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Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesthésie

Ausgabe 9/2022

Inhalt (16 Artikel)


Applying the geriatric 5Ms in critical care: the ICU-5Ms

Olivia Geen, Andrew Perrella, Bram Rochwerg, Xuyi Mimi Wang

Reports of Original Investigations

Postoperative mortality risk prediction that incorporates intraoperative vital signs: development and internal validation in a historical cohort

Janny Xue Chen Ke, Daniel I. McIsaac, Ronald B. George, Paula Branco, E. Francis Cook, W. Scott Beattie, Robin Urquhart, David B. MacDonald

Reports of Original Investigations

The impact of hypoalbuminemia on postoperative outcomes after outpatient surgery: a national analysis of the NSQIP database

Sean Curran, Patricia Apruzzese, Mark C. Kendall, Gildasio De Oliveira

Reports of Original Investigations

Outcomes of prolonged mechanical ventilation and tracheostomy in critically ill elderly patients: a historical cohort study

Tiffany Lee, Qiao Li Tan, Tasnim Sinuff, Alex Kiss, Sangeeta Mehta

Reports of Original Investigations

Titrated versus conventional anticoagulation management for thrombin generation in cardiac surgery: a randomized controlled trial

Han Li, Justyna Bartoszko, Cyril Serrick, Vivek Rao, Keyvan Karkouti

Reports of Original Investigations

The effectiveness of a multifaceted, group-facilitated audit and feedback intervention to increase tranexamic acid use during total joint arthroplasty

Inelda Gjata, Lori Olivieri, Leyla Baghirzada, Ryan V. W. Endersby, Nathan M. Solbak, Colin G. W. Weaver, Sampson Law, Lara J. Cooke, Kelly W. Burak, Shawn K. Dowling

Reports of Original Investigations

Peak plasma concentration of total and free bupivacaine after erector spinae plane and pectointercostal fascial plane blocks

Sarah Maximos, Éric Vaillancourt-Jean, Samer Mouksassi, Alessandro De Cassai, Sophie Ayoub, Monique Ruel, Julie Desroches, Pierre-Oliver Hétu, Alex Moore, Stephan Williams


Propofol vial coring

Niekoo Abbasian, Bernardus Terreblanche, Michale Ok, Christopher Allphin

Case Reports / Case Series

Accidental administration of tranexamic acid into the epidural space: a case report

Christopher L. Pysyk, Lucie Filteau

Case Reports / Case Series

Congenital adult tracheoesophageal fistula repair with transthoracic ventilation: a case report

Olga L. Bednarek, Brendan E. Morgan, Andrei Khorovets, Madelaine M. Plourde, Daniel G. French


Nitrous oxide and length of stay in the postanesthesia care unit

Boris Mraovic, Noah J. Timko, Tatjana Simurina


In reply: Nitrous oxide can help reduce length of stay in the postanesthesia care unit

Karuna Wongtangman, Michael Blank, Matthias Eikermann

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