosis
- Original Article
PD Simpson, X Tyler, EP Morris
Feasibility of laparoscopic radical hysterectomy after chemoradiation therapy in persistent locally advanced cervical cancer
- Original Article
A. Reyes Claret, Á. Martín Jiménez, A. Robles Gourley, M. Llull Gomila, M. C. Martínez Canto, A. Torrent Colomer
Total laparoscopic hysterectomy for benign, malignant and pre-malignant gynaecological pathology: relation between surgical outcome and body mass index
- Original Article
Vasileios Minas, Claudia Ventii, Nicola Murray, Thomas Aust, David Rowlands, Nahid Gul
Sentinel lymph node biopsy in endometrial and cervical cancers using freehand SPECT—first experiences
- Original Article
Alexander Markus, Alessandra Sophia Carmen Ray, Daniele Bolla, Joachim Müller, Pierre-André Diener, Thomas Wendler, René Hornung
Ultrasonography in the prediction of complications during and after uterine myomectomy
- Original Article
S. Petermans, L. Ameye, D. Timmerman, J. Verguts
The diagnosis of endometrial atypia by hysteroscopy with guided biopsy in postmenopausal patients with hyperplasia: a reliable practice?
- Original Article
Siavash Rahimi, Carla Marani, Maria Emanuela Natale, Renato Zeloni, Raffaella Ruggeri, Natalia Povolotskaya, Robert Woolas
Management of Robert’s uterus by combined hysteroscopic and laparoscopic management: a clinical pearl
- Short Communication
B. Ramesh, T. M. Chaithra, Harita Desai, Rachana Ghanti, Shraddha Daksh
Pfannenstiel Incision scar characteristics: relation to pelvic adhesions after cesarean section
- Short Communication
Ahmed Samy El-Agwany