Ausgabe 8/2020
Inhalt (74 Artikel)
COVID-19 Data and the Cancer Patient: A Need for Registry Inclusion
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- COVID-19
- Health Services Research and Global Oncology
Frederick Leslie Greene
Global Forum of Cancer Surgeons: Position Statement to Promote Cancer Surgery Globally
- Health Services Research and Global Oncology
Chandrakanth Are, David L. Bartlett, Aviram Nissan, Zippel Dov, Arnab Gupta, Dhairyasheel Savant, Juan Enrique Bargallo-Rocha, Hector Martinez Said, Alexandre F. Oliveira, Héber S. de Castro Ribeiro, Augusto Leon, Yuko Kitagawa, Kazuhiro Yoshida, Han-Kwang Yang, Do Joong Park, Ashraf Zaghloul, Wael A. Gawad, Andrew McKay, Lucy K. Helyer, Haroon Javaid Majid, Muhammad Arshad Cheema, Gong Chen, Alessandro Gronchi, Tibor Kovacs, Domenico D’Ugo
“Choosing Wisely” in Breast Cancer Surgery: Drivers of Low Value Care
- Breast Oncology
Rachel A. Greenup, Ipshita Prakash, Corinna Sorenson
Selection of Patients for Organ Preservation After Chemoradiotherapy: It Is Too Early to Exclude Any Method for Assessment of Response After CRT
- Colorectal Cancer
Erin D. Kennedy, Aman Pooni
It May Not Be Too Little or Too Late: Resecting Primary Small Bowel Neuroendocrine Tumors in the Presence of Metastatic Disease
- Gastrointestinal Oncology
James R. Howe
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy for Melanoma: Buggy Whip or Roller Bearing?
- Melanoma
Giorgos C. Karakousis, Mark B. Faries
Regional Lymph Nodes in Scalp Angiosarcomas: The Hidden Harbinger of Doom?
- Sarcoma
Miranda B. Lam, Elizabeth H. Baldini
COVID-19 Pandemic and Surgical Oncology: Preserving the Academic Mission
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- COVID-19
- Health Services Research and Global Oncology
Timothy M. Pawlik, Douglas S. Tyler, Baran Sumer, Funda Meric-Bernstam, Ikenna C. Okereke, Joal D. Beane, Priya H. Dedhia, Aslam Ejaz, Kelly M. McMasters, Kenneth K. Tanabe
Surgical Oncologists and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Guiding Cancer Patients Effectively through Turbulence and Change
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- COVID-19
- Health Services Research and Global Oncology
E. Shelley Hwang, Charles M. Balch, Glen C. Balch, Sheldon M. Feldman, Mehra Golshan, Stephen R. Grobmyer, Steven K. Libutti, Julie A. Margenthaler, Madhu Sasidhar, Kiran K. Turaga, Sandra L. Wong, Kelly M. McMasters, Kenneth K. Tanabe
Time to Adjuvant Radiotherapy in Breast Cancer Affects Survival: Implications for the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer Quality Metrics
- Health Services Research and Global Oncology
Vasilena Zheleva, Rebecca A. Nelson, Sinziana Dumitra, Nayana L. Vora, Lily L. Lai
ASO Author Reflections: A Call to Modify Factors Predictive of Noncompliance with Quality Measures in Breast Cancer Treatment
- ASO Author Reflections
Vasilena Zheleva, Lily L. Lai
Evaluation of Long-Term Satisfaction with Breast Surgery in Patients Treated for Ductal Carcinoma In Situ: A Population-Based Longitudinal Cohort Study
- Health Services Research and Global Oncology
Devon Livingston-Rosanoff, Amy Trentham-Dietz, John M. Hampton, Polly A. Newcomb, Lee G. Wilke
The Influence of Comorbidity on Health-Related Quality of Life After Esophageal Cancer Surgery
