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29.01.2024 | Psychiatrische Therapieverfahren | Aktuell

Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Neuerungen

Die Katatonie in der ICD-11

verfasst von: Apl. Prof. Dr. med. Dusan Hirjak, Geva A. Brandt, MD, PhD Georg Northoff

Erschienen in: InFo Neurologie + Psychiatrie | Ausgabe 1/2024

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Katatonie ist eine komplexe psychomotorische Störung, die durch zu- und abnehmende motorische, affektive und kognitiv-verhaltensbezogene Symptome und Zeichen charakteristiert ist. Die intensivierte Forschung der letzten zwei Jahrzehnte hat zu zahlreichen erfreulichen Ergebnissen und Entwicklungen geführt. Dieser Beitrag stellt drei kürzlich veröffentlichte Entwicklungen vor.
Zurück zum Zitat Sienaert P et al. A clinical review of the treatment of catatonia. Front Psychiatry. 2014; 5: 181 Sienaert P et al. A clinical review of the treatment of catatonia. Front Psychiatry. 2014; 5: 181
Zurück zum Zitat Rasmussen SA et al. Catatonia: Our current understanding of its diagnosis, treatment and pathophysiology. World J Psychiatry. 2016; 6: 391-8 Rasmussen SA et al. Catatonia: Our current understanding of its diagnosis, treatment and pathophysiology. World J Psychiatry. 2016; 6: 391-8
Zurück zum Zitat RosebushPI, Mazurek MF. Catatonia and its treatment. Schizophr Bull. 2010; 36: 239-42 RosebushPI, Mazurek MF. Catatonia and its treatment. Schizophr Bull. 2010; 36: 239-42
Zurück zum Zitat Hirjak D et al. Catatonia: looking back and moving forward. Brain. 2022; 145: 2939-42 Hirjak D et al. Catatonia: looking back and moving forward. Brain. 2022; 145: 2939-42
Zurück zum Zitat Hirjak D et al. The origins of catatonia - Systematic review of historical texts between 1800 and 1900. Schizophr Res. 2022 Hirjak D et al. The origins of catatonia - Systematic review of historical texts between 1800 and 1900. Schizophr Res. 2022
Zurück zum Zitat Northoff G et al. Catatonia as a psychomotor syndrome: a rating scale and extrapyramidal motor symptoms. Mov Disord. 1999; 14: 404-16 Northoff G et al. Catatonia as a psychomotor syndrome: a rating scale and extrapyramidal motor symptoms. Mov Disord. 1999; 14: 404-16
Zurück zum Zitat Francis A, Mormando C. Catatonia and its varieties: an update. World Psychiatry. 2023; 22: 476-7 Francis A, Mormando C. Catatonia and its varieties: an update. World Psychiatry. 2023; 22: 476-7
Zurück zum Zitat Ungvari GS. Catatonia in DSM 5: controversies regarding its psychopathology, clinical presentation and treatment response. Neuropsychopharmacol Hung. 2014; 16: 189-94 Ungvari GS. Catatonia in DSM 5: controversies regarding its psychopathology, clinical presentation and treatment response. Neuropsychopharmacol Hung. 2014; 16: 189-94
Zurück zum Zitat Tandon R et al. Catatonia in DSM-5. Schizophr Res. 2013; 150: 26-30 Tandon R et al. Catatonia in DSM-5. Schizophr Res. 2013; 150: 26-30
Zurück zum Zitat Rogers JP et al. Evidence-based consensus guidelines for the management of catatonia: recommendations from the British Association for Psychopharmacology. J Psychopharmacol. 2023; 37: 327-69 Rogers JP et al. Evidence-based consensus guidelines for the management of catatonia: recommendations from the British Association for Psychopharmacology. J Psychopharmacol. 2023; 37: 327-69
Zurück zum Zitat Hirjak D et al. Distribution and frequency of clinical criteria and rating scales for diagnosis and assessment of catatonia in different study types. Schizophr Res. 2023; 263: 93-8 Hirjak D et al. Distribution and frequency of clinical criteria and rating scales for diagnosis and assessment of catatonia in different study types. Schizophr Res. 2023; 263: 93-8
Zurück zum Zitat Brandt GA et al. Extension, translation and preliminary validation of the Northoff Scale for Subjective Experience in Catatonia (NSSC). Schizophr Res. 2024; 263: 282-8 Brandt GA et al. Extension, translation and preliminary validation of the Northoff Scale for Subjective Experience in Catatonia (NSSC). Schizophr Res. 2024; 263: 282-8
Zurück zum Zitat Dawkins E et al. Catatonia psychopathology and phenomenology in a large dataset. Front Psychiatry. 2022; 13: 886662 Dawkins E et al. Catatonia psychopathology and phenomenology in a large dataset. Front Psychiatry. 2022; 13: 886662
Zurück zum Zitat Northoff G et al. [The subjective experience in catatonia: systematic study of 24 catatonic patients]. Psychiatr Prax. 1996; 23: 69-73 Northoff G et al. [The subjective experience in catatonia: systematic study of 24 catatonic patients]. Psychiatr Prax. 1996; 23: 69-73
Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Neuerungen
Die Katatonie in der ICD-11
verfasst von
Apl. Prof. Dr. med. Dusan Hirjak
Geva A. Brandt
MD, PhD Georg Northoff

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