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Pediatric Nephrology

Ausgabe 3/2022

Inhalt (33 Artikel)

Still trouble with serum creatinine measurements

  • Editorial Commentary

Alexandra Kowalczyk, Maria Esther Diaz-Gonzalez de Ferris, Guido Filler

The wind of change in the management of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease in childhood

  • Open Access
  • Review

Charlotte Gimpel, Carsten Bergmann, Djalila Mekahli

Efficacy and safety of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers for IgA nephropathy in children

  • Systematic Review/Meta-analysis

Pedro Alves Soares Vaz de Castro, Letícia Bitencourt, Bruno Wilnes Simas Pereira, Ananda Queiroz Rocha Lima, Henrique Santos Hermida, Carlos Roberto Moreira Neto, Mariana Dinamarco Mestriner, Ana Cristina Simões e Silva

Risk factors for acute kidney injury after pediatric cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis

  • Systematic Review/Meta-analysis

Jef Van den Eynde, Boris Delpire, Xander Jacquemyn, Ismat Pardi, Hajar Rotbi, Marc Gewillig, Shelby Kutty, Djalila Mekahli

A clinical approach to children with C3 glomerulopathy

  • Educational Review

Marina Vivarelli, Nicole van de Kar, Raffaella Labbadia, Francesca Diomedi-Camassei, Joshua M. Thurman

Relationship between endothelin and nitric oxide pathways in the onset and maintenance of hypertension in children and adolescents

  • Open Access
  • Educational Review

Simonetta Genovesi, Marco Giussani, Antonina Orlando, Giulia Lieti, Francesca Viazzi, Gianfranco Parati

Two cases of children presenting with polydipsia, polyuria, and malignant hypertension: Questions

  • Clinical Quiz

Yong Eun, Ji Hyun Kim, Seon Hee Lim, Yo Han Ahn, Hee Gyung Kang, Il-Soo Ha

Two cases of children presenting with polydipsia, polyuria, and malignant hypertension: Answers

  • Clinical Quiz

Yong Eun, Ji Hyun Kim, Seon Hee Lim, Yo Han Ahn, Hee Gyung Kang, Il-Soo Ha

Amenorrhea in a pediatric kidney transplant recipient: Questions

  • Clinical Quiz

Benjamin Steinman, Stella Kilduff, Marcela Del Rio, Nicole Hayde

Amenorrhea in a pediatric kidney transplant recipient: Answers

  • Clinical Quiz

Benjamin Steinman, Stella Kilduff, Marcela Del Rio, Nicole Hayde

A rare cause of chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis in childhood: Questions

  • Clinical Quiz

Özgür Özdemir-Şimşek, Gökçen Erfidan, Seçil Arslansoyu-Çamlar, Demet Alaygut, Fatma Mutlubaş, Belde Kasap-Demir

A rare cause of chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis in childhood: Answers

  • Clinical Quiz

Özgür Özdemir-Şimşek, Gökçen Erfidan, Seçil Arslansoyu-Çamlar, Demet Alaygut, Fatma Mutlubaş, Belde Kasap-Demir

Recurrent hypocalcemic tetany presenting to the emergency room: Questions

  • Clinical Quiz

Vanshika Kakkar, Kaveri Pandit, Menka Yadav, Abhijeet Saha

Recurrent hypocalcemic tetany presenting to the emergency room: Answers

  • Clinical Quiz

Vanshika Kakkar, Kaveri Pandit, Menka Yadav, Abhijeet Saha

Liposorber® LA-15 system for LDL apheresis in resistant nephrotic syndrome patients

  • Original Article

Mohammad Al-mousily, Oana Nicoara, David T. Selewski, Katherine Twombley

IgA-dominant infection-associated glomerulonephritis in the pediatric population

  • Original Article

Daniel S. Grosser, Paul Persad, Romualdo V. Talento, Lawrence R. Shoemaker, Tracy E. Hunley, Guillermo Hidalgo, Mihail M. Subtirelu, Susan Coventry, Radhakrishna Baliga, Agnes B. Fogo

Long-term follow-up including extensive complement analysis of a pediatric C3 glomerulopathy cohort

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

Marloes A. H. M. Michels, Kioa L. Wijnsma, Roel A. J. Kurvers, Dineke Westra, Michiel F. Schreuder, Joanna A. E. van Wijk, Antonia H. M. Bouts, Valentina Gracchi, Flore A. P. T. Engels, Mandy G. Keijzer-Veen, Eiske M. Dorresteijn, Elena B. Volokhina, Lambertus P. W. J. van den Heuvel, Nicole C. A. J. van de Kar

Postnatal urinary tract dilatation classification: improvement of the accuracy in predicting kidney injury