- Open Access
- Health Services Research and Global Oncology
Lovisa Backemar, Asif Johar, Anna Wikman, Janine Zylstra, James Gossage, Andrew Davies, Jesper Lagergren, Pernilla Lagergren
In Search of the Optimal Outcome Measure for Patients with Advanced Cancer and Gastrointestinal Obstruction: A Qualitative Research Study
- Health Services Research and Global Oncology
Loretta A. Williams, Eduardo Bruera, Brian Badgwell
Barriers and Facilitators to De-Implementation of the Choosing Wisely® Guidelines for Low-Value Breast Cancer Surgery
- Breast Oncology
Margaret E. Smith, C. Ann Vitous, Tasha M. Hughes, Sarah P. Shubeck, Reshma Jagsi, Lesly A. Dossett
Comparing Observation, Axillary Radiotherapy, and Completion Axillary Lymph Node Dissection for Management of Axilla in Breast Cancer in Patients with Positive Sentinel Nodes: A Systematic Review
- Breast Oncology
Matthew Castelo, Shu Yang Hu, Fahima Dossa, Sergio A. Acuna, Adena S. Scheer
ASO Author Reflections: Completion Axillary Dissection Can Be Avoided but Inconsistent Trial Design Complicates Choosing Between Alternative Strategies
- ASO Author Reflections
Matthew Castelo, Adena S. Scheer
Ultrasound-Based Nomogram Identifies Breast Cancer Patients Unlikely to Harbor Axillary Metastasis: Towards Selective Omission of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
- Breast Oncology
Hanh-Tam Tran, Daina Pack, Charles Mylander, Laura Martino, Martin Rosman, Lorraine Tafra, Rubie Sue Jackson
ASO Author Reflections: Preoperative Nomogram Identifies Patients for Selective Omission of SLNB in Breast Cancer—to Promote Implementation of the Choosing Wisely Campaign Recommendations
- ASO Author Reflections
Hanh-Tam Tran, Rubie Sue Jackson
Breast Biopsy During Post-treatment Surveillance of Screen-Detected Breast Cancer Patients Yields High Rates of Benign Findings
- Breast Oncology
Alison Laws, Yuan Xu, Shiying Kong, Anne-Marie Brisson, Antoine Bouchard-Fortier, May Lynn Quan
Utility of 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography Fusion Imaging for Prediction of Metastasis to Sentinel and Nonsentinel Nodes in Patients with Clinically Node-Negative Breast Cancer
- Open Access
- Breast Oncology
Yoji Yamagishi, Tamio Yamasaki, Jiro Ishida, Tomoyuki Moriya, Takahiro Einama, Tomomi Koiwai, Makiko Fukumura-Koga, Takako Kono, Katsumi Hayashi, Hideki Ueno, Junji Yamamoto, Hitoshi Tsuda
The Impact of Primary Tumor Surgery on Survival in HER2 Positive Stage IV Breast Cancer Patients in the Current Era of Targeted Therapy
- Breast Oncology
Ross Mudgway, Carlos Chavez de Paz Villanueva, Ann C. Lin, Maheswari Senthil, Carlos A. Garberoglio, Sharon S. Lum
ASO Author Reflections: Improved Survival for Stage IV Breast Cancer: Considerations for Surgery in the Era of HER2-Targeted Therapy
- ASO Author Reflections
Ross Mudgway, Sharon S. Lum
The Landmark Series: Management of Lateral Lymph Nodes in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer
- Colorectal Cancer
Oliver Peacock, George J. Chang
Selection of Patients for Organ Preservation After Chemoradiotherapy: MRI Identifies Poor Responders Who Can Go Straight to Surgery
- Colorectal Cancer
Hester E. Haak, Monique Maas, Max J. Lahaye, Thierry N. Boellaard, Andrea Delli Pizzi, Casper Mihl, Dennis van der Zee, Cristina Fabris, Marit E. van der Sande, Jarno Melenhorst, Regina G. H. Beets-Tan, Geerard L. Beets, Doenja M. J. Lambregts
