Ausgabe 3/2017
Inhalt (43 Artikel)
Alzheimer’s disease CSF biomarkers: clinical indications and rational use
- Open Access
- Review
Ellis Niemantsverdriet, Sara Valckx, Maria Bjerke, Sebastiaan Engelborghs
Neurological aspects of chemical and biological terrorism: guidelines for neurologists
- Review article
Harald De Cauwer, Francis J. M. P. Somville, Marieke Joillet
The potential roles of dopamine in malignant glioma
- Review
Yu-Long Lan, Xun Wang, Jin-Shan Xing, Jia-Cheng Lou, Xiao-Chi Ma, Bo Zhang
Corticosteroids in the management of acute multiple sclerosis exacerbations
- Consensus paper and Guideline
I. Smets, L. Van Deun, C. Bohyn, V. van Pesch, L. Vanopdenbosch, D. Dive, V. Bissay, B. Dubois
Lower limb muscle atrophy on MRI as a guide in the diagnosis of muscle diseases
- Neuro-Images
Dimitri Renard, Eric Thouvenot
Unknown onset ischemic strokes in patients last-seen-well >4.5 h: differences between wake-up and daytime-unwitnessed strokes
- Open Access
- Original Article
Luuk Dekker, Hajo Hund, Robin Lemmens, Jelis Boiten, Ido van den Wijngaard
Etiological classification of ischemic stroke in young patients: a comparative study of TOAST, CCS, and ASCO
- Original Article
Elif Gökçal, Elvin Niftaliyev, Talip Asil
Progressive deficit in isolated pontine infarction: the association with etiological subtype, lesion topography and outcome
- Original Article
Elif Gökçal, Elvin Niftaliyev, Gözde Baran, Çiğdem Deniz, Talip Asil
Role of infarct location and pre-existing depression on cardiac baroreceptor sensitivity in subacute ischemic stroke
- Original Article
Aurelie De Vos, Jacques De Keyser, Sylvie De Raedt
Evaluation and clinical correlation of practical cut-offs for visual rating scales of atrophy: normal aging versus mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease
- Original Article
Anne-Sophie Vanhoenacker, Bernard Sneyers, Frederik De Keyzer, Sam Heye, Philippe Demaerel
Clinical characteristics of menstrually related and non-menstrual migraine
- Original Article
Bülent Güven, Hayat Güven, Selçuk Çomoğlu
The effect of melatonin on gene expression of calcitonin gene-related peptide and some proinflammatory mediators in patients with pure menstrual migraine
- Original Article
Mohammad Ansari, Azam Karkhaneh, Asma Kheirollahi, Solaleh Emamgholipour, Mohammad Hessam Rafiee
The effect of maternal migraine headache on their children’s quality of life
- Original Article
Belma Doğan Güngen, Yesim Güzey Aras, Sıdıka Sinem Gül, Türkan Acar, Ayşe Burcu Ayaz, Aybala Neslihan Alagöz, Bilgehan Atılgan Acar
Effectiveness of low dose of rituximab compared with azathioprine in Chinese patients with neuromyelitis optica: an over 2-year follow-up study
- Original Article
Meini Zhang, Chuntao Zhang, Peng Bai, Huiru Xue, Guilian Wang
Prefoveal floaters as a differential diagnosis to optic neuritis: “mouches dormantes”
- Open Access
- Original Article
Marloes C. Burggraaff, Willemine A. E. J. de Vries-Knoppert, Axel Petzold
Neuron-specific enolase levels as a marker for possible neuronal damage in idiopathic intracranial hypertension
- Original Article
Yavuz Samancı, Bedia Samancı, Erdi Şahin, Güneş Altıokka-Uzun, Cem İsmail Küçükali, Erdem Tüzün, Betül Baykan
Microvascular decompression for hemifacial spasm associated with the vertebral artery
- Original Article
De-bao Yang, Zhi-min Wang
Neurological manifestations of atypical celiac disease in childhood
- Original Article
Çiğdem Genç Sel, Erhan Aksoy, Ayşe Aksoy, Deniz Yüksel, Ferda Özbay
EEG abnormalities and long term seizure outcome in high functioning autism
- Original Article
Özdem Ertürk Çetin, Barış Korkmaz, Gülce Alev, Veysi Demirbilek
Delayed onset hypokinetic-rigid syndrome due to hypoxic-ischemic damage of the striatum
- Open Access
- Neuro-Images
Walid Moudrous, Menno Sluzewski, Jan-Thies van Asseldonk
