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Pediatric Nephrology

Ausgabe 7/2022

Inhalt (32 Artikel)

The pediatric urobiome in genitourinary conditions: a narrative review

  • Review

Elisabeth Cole, Nader Shaikh, Catherine S. Forster

Kidney implications of SARS-CoV2 infection in children

Erica C. Bjornstad, Michael E. Seifert, Keia Sanderson, Daniel I. Feig

Systematic review of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome biomarkers

  • Systematic Review/Meta-analysis

Rupesh Raina, Sidharth K. Sethi, Marie-Agnès Dragon-Durey, Amrit Khooblall, Divya Sharma, Priyanka Khandelwal, Ron Shapiro, Olivia Boyer, Hui Kim Yap, Arvind Bagga, Christoph Licht

Monogenic forms of low-renin hypertension: clinical and molecular insights

  • Educational Review

Priyanka Khandelwal, Jaap Deinum

Joining the dots: Questions

  • Clinical Quiz

Niladri Bose, Kaustabh Chaudhuri, Mordi Muorah, Rajiv Sinha

Joining the dots: Answers

  • Clinical Quiz

Niladri Bose, Kaustabh Chaudhuri, Mordi Muorah, Rajiv Sinha

Unusual eye findings in a patient with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome: Questions

  • Clinical Quiz

Begüm Avcı, Şengül Özdek, İmren Akkoyun, Esra Baskın

Unusual eye findings in a patient with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome: Answers

  • Clinical Quiz

Begüm Avcı, Şengül Özdek, İmren Akkoyun, Esra Baskın

Hematuria and proteinuria in a 14-year-old boy on anti-tubercular treatment: Questions

  • Clinical Quiz

Sanjana Sarangarajan, Sriram Krishnamurthy, Bobbity Deepthi, Aswini Annadurai, Bheemanathi Hanuman Srinivas

Hematuria and proteinuria in a 14-year-old boy on anti-tubercular treatment: Answers

  • Clinical Quiz

Sanjana Sarangarajan, Sriram Krishnamurthy, Bobbity Deepthi, Aswini Annadurai, Bheemanathi Hanuman Srinivas

Gross hematuria in a boy — “spot” the diagnosis:Questions

  • Clinical Quiz

Sandeep Riar, Alonso Carrasco Jr., Tanya Pereira

Gross hematuria in a boy — “spot” the diagnosis: Answers

  • Clinical Quiz

Sandeep Riar, Alonso Carrasco Jr., Tanya Pereira

Clinical and neurophysiological characterization of early neuromuscular involvement in children and adolescents with nephropathic cystinosis

  • Original Article

Nour Elkhateeb, Rasha Selim, Neveen A. Soliman, Fatma M. Atia, Ihab Ibrahim Abouelwoun, Mohamed. A. Elmonem, Rasha Helmy

Determinants of medication adherence in childhood nephrotic syndrome and associations of adherence with clinical outcomes

  • Original Article

Chia-shi Wang, Jonathan P Troost, Yujie Wang, Larry A Greenbaum, Keisha Gibson, Howard Trachtman, Tarak Srivastava, Kimberly Reidy, Frederick Kaskel, Christine B Sethna, Kevin Meyers, Katherine M Dell, Cheryl L Tran, Sangeeta Hingorani, Kevin V Lemley, Jen-Jar Lin, Debbie S Gipson

Specific immune biomarker monitoring in two children with severe IgA nephropathy and successful therapy with immunoadsorption in a rapidly progressive case

  • Original Article

Alexandra Cambier, Claire Dossier, Julien Hogan, Véronique Baudouin, Anne Maisin, Anne Couderc, Theresa Kwon, Patrick J. Gleeson, Renato C. Monteiro

Nutcracker syndrome: a potentially underdiagnosed cause of proteinuria in children with familial Mediterranean fever

  • Original Article

Pinar Ozge Avar-Aydin, Zeynep Birsin Ozcakar, Nilgun Cakar