Predicting Risk of Recurrence After Colorectal Cancer Surgery in the United States: An Analysis of a Special Commission on Cancer National Study
- Colorectal Cancer
Syed Nabeel Zafar, Chung-Yuan Hu, Rebecca A. Snyder, Amanda Cuddy, Y. Nancy You, Lisa M. Lowenstein, Robert J. Volk, George J. Chang
De Novo Secondary Adenocarcinoma in the Colon Used as Urinary Diversion Not in Contact with the Fecal Stream: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
- Colorectal Cancer
Antonio V. Sterpetti, Umberto Costi, Raffaele Grande, Giuseppe D’Ermo, Paolo Sapienza
ASO Author Reflections: Importance of Follow-Up after Colonic Urinary Diversions with Separation of Urine and Feces—Suggested Guidelines
- ASO Author Reflections
Antonio V. Sterpetti
Synchronous and Metachronous Peritoneal Metastases in Patients with Left-Sided Obstructive Colon Cancer
- Open Access
- Colorectal Cancer
Joyce Valerie Veld, Daniel Derk Wisselink, Femke Julie Amelung, Esther Catharina Josephina Consten, Johannes Hendrik Willem de Wilt, Ignace de Hingh, Wilhelmus Adrianus Bemelman, Jeanin Elise van Hooft, Pieter Job Tanis, H. Algera, G. D. Algie, C. S. Andeweg, T. E. Argillander, M. N. N. J. Arron, K. Arts, T. H. J. Aufenacker, I. S. Bakker, M. van Basten Batenburg, A. J. N. M. Bastiaansen, G. L. Beets, A. van den Berg, B. van de Beukel, R. L. G. M. Blom, B. Blomberg, E. G. Boerma, F. C. den Boer, W. A. A. Borstlap, N. D. Bouvy, J. E. Bouwman, N. D. A. Boye, A. R. M. Brandt-Kerkhof, H. T. Bransma, A. Breijer, W. T. van den Broek, M. E. E. Bröker, J. P. M. Burbach, E. R. J. Bruns, T. A. Burghgraef, R. M. P. H. Crolla, M. Dam, L. Daniels, J. W. T. Dekker, A. Demirkiran, K. W. van Dongen, S. F. Durmaz, A. van Esch, J. A. van Essen, P. Fockens, J. W. Foppen, E. J. B. Furnee, A. A. W. van Geloven, M. F. Gerhards, E. A. Gorter, W. M. U. van Grevenstein, J. van Groningen, I. A. J. de Groot-van Veen, H. E. Haak, J. W. A. de Haas, P. van Hagen, E. E. van Halsema, J. T. H. Hamminga, K. Havenga, B. van den Hengel, E. van der Harst, J. Heemskerk, J. Heeren, B. H. M. Heijnen, L. Heijnen, J. T. Heikens, M. van Heinsbergen, D. A. Hess, N. Heuchemer, C. Hoff, W. Hogendoorn, A. P. J. Houdijk, N. Hugen, B. Inberg, T. L. Janssen, D. Jean Pierre, W. J. de Jong, A. C. H. M. Jongen, A. V. Kamman, J. M. Klaase, W. Kelder, E. F. Kelling, R. Klicks, G. W. De Klein, F. W. H. Kloppenberg, J. L. M. Konsten, L. J. E. R. Koolen, V. Kornmann, R. T. J. Kortekaas, A. Kreiter, B. Lamme, J. F. Lange, T. Lettinga, D. Lips, G. Lo, F. Logeman, Y. T. van Loon, M. F. Lutke Holzik, C. C. M. Marres, I. Masselink, A. Mearadji, G. Meisen, A. G. Menon, J. W. S. Merkus, D. J. L. M. de Mey, H. C. J. van der Mijle, D. E. Moes, C. J. L. Molenaar, M. J. Nieboer, K. Nielsen, G. A. P. Nieuwenhuijzen, P. A. Neijenhuis, P. Oomen, N. van Oorschot, K. Parry, K. C. M. J. Peeters, T. Paulides, I. Paulusma, F. B. Poelmann, S. W. Polle, P. Poortman, M. H. Raber, R. J. Renger, B. M. M. Reiber, R. Roukema, W. M. J. de Ruijter, M. J. A. M. Russchen, H. J. T. Rutten, J. Scheerhoorn, S. Scheurs, H. Schippers, V. N. E. Schuermans, H. J. Schuijt, P. D. Siersema, J. C. Sierink, C. Sietses, R. Silvis, J. van der