Ausgabe 1/2022
Inhalt (41 Artikel)
Freddie H Fu: a true friend of ESSKA
- Editorial
Jon Karlsson, Jacques Menetrey, Michael T. Hirschmann, Roland Becker, Volker Musahl
A tribute to the dynamic and indelible godfather of sports medicine, Dr. Freddie Fu
- Editorial
Robin West
Freddie Fu: A Leader of Leaders
- Editorial
Nicholas P. Drain, Christopher D. Murawski, Benjamin B. Rothrauff, Stephanie A. Boden, Nyaluma N. Wagala, Emily A. Whicker, Bryson P. Lesniak, Volker Musahl
How to build a sports medicine program—gridiron of western Pennsylvania—a Pitt orthopaedic tradition
- Editorial
Nicholas P. Drain, Christopher D. Murawski, Benjamin B. Rothrauff, Humza S. Shaikh, Bryson P. Lesniak, Volker Musahl
Current trends in the anterior cruciate ligament part 1: biology and biomechanics
Volker Musahl, Ehab M. Nazzal, Gian Andrea Lucidi, Rafael Serrano, Jonathan D. Hughes, Fabrizio Margheritini, Stefano Zaffagnini, Freddie H. Fu, Jon Karlsson
Current trends in the anterior cruciate ligament part II: evaluation, surgical technique, prevention, and rehabilitation
Volker Musahl, Ian D. Engler, Ehab M. Nazzal, Jonathan F. Dalton, Gian Andrea Lucidi, Jonathan D. Hughes, Stefano Zaffagnini, Francesco Della Villa, James J. Irrgang, Freddie H. Fu, Jon Karlsson
Preoperative ultrasound predicts the intraoperative diameter of the quadriceps tendon autograft more accurately than preoperative magnetic resonance imaging for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Satoshi Takeuchi, Benjamin B. Rothrauff, Masashi Taguchi, Kentaro Onishi, Freddie H. Fu
The effect of lateral extra-articular tenodesis on in vivo cartilage contact in combined anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Kyohei Nishida, Tom Gale, Daisuke Chiba, Felipe Suntaxi, Bryson Lesniak, Freddie Fu, William Anderst, Volker Musahl
Two-fragment Segond fracture validates historical descriptions of independent soft tissue attachments
Kevin J. Byrne, Benjamin B. Rothrauff, Kanto Nagai, Kentaro Onishi, Freddie H. Fu
The radiographic tibial spine area is correlated with the occurrence of ACL injury
Takanori Iriuchishima, Bunsei Goto, Freddie H. Fu
Return to preinjury sports after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is predicted by five independent factors
Bart Muller, Mohammad A. Yabroudi, Andrew Lynch, Adam J. Popchak, Chung-Liang Lai, C. Niek van Dijk, Freddie H. Fu, James J. Irrgang
Superb microvascular imaging (SMI) detects increased vascularity of the torn anterior cruciate ligament
Satoshi Takeuchi, Benjamin B. Rothrauff, Ryo Kanto, Kentaro Onishi, Freddie H. Fu
Knees with straight Blumensaat’s line have small volume of femoral intercondylar notch
Takanori Iriuchishima, Bunsei Goto, Kevin Byrne, Freddie H. Fu
Low to moderate risk of nerve damage during peroneus longus tendon autograft harvest
Jinshen He, Kevin Byrne, Hiroko Ueki, Ryo Kanto, Monica A. Linde, Patrick Smolinski, Song Wu, Freddie Fu
ACL graft with extra-cortical fixation rotates around the femoral tunnel aperture during knee flexion
Junjun Zhu, Brandon Marshall, Xin Tang, Monica A. Linde, Freddie H. Fu, Patrick Smolinski
The posterior cruciate ligament inclination angle is higher in anterior cruciate ligament insufficiency
Julio Cesar Gali, Tyago Araujo Almeida, Daniela Cristina de Moraes Miguel, Samir Alexandre Nassar, Julio Cesar Gali Filho, Nicholas P. Drain, Freddie F. Fu
Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with lateral extraarticular tenodesis better restores native knee kinematics in combined ACL and meniscal injury
Christopher M. Gibbs, Jonathan D. Hughes, Adam J. Popchak, Daisuke Chiba, Bryson P. Lesniak, William J. Anderst, Volker Musahl
A high tibial slope, allograft use, and poor patient-reported outcome scores are associated with multiple ACL graft failures
- Open Access
Philipp W. Winkler, Nyaluma N. Wagala, Jonathan D. Hughes, Bryson P. Lesniak, Volker Musahl
Quadriceps tendon autograft is becoming increasingly popular in revision ACL reconstruction
- Open Access
Philipp W. Winkler, Thiago Vivacqua, Stephan Thomassen, Lisa Lovse, Bryson P. Lesniak, Alan M. J. Getgood, Volker Musahl
External fixation increases complications following surgical treatment of multiple ligament knee injuries
Jonathan D. Hughes, Andrew D. Lynch, Clair N. Smith, Volker Musahl, James J. Irrgang
High incidence of superficial and deep medial collateral ligament injuries in ‘isolated’ anterior cruciate ligament ruptures: a long overlooked injury
- Open Access
Lukas Willinger, Ganesh Balendra, Vishal Pai, Justin Lee, Adam Mitchell, Mary Jones, Andy Williams
Anterolateral complex injuries occur in the majority of ‘isolated’ anterior cruciate ligament ruptures
Ganesh Balendra, Lukas Willinger, Vishal Pai, Adam Mitchell, Justin Lee, Mary Jones, Andy Williams
Ramp lesions are six times more likely to be observed in the presence of a posterior medial tibial bone bruise in ACL-injured patients
Wouter Beel, Caroline Mouton, Daniele Tradati, Christian Nührenbörger, Romain Seil
Failed meniscal repair increases the risk for osteoarthritis and poor knee function at an average of 9 years follow-up
- Open Access
Erik Rönnblad, Björn Barenius, Anders Stålman, Karl Eriksson
The clinical outcome of minimally invasive popliteal tendon recess procedure is comparable to arthroscopic popliteal tendon reconstruction in patients with type A posterolateral rotational instability
Yue Li, Hua Feng, Xu Li, Guanyang Song, Zhijun Zhang, Tong Zheng, Yanwei Cao, Hui Zhang
Allogenic umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stromal cell implantation was superior to bone marrow aspirate concentrate augmentation for cartilage regeneration despite similar clinical outcomes
Hong-Yeol Yang, Eun-Kyoo Song, Sung-Ju Kang, Woo-Kyoung Kwak, Joon-Kyoo Kang, Jong-Keun Seon
An older age, a longer duration between injury and surgery, and positive pivot shift test results increase the prevalence of articular cartilage injury during ACL reconstruction in all three compartments of the knee in patients with ACL injuries
Atsuo Nakamae, Ayato Miyamoto, Goki Kamei, Akio Eguchi, Ryo Shimizu, Machiko Akao, Masakazu Ishikawa, Nobuo Adachi
In patients eligible for meniscal surgery who first receive physical therapy, multivariable prognostic models cannot predict who will eventually undergo surgery
- Open Access
Julia C. A. Noorduyn, M. M. H. Teuwen, V. A. van de Graaf, N. W. Willigenburg, M. Schavemaker, R. van Dijk, G. G. M. Scholten-Peeters, M. W. Heymans, M. W. Coppieters, R. W. Poolman, V. A. B. Scholtes, E. L. A. R. Mutsaerts, J. Wolkenfelt, M. Krijnen, D. F. P. van Deurzen, D. J. F. Moojen, C. H. Bloembergen, Gast de Gast, T. Snijders, J. J. Halma, D. B. F. Saris, N. Wolterbeek, C. Neeter, D. M. M. J. Kerkhoffs, R. W. Peters, I. C. J. B. van den Brand, S. de Vos-Jakobs, A. B. Spoor, T. Gosens, W. Rezaie, D. J. Hofstee, B. J. Burger, D. Haverkamp, A. M. J. S. Vervest, T. A. van Rheenen, A. E. Wijsbek, E. R. A. van Arkel, B. J. W. Thomassen, S. Sprague, B. W. J. Mol, M. W. van Tulder, J. van der Kraan
