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01.02.2011 | Original Article

Rectus Diastasis Corrected with Absorbable Suture: A Long-Term Evaluation

verfasst von: Fabio Xerfan Nahas, Lydia Masako Ferreira, Pedro Bins Ely, Charles Ghelfond

Erschienen in: Aesthetic Plastic Surgery | Ausgabe 1/2011

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Correction of rectus diastasis (RD) is performed during most abdominoplasties. This study aimed to evaluate the long-term result of RD correction when the plication of the anterior rectus sheath is performed with an absorbable suture.


Abdominoplasty was performed for 12 women who presented with Nahas’ type A musculoaponeurotic deformity. The RD was measured preoperatively with two computed tomography (CT) scan slices at two levels: 3 cm above and 2 cm below the umbilicus. The bony levels at which the slices were taken served as a reference for the postoperative CT scans. During the operation, the RD was measured with a ruler at the same levels as the preoperative CT scan slices. The force necessary to bring the medial edge of the rectus muscle to the midline was measured on both levels with a dynamometer. Plication of the anterior rectus sheath was performed using a double-layer 0-PDS (polydioxanone) suture. Postoperative CT scans were performed 3 weeks after the operation. A long-term follow-up CT scan was performed 32–48 months postoperatively for every patient.


The 3-week postoperative CT scan proved that the correction of RD was achieved by the procedure. Despite the fact that there were different abdominal wall resistances and that the average weight gain during this period was 4.5 kg, the long-term CT-scans showed no recurrence of RD for any patient of this series in either the superior or inferior abdomen.


Plication of the anterior rectus sheath with PDS suture to correct RD seems to be a long-lasting procedure.
Personal communication: Product management. Ethicon Division of Johnson & Johnson Professional Products from Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil, 2009.
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Rectus Diastasis Corrected with Absorbable Suture: A Long-Term Evaluation
verfasst von
Fabio Xerfan Nahas
Lydia Masako Ferreira
Pedro Bins Ely
Charles Ghelfond
Erschienen in
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery / Ausgabe 1/2011
Print ISSN: 0364-216X
Elektronische ISSN: 1432-5241

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