Slegt, G. D. Slooter, M. van der Sluis, P. van der Sluis, N. Smakman, D. Smit, A. B. Smits, T. C. van Sprundel, D. J. A. Sonneveld, C. Steur, J. Straatman, M. C. Struijs, H. A. Swank, A. K. Talsma, M. Tenhagen, F. ter Borg, J. A. M. G. Tol, J. L. Tolenaar, L. Tseng, J. B. Tuynman, M. J. F. van Veen, S. C. Veltkamp, A. W. H. van de Ven, L. Verkoele, M. Vermaas, H. P. Versteegh, L. Verslijs, T. Visser, D. van Uden, W. J. Vles, R. J. de Vos tot Nederveen Cappel, H. S. de Vries, S. T. van Vugt, G. Vugts, J. A. Wegdam, T. J. Weijs, B. J. van Wely, M. Westerterp, H. L. van Westreenen, B. Wiering, N. A. T. Wijffels, A. A. Wijkmans, L. H. Wijngaarden, M. van de Wilt, F. Wit, E. S. van der Zaag, D. D. E. Zimmerman, T. L. R. Zwols
Clinical Significance of Preoperative Serum Carcinoembryonic Antigen Within the Normal Range in Colorectal Cancer Patients Undergoing Curative Resection
- Colorectal Cancer
Seung-Hoon Beom, Sang Joon Shin, Chang Gon Kim, Jee Hyung Kim, Hyuk Hur, Byung Soh Min, Kang-Young Lee, Nam Kyu Kim, Joong Bae Ahn
Systemic Inflammation and Outcome in 2295 Patients with Stage I–III Colorectal Cancer from Scotland and Norway: First Results from the ScotScan Colorectal Cancer Group
- Open Access
- Colorectal Cancer
James H. Park, Anniken J. Fuglestad, Anne H. Køstner, Agata Oliwa, Janet Graham, Paul G. Horgan, Campbell S. D. Roxburgh, Christian Kersten, Donald C. McMillan
Primary Tumor Resection Offers Survival Benefit in Patients with Metastatic Midgut Neuroendocrine Tumors
- Gastrointestinal Oncology
Monica Polcz, Cameron Schlegel, Gretchen C. Edwards, Fei Wang, Marcus Tan, Colleen Kiernan, Carmen C. Solórzano, Kamran Idrees, Alexander Parikh, Christina E. Bailey
ASO Author Reflections: The Role of Primary Tumor Resection in Metastatic Midgut Neuroendocrine Tumor
- ASO Author Reflections
Monica Polcz, Christina Bailey
Phase I Trial of Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemoperfusion (HIPEC) with Cisplatin, Mitomycin, and Paclitaxel in Patients with Gastric Adenocarcinoma and Associated Carcinomatosis or Positive Cytology
- Gastrointestinal Oncology
Mariela Blum Murphy, Naruhiko Ikoma, Xuemei Wang, Jeannelyn Estrella, Sinchita Roy-Chowdhuri, Prajnan Das, Bruce D. Minsky, Shumei Song, Paul Mansfield, Jaffer Ajani, Brian Badgwell
Prognostic Factors for Primary Localized Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors After Radical Resection: Shandong Gastrointestinal Surgery Study Group, Study 1201
- Gastrointestinal Oncology
Xiaoqian Zhang, Liang Ning, Yulong Hu, Shanfeng Zhao, Zequn Li, Leping Li, Yong Dai, Lixin Jiang, Ailiang Wang, Xianqun Chu, Yuming Li, Daogui Yang, Chunlei Lu, Linguo Yao, Gang Cui, Huizhong Lin, Gang Chen, Qing Cui, Hongliang Guo, Huanhu Zhang, Zengjun Lun, Lijian Xia, Yingfeng Su, Guoxin Han, Xizeng Hui, Zhixin Wei, Zuocheng Sun, Shuai Shen, Yanbing Zhou
Adnexal Involvement in Endometrial Cancer: Prognostic Factors and Implications for Ovarian Preservation
- Gynecologic Oncology
Glauco Baiocchi, Ana Gabriela Clemente, Henrique Mantoan, Wilson Luiz da Costa Jr., Graziele Bovolim, Andrea Paiva Gadelha Guimaraes, Alexandre Andre Balieiro Anastacio da Costa, Louise De Brot, Carlos Chaves Faloppa
ASO Author Reflections: Could Ovarian Preservation be Considered for Young Women with Endometrial Cancer?
- ASO Author Reflections
Glauco Baiocchi
Prognostic Value and Therapeutic Implication of Laparoscopic Extraperitoneal Paraaortic Staging in Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer: A Spanish Multicenter Study
- Gynecologic Oncology
Berta Díaz-Feijoo, Aureli Torné, Álvaro Tejerizo, Virginia Benito, Alicia Hernández, Rubén Ruiz, Santiago Domingo, Rocío Luna-Guibourg, Antonio Llueca, Pluvio Coronado, Juan Gilabert-Estelles, Vicente Bebia, Blanca Gil-Ibáñez, Antonio Gil-Moreno, Berta Díaz-Feijoo, Aureli Torné, Blanca Gil-Ibáñez, Antonio Gil-Moreno, Vicente Bebia, Álvaro Tejerizo, José F. Pérez-Regadera, Virginia Benito, Amina Lumbrano, Alicia Hernández, Cristina González, Santiago Domingo, Víctor Lago, Rubén Ruiz, Paloma Cobos, Donostia-San Sebastián, Rocío Luna-Guibourg, Ramón Rovira, Juan Gilabert-Estelles, Dra. Chipiriliu, Antonio Llueca, Lola Piquer, Pluvio Coronado, Miriam Gracia
Regional Metastasis in Head and Neck Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma: An Update on the Significance of Extra-Nodal Extension and Soft Tissue Metastasis
- Head and Neck Oncology
Shaheen Hasmat, Craig Mooney, Kan Gao, Carsten E. Palme, Ardalan Ebrahimi, Sydney Ch’ng, Ruta Gupta, Tsu-Hui Low, Jonathan Clark
The Landmark Series: Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma
- Hepatobiliary Tumors
Jordan M. Cloyd, Aslam Ejaz, Timothy M. Pawlik
ASO Author Reflections: Advances in the Multidisciplinary Management of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma
- ASO Author Reflections
Jordan M. Cloyd, Aslam Ejaz, Timothy M. Pawlik
Post Hepatectomy Liver Failure Risk Calculator for Preoperative and Early Postoperative Period Following Major Hepatectomy
- Hepatobiliary Tumors
Jessica Y. Liu, Ryan J. Ellis, Q. Lina Hu, Mark E. Cohen, David B. Hoyt, Anthony D. Yang, David J. Bentrem, Clifford Y. Ko, Timothy M. Pawlik, Karl Y. Bilimoria, Ryan P. Merkow
What is the Prognostic Value of a Discordant Radiologic and Pathologic Response in Patients Undergoing Resection of Colorectal Liver Metastases After Preoperative Chemotherapy?
- Hepatobiliary Tumors
Antoine Brouquet, Christelle Blot, Marc-Antoine Allard, Thierry Lazure, Mylène Sebbagh, Mathilde Gayet, Maïté Lewin, René Adam, Christophe Penna, Antonio Sa Cunha, Stephane Benoist
ASO Author Reflections: Discordant Pathologic and Radiologic Response of Colorectal Liver Metastases After Chemotherapy: Which One Should We Trust to Predict Outcome and to Tailor Postoperative Chemotherapy?
- ASO Author Reflections
Antoine Brouquet, Stephane Benoist
The Impact of Preoperative CA19-9 and CEA on Outcomes of Patients with Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma
- Hepatobiliary Tumors
Amika Moro, Rittal Mehta, Kota Sahara, Diamantis I. Tsilimigras, Anghela Z. Paredes, Ayesha Farooq, J. Madison Hyer, Itaru Endo, Feng Shen, Alfredo Guglielmi, Luca Aldrighetti, Matthew Weiss, Todd W. Bauer, Sorin Alexandrescu, George A. Poultsides, Shishir K. Maithel, Hugo P. Marques, Guillaume Martel, Carlo Pulitano, Olivier Soubrane, Bas G. Koerkamp, Kazunari Sasaki, Timothy M. Pawlik
Laparoscopic Radical Antegrade Modular Pancreatosplenectomy with Venous Tangential Resection: Focus on Periadventitial Dissection of the Superior Mesenteric Artery for Obtaining Negative Margin and a Safe Vascular Resection
- Hepatobiliary Tumors
Edoardo Rosso, Alberto Manzoni, Giuseppe Zimmitti, Valentina Sega, Elio Treppiedi, Sara Giaccari, Claudio Codignola, Marco Garatti
ASO Author Reflections: Pushing the Limits of Resection for Left Pancreatic Cancer: from Conventional Distal Pancreatosplenectomy, to Laparoscopic Radical Antegrade Modular Pancreatosplenectomy, Until Vein Resection for Vascular Tumor Involvement
- ASO Author Reflections
Giuseppe Zimmitti, Alberto Manzoni, Marco Garatti, Edoardo Rosso
Near Infrared (NIR) Fluorescence is Not a Substitute for Lymphoscintigraphy and Gamma Probe for Melanoma Sentinel Node Detection: Results from a Prospective Trial
- Melanoma
Carlos Eduardo Barbosa de Carvalho, Renato Capuzzo, Camila Crovador, Renan J. Teixeira, Ana Carolina Laus, Andre Lopes Carvalho, Vinicius L. Vazquez
Neoadjuvant Versus Adjuvant Immune Checkpoint Blockade in the Treatment of Clinical Stage III Melanoma
- Melanoma
Yun Song, Richard J. Straker III, Xiaowei Xu, David E. Elder, Phyllis A. Gimotty, Alexander C. Huang, Tara C. Mitchell, Ravi K. Amaravadi, Lynn M. Schuchter, Giorgos C. Karakousis
Outcomes of Immunosuppressed Patients Who Develop Melanoma: A Population-Based Propensity-Matched Cohort Study
- Melanoma
Janice Austin, Frances C. Wright, Stephanie Y. Cheng, Rinku Sutradhar, Nancy N. Baxter, Nicole J. Look Hong
How to Approach Para-Aortic Lymph Node Metastases During Exploration for Suspected Periampullary Carcinoma: Resection or Bypass?
- Open Access
- Pancreatic Tumors
Bobby K. Pranger, Dorine S. J. Tseng, Sander Ubels, Hjalmar C. van Santvoort, Vincent B. Nieuwenhuijs, Koert P. de Jong, Gijs Patijn, I. Quintus Molenaar, Joris I. Erdmann, Vincent E. de Meijer
ASO Author Reflections: Dilemma of Paraaortic Lymph Node Metastases During Exploration for Suspected Periampullary Carcinoma
- Open Access
- ASO Author Reflections
Bobby K. Pranger, Vincent E. de Meijer
Predictors of Disease Progression or Performance Status Decline in Patients Undergoing Neoadjuvant Therapy for Localized Pancreatic Head Adenocarcinoma
- Pancreatic Tumors
Alessandro Paniccia, Ana L. Gleisner, Mazen S. Zenati, Amr I. Al Abbas, Jae Pil Jung, Nathan Bahary, Kenneth K. W. Lee, David Bartlett, Melissa E. Hogg, Herbert J. Zeh, Amer H. Zureikat
ASO Author Reflections: Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Localized Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma—Predictors of Disease Progression and Performance Status Decline
- ASO Author Reflections
Alessandro Paniccia, Amer Zureikat
Predictors and Outcomes of Surgery in Peritoneal Mesothelioma: an Analysis of 2000 Patients from the National Cancer Database
- Peritoneal Surface Malignancy
Lana Bijelic, Kathleen Darcy, Joshua Stodghill, Chunqiao Tian, Timothy Cannon
ASO Author Reflections: Expert Surgical Evaluation is Critical for Patients with Diffuse Malignant Peritoneal Mesothelioma: Lessons Learned from Assessing Outcomes of 2000 Patients
- ASO Author Reflections
Lana Bijelic, Timothy Cannon
The Pathologic Peritoneal Cancer Index (PCI) Strongly Differs From the Surgical PCI in Peritoneal Metastases Arising From Various Primary Tumors
- Peritoneal Surface Malignancy
Aditi Bhatt, Yutaka Yonemura, Sanket Mehta, Nazim Benzerdjeb, Praveen Kammar, Loma Parikh, Aruna Prabhu, Suniti Mishra, Mita Shah, Sakina Shaikh, Vahan Kepenekian, Isabelle Bonnefoy, Mahesh D. Patel, Sylvie Isaac, Olivier Glehen
Surgeons’ Ability to Predict the Extent of Surgery Prior to Cytoreductive Surgery with Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy
- Open Access
- Peritoneal Surface Malignancy
Judith E. K. R. Hentzen, Willemijn Y. van der Plas, Lukas B. Been, Frederik J. H. Hoogwater, Robert J. van Ginkel, Gooitzen M. van Dam, Patrick H. J. Hemmer, Schelto Kruijff
Synthetic Mesh Versus Acellular Dermal Matrix for Oncologic Chest Wall Reconstruction: A Comparative Analysis
- Reconstructive Oncology
Salvatore Giordano, Patrick B. Garvey, Mark W. Clemens, Donald P. Baumann, Jesse C. Selber, David C. Rice, Charles E. Butler
Regional Lymph Node Metastasis of Scalp Angiosarcoma: A Detailed Clinical Observation Study of 40 Cases
- Sarcoma
Yungjee Kang, Juyoung Bae, Sangjoon Choi, Kee-Taek Jang, Jeongil Yu, Jung Yong Hong, So Young Lim, Han-Sin Jeong
ASO Author Reflections: Pattern and Frequency of Lymph Node Metastasis in Scalp Angiosarcoma
- ASO Author Reflections
So Young Lim, Han-Sin Jeong
The Landmark Series: Multimodality Therapy for Stage 3A Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
- Thoracic Oncology
Marcus E. Eby, Christopher W. Seder
Technique for Robotic Transhiatal Esophagectomy
- Thoracic Oncology
June S. Peng, Moshim Kukar, Steven N. Hochwald
ASO Author Reflections: Overcoming the Learning Curve for Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy
- ASO Author Reflections
June S. Peng, Moshim Kukar, Steven N. Hochwald
Sarcopenia and Short-Term Outcomes After Esophagectomy: A Meta-analysis
- Thoracic Oncology
Pei-yu Wang, Li-dong Xu, Xian-kai Chen, Lei Xu, Yong-kui Yu, Rui-xiang Zhang, Hai-bo Sun, Hui-li Wu, Yin Li
Clinicopathologic Features and Genetic Alterations in Adenocarcinoma In Situ and Minimally Invasive Adenocarcinoma of the Lung: Long-Term Follow-Up Study of 121 Asian Patients
- Thoracic Oncology
Meng Jia, Shili Yu, Lanqing Cao, Ping-Li Sun, Hongwen Gao
Postoperative Complications have Minimal Impact on Long-Term Prognosis in Immunodeficient Patients with Esophageal Cancer
- Thoracic Oncology
Suguru Maruyama, Yoshihiko Kawaguchi, Hidenori Akaike, Katsutoshi Shoda, Ryo Saito, Hiroki Shimizu, Shinji Furuya, Naohiro Hosomura, Hidetake Amemiya, Hiromichi Kawaida, Makoto Sudo, Shingo Inoue, Hiroshi Kono, Daisuke Ichikawa
The Prognostic Impact of Extracapsular Lymph Node Involvement in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- Thoracic Oncology
Chih-Ming Lin, Cheng-Che Tu, Yi-Chen Yeh, Po-Kuei Hsu, Ling-I. Chien, Chien-Sheng Huang, Yu-Chung Wu, Han-Shui Hsu
Volumetric Histogram Analysis of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient as a Biomarker to Predict Survival of Esophageal Cancer Patients
- Thoracic Oncology
Atsushi Hirata, Koichi Hayano, Gaku Ohira, Shunsuke Imanishi, Toshiharu Hanaoka, Takeshi Toyozumi, Kentaro Murakami, Tomoyoshi Aoyagi, Kiyohiko Shuto, Hisahiro Matsubara
ASO Author Reflections: MRI-Derived Biomarker to Select Optimal Treatment for Esophageal Cancer Patients
- ASO Author Reflections
Koichi Hayano, Atsushi Hirata, Hisahiro Matsubara
Trans-Inferior-Pulmonary-Ligament Single-Direction Thoracoscopic RS9 Segmentectomy: Application of Stem-Branch Method for Tracking Anatomy
- Thoracic Oncology
Yunke Zhu, Qiang Pu, Chengwu Liu, Jiandong Mei, Lunxu Liu
ASO Author Reflections: A Novel Concept to Decreasing the Technical Difficulty of Complex Pulmonary Segmentectomy
- ASO Author Reflections
Yunke Zhu, Lunxu Liu