Distal posterolateral corner injury in the setting of multiligament knee injury increases risk of common peroneal palsy
Anthony A. Essilfie, Erin F. Alaia, David A. Bloom, Eoghan T. Hurley, Michael Doran, Kirk A. Campbell, Laith M. Jazrawi, Michael J. Alaia
Bacterial contamination of irrigation fluid and suture material during ACL reconstruction and meniscus surgery
- Open Access
Benjamin Bartek, Tobias Winkler, Anja Garbe, Tarek Schelberger, Carsten Perka, Tobias Jung
Satisfactory patient-reported outcomes at 5 years following primary repair with suture tape augmentation for proximal anterior cruciate ligament tears
- Open Access
Graeme P. Hopper, Joanna M. S. Aithie, Joanne M. Jenkins, William T. Wilson, Gordon M. Mackay
The bone microstructure from anterior cruciate ligament footprints is similar after ligament reconstruction and does not affect long-term outcomes
- Open Access
Mateusz Stolarz, Jolanta Rajca, Paulina Cyganik, Jacek Karpe, Zygmunt Wrobel, Marcin Binkowski, Filip Humpa, Małgorzata Janik, Damian Czyzewski, Zbigniew Kwiatkowski, Krzysztof Ficek
Italian version of the anterior cruciate ligament-return to sport after injury scale (IT ACL-RSI): translation, cross-cultural adaptation, validation and ability to predict the return to sport at medium-term follow-up in a population of sport patients
Gabriele Thiebat, Davide Cucchi, Andrea Spreafico, Stefano Muzzi, Marco Viganò, Lorenzo Visconti, Francesca Facchini, Laura de Girolamo
Anatomic medial knee reconstruction restores stability and function at minimum 2 years follow-up
Sachin Tapasvi, Anshu Shekhar, Shantanu Patil, Alan Getgood
Hamstring graft diameter above 7 mm has a lower risk of failure following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Abdulaziz Z. Alomar, Ahmad S. Bin Nasser, Arvind Kumar, Mukesh Kumar, Saubhik Das, Samarth Mittal
Steep posterior lateral tibial slope, bone contusion on lateral compartments and combined medial collateral ligament injury are associated with the increased risk of lateral meniscal tear
Seong Hwan Kim, Jeung-Hwan Seo, Dae-An Kim, Joong-Won Lee, Kang-Il Kim, Sang Hak Lee
Injuries to the anterolateral ligament are observed more frequently compared to lesions to the deep iliotibial tract (Kaplan fibers) in anterior cruciate ligamant deficient knees using magnetic resonance imaging
- Open Access
Armin Runer, Dietmar Dammerer, Christoph Kranewitter, Johannes M. Giesinger, Benjamin Henninger, Michael T. Hirschmann, Michael C. Liebensteiner
Laterally shifted tibial tunnel can be the risk of residual knee laxity for double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Daisuke Chiba, Yuji Yamamoto, Yuka Kimura, Shizuka Sasaki, Eiji Sasaki, Shohei Yamauchi, Eiichi Tsuda, Yasuyuki Ishibashi
No differences in clinical outcome between CMI and Actifit meniscal scaffolds: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Davide Reale, Davide Previtali, Luca Andriolo, Alberto Grassi, Christian Candrian, Stefano Zaffagnini, Giuseppe Filardo
The Diagnostic Arthroscopy Skill Score (DASS): a reliable and suitable assessment tool for arthroscopic skill training
Hermann Anetzberger, Roland Becker, Hansjörg Eickhoff, Franz Josef Seibert, Bernd Döring, Florian Haasters, Michael Mohr, Stephan Reppenhagen