  • Original Article

Fernanda F. Melo, Mariana A. Vasconcelos, Robert H. Mak, Ana Cristina Simões e Silva, Cristiane S. Dias, Enrico A. Colosimo, Ludmila R. Silva, Maria Christina L. Oliveira, Eduardo A. Oliveira

Surgical management of Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis (EPS) in children: international case series and literature review

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

Videha Sharma, Zia Moinuddin, Angela Summers, Mohan Shenoy, Nicholas Plant, Semir Vranic, Agnieszka Prytula, Zlatan Zvizdic, Vasiliki Karava, Nikoleta Printza, John Vlot, David van Dellen, Titus Augustine

Effectiveness of growth hormone on growth and final height in paediatric chronic kidney disease

  • Original Article

Melanie K Aldridge, Peter Trnka, Anna Francis, Steven J McTaggart

Acute kidney injury and kidney recovery after cardiopulmonary bypass in children

  • Original Article

Michael LoBasso, James Schneider, L. Nelson Sanchez-Pinto, Sylvia Del Castillo, Gina Kim, Alysia Flynn, Christine B. Sethna

Survival of infants treated with CKRT: comparing adapted adult platforms with the Carpediem™

  • Original Article

Stuart L. Goldstein, Enrico Vidal, Zaccaria Ricci, Fabio Paglialonga, Licia Peruzzi, Mario Giordano, Nicola Laforgia, Claudio Ronco

Large inter-assay difference of serum creatinine in pediatric population: a threat to accurate staging of chronic kidney disease

  • Brief Report

Kriselle Lao, Elizabeth Sykes, Xander M. R. van Wijk, Jieli Li, JoAnna Williams, Carmen Gherasim, Qian Sun

Response to Krishnasamy et al

  • Letter to the Editors

William Morello, Federica Alessandra Vianello, Emanuele Proverbio, Giovanni Montini

SARS-CoV-2 infection in children with nephrotic syndrome

  • Letter to the Editors

Sudarsan Krishnasamy, Aditi Sinha, Arvind Bagga

Correction to: Survival of infants treated with CKRT: comparing adapted adult platforms with the Carpediem™

  • Correction

Stuart L. Goldstein, Enrico Vidal, Zaccaria Ricci, Fabio Paglialonga, Licia Peruzzi, Mario Giordano, Nicola Laforgia, Claudio Ronco

Correction to: Peritoneal dialysis-related peritonitis caused by Gordonia bronchialis: first pediatric report

  • Publisher Correction

Valentina Bruno, James Tjon, Sandy Lin, Helen Groves, Kescha Kazmi, Michael Zappitelli, Elizabeth Harvey

Correction to: The association between socioeconomic disadvantage and parent-rated health in children and adolescents with chronic kidney disease—the Kids with CKD (KCAD) study

  • Publisher Correction

Madeleine Didsbury, Anita van Zwieten, Kerry Chen, Laura J. James, Anna Francis, Siah Kim, Steven McTaggart, Amanda Walker, Fiona Mackie, Tonya Kara, Chanel Prestidge, Armando Teixeira-Pinto, Belinda Barton, Jennifer Lorenzo, Suncica Lah, Kirsten Howard, Natasha Nassar, Eric Au, Allison Tong, Jonathan C. Craig, Germaine Wong

Neu im Fachgebiet Pädiatrie

Ab sofort gelten die neuen Verordnungsausnahmen für Lipidsenker

Freie Fahrt für Lipidsenker? Das nicht, doch mit niedrigerem Schwellenwert fürs Infarktrisiko und neuen Indikationen hat der G-BA die Verordnungs-Handbremse ein gutes Stück weit gelockert.

ADHS-Kranke verlieren sieben Lebensjahre

  • 11.02.2025
  • ADHS
  • Nachrichten

Ein ADHS verkürzt die Lebenserwartung um rund sieben Jahre, bei Frauen sind es sogar fast neun Jahre. Ein Großteil der erhöhten Sterblichkeit lässt sich auf modifizierbare Risikofaktoren wie Alkohol, Rauchen und psychische Begleiterkrankungen zurückführen.

Abdominale CT bei Kindern: 40% mit Zufallsbefunden

Wird bei Kindern mit stumpfem Trauma eine CT des Bauchraums veranlasst, sind in rund 40% der Fälle Auffälligkeiten zu sehen, die nichts mit dem Trauma zu tun haben. Die allerwenigsten davon sind klinisch relevant.

Steigende Zahl von Skorbut-Fällen bei Kindern

Eine Erkrankung, die eigentlich der Vergangenheit angehören sollte, scheint in reichen westlichen Nationen wieder häufiger aufzutreten: Seit der Coronapandemie steigt bei Kindern und Jugendlichen in Frankreich die Inzidenz von Skorbut.

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