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03.02.2022 | Original Article

Microincision of the Cyst Duct Is Safe and Effective for the Failed Laparoscopic Transcystic Common Bile Duct Exploration

verfasst von: Jiegao Zhu, Wei Han, Zhongtao Zhang, Wei Guo

Erschienen in: Indian Journal of Surgery | Ausgabe 6/2022

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To explore whether transcystic-laparoscopic common bile duct exploration with microincision of the cystic duct and its confluence partis effective and safe as transductal-laparoscopic common bile duct exploration for the failed transcystic-laparoscopic common bile duct exploration in patients with choledocholithiasis. In this retrospective cohort study, we assigned patients with cholecystocholedocholithiasis to undergo transcystic-laparoscopic common bile duct exploration and laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The clinical outcomes of one-to-one propensity-matched pairs of transcystic-laparoscopic common bile duct exploration with microincision and transductal-laparoscopic common bile duct exploration groups were compared. Of 1650 patients with confirmed choledocholithiasis attempted transcystic-laparoscopic common bile duct exploration, transcystic-laparoscopic common bile duct exploration with microincision was done successfully in 128 patients (7.8%) and transductal-laparoscopic common bile duct exploration in 69 patients (4.2%). By one-to-one propensity score matching, 68 pairs were selected. There was no significant difference in in-hospital complication rate: 8.8% in transcystic-laparoscopic common bile duct exploration with the microincision group and 11.8% in the transductal-laparoscopic common bile duct exploration group (P = 0.573). The duration of operation in transcystic-laparoscopic common bile duct exploration with microincision was a little shorter than that in transductal-laparoscopic common bile duct exploration: median 125 (interquartile range 95–173) versus 150 (120–195) min, respectively (P = 0.003). Postoperative recovery was faster in transcystic-laparoscopic common bile duct exploration with microincision than in transductal-laparoscopic common bile duct exploration, as reflected by a shorter postoperative hospital stay (median 3 versus 5 days, P = 0.002, respectively). There was also no significant difference in rates of retained stone and recurrence of common bile duct stone between the groups. Transcystic-laparoscopic common bile duct exploration with microincision is as effective and safe as transductal-laparoscopic common bile duct exploration in patients with failed transcystic-laparoscopic common bile duct exploration.
Zurück zum Zitat Paganini AM, Guerrieri M, Sarnari J, De Sanctis A, D’Ambrosio G, Lezoche G, Perretta S, Lezoche E (2007) Thirteen years’ experience with laparoscopic transcystic common bile duct exploration for stones. Effectiveness and long-term results. Surg Endosc 21:34–40. Paganini AM, Guerrieri M, Sarnari J, De Sanctis A, D’Ambrosio G, Lezoche G, Perretta S, Lezoche E (2007) Thirteen years’ experience with laparoscopic transcystic common bile duct exploration for stones. Effectiveness and long-term results. Surg Endosc 21:34–40. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1007/​s00464-005-0286-3CrossRef
Microincision of the Cyst Duct Is Safe and Effective for the Failed Laparoscopic Transcystic Common Bile Duct Exploration
verfasst von
Jiegao Zhu
Wei Han
Zhongtao Zhang
Wei Guo
Springer India
Erschienen in
Indian Journal of Surgery / Ausgabe 6/2022
Print ISSN: 0972-2068
Elektronische ISSN: 0973-9793

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