Syndrome of the trephined revealed by vertical diplopia
- Neuro-Images
K. Hohenbichler, T. Duprez, J. G. Ribeiro Vaz, S. Ferrao Santos, R. El Tahry
Paraneoplastic rhombencephalitis and cerebellitis preceded by isolated intractable vomiting
- Neuro-Images
Dimitri Renard, Giovanni Castelnovo, Camille Bories, Cecile Rieux, Cindy Bernard-Decot
Microcystic meningioma: difficulties in diagnosis and magnetic resonance imaging findings
- Neuro-Images
Mehmet Cagri Danisman, Kazim Serhan Kelesoglu, Mesut Sivri, Mustafa Koplay, Yahya Paksoy
Thrombolysis in thrombocytopenic stroke patients: a case report
- Letter to the Editor
Claudio De Piazza, Francesco Raudino
Intravenous thrombolysis after reversal of dabigatran by idarucizumab: a moment to be a pioneer
- Letter to the Editor
G. Turine, A. Peeters, C. Hermans, S. Eeckhoudt, T. Duprez
Catastrophic presentation of a patient with combined NMOSD and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura/hemolytic uremic syndrome: a case report
- Letter to the Editor
Ali Asghar Okhovat, Behnaz Ansari, Saeed Rezaali, Ayse Altintas, Abdorreza Naser Moghadasi
Transient IgG deficiency with lesions in brain and spinal cord: a mimicker of common variable immunodeficiency syndrome
- Letter to the Editor
Konark Malhotra, Ramnath Santosh Ramanathan, Thomas F. Scott
Primary central nervous system lymphoma of T-cell origin: an unusual cause of spinal cord disease
- Letter to the Editor
Sophie Fastré, Frédéric London, Julie Lelotte, Alessandra Camboni, Anne Jeanjean
Sensory deafferentation syndromes: a case of Charles Bonnet and musical ear syndrome
- Letter to the Editor
Alexander Van Ranst, Vincent Keereman, Dimitri Hemelsoet, Veerle De Herdt
Early onset brain calcifications secondary to hypoparathyroidism in a boy with syncopal-like symptomatology
- Letter to the Editor
Maria Grazia Pasca, Elisabetta Lucarelli, Luigi Russo, Isabella Fanizza, Antonio Trabacca
Autoimmune cerebellar ataxia with glutamic acid decarboxylase 65 antibodies associated with central vestibular symptoms
- Letter to the Editor
Frédéric London, Nawal Hadhoum, Hélène Zéphir, Olivier Outteryck, Patrick Vermersch
Could pregabalin cause oculomotor symptoms in lower dose? A case with down beat nystagmus as a side effect
- Letter to the Editor
Aysen Suzen Ekinci, Seyma Ciftci, Berfu Cavus, Ibrahim Aydogdu
Hydrocephalus as a rare clinical symptom in a child with multiple sulfatase deficiency
- Letter to the Editor
Faruk Incecik, Ozlem M. Herguner
Caution! Self-supplementation may be injurious to your health
- Letter to the Editor
Ayoub Innabi, Kaustubh Limaye, Sarah Cobb, Rohan Samant, Tuhin Virmani
Transdiscal fracture of thoracic spine presenting as sensory ataxia
- Letter to the Editor
Sanjeev Kumar Bhoi, Suprava Naik, Jayantee Kalita, Sunil Kumar, U. K. Misra
Tongue biting resulting from sleep-related facio-mandibular myoclonus as a cause for misdiagnosed epilepsy
- Letter to the Editor
Marlena Hupalo, Dariusz J. Jaskolski
Myogenic abnormalities in intensive care can hide an uncommon diagnosis
- Letter to the Editor
Frédéric London, Younès Benzidi, Patrick Vermersch, Céline Tard
Post-stroke restless arm syndrome mimicking hemichorea–hemiballism
- Letter to the Editor
Ha-yom Kim, Moon-Ho Park, Do-Young Kwon
Unusual early positive outcome of VNS therapy: anecdotal honeymoon or atypical prolonged immediate changes?
- Letter to the Editor
Marta De Rinaldis, Nicola Gigante, Antonio Trabacca
Subacute onset Hirayama disease with extensive myelopathy on MRI in flexed posture
- Letter to the Editor
Merel Brems, Johan Van Goethem, Mania De Praeter, Barbara Willekens
Erratum to: Subacute onset Hirayama disease with extensive myelopathy on MRI in flexed posture
- Erratum
Merel Brems, Johan Van Goethem, Mania De Praeter, Barbara Willekens