Ausgabe 1/2018
Inhalt (10 Artikel)
Guideline from Japanese Society of Echocardiography: 2018 focused update incorporated into Guidance for the Management and Maintenance of Echocardiography Equipment
- Open Access
- Review Article
Masao Daimon, Makoto Akaishi, Toshihiko Asanuma, Shuji Hashimoto, Chisato Izumi, Shiro Iwanaga, Hiroya Kawai, Hiroyuki Toide, Akihiro Hayashida, Hirotsugu Yamada, Mitsushige Murata, Yutaka Hirano, Kengo Suzuki, Satoshi Nakatani, M. Akaishi, C. Izumi, M. Daimon, M. Murata, Y. Hirano, K. Suzuki, H. Yamada
Echocardiographic evaluation of cardiac function after cancer chemotherapy
- Review Article
Tomoko Negishi, Kazuaki Negishi
Increased apical rotation in patients with severe aortic stenosis assessed by three-dimensional speckle tracking imaging
- Original Investigation
Maidar Tumenbayar, Kazuto Yamaguchi, Hiroyuki Yoshitomi, Akihiro Endo, Kazuaki Tanabe
Causes of an increased pressure gradient through the left ventricular outflow tract: a West Coast experience
- Open Access
- Original Investigation
Sayuki Kobayashi, Yoshihiko Sakai, Isao Taguchi, Hiroto Utsunomiya, Takahiro Shiota
Perforated mitral valve aneurysm diagnosed 3 years after etiology-unknown iliopsoas muscle abscess: illustrative case of ‘self-attack’ endocarditis of the mitral valve
- Case image in cardiovascular ultrasound
Shun Nishino, Nozomi Watanabe, Masakazu Matsuyama, Mitsuhiro Yano, Yoshisato Shibata
Difficult diagnosis of ruptured mitral valve aneurysm because of severe mitral annular calcification
- Case image in cardiovascular ultrasound
Takahiro Sakamoto, Hiroyuki Yoshitomi, Akihiro Endo, Kazuaki Tanabe
Prominent v wave as a result of left atrial stiffening
- Case image in cardiovascular ultrasound
Katsuji Inoue, Chiharuko Iio, Hiroshi Kawakami, Takayuki Nagai, Takafumi Okura, Jitsuo Higaki, Shuntaro Ikeda
Platypnea–orthodeoxia syndrome: additive value of three-dimensional echocardiography
- Case image in cardiovascular ultrasound
Andrea Rueda Liñares, Jose Alberto de Agustin, Jose Juan Gomez de Diego, Patricia Mahía, Pedro Marcos-Alberca, Carlos Macaya, Leopoldo Pérez de Isla
Paravalvular leakages between sewing cuffs after the second surgery for double valve replacement: evaluation by three-dimensional color-Doppler transesophageal echocardiography
- Case image in cardiovascular ultrasound
Hideta Takushi, Akihiro Hayashida, Nobuyuki Kagiyama, Misako Toki, Atsushi Hirohata, Keizo Yamamoto, Kiyoshi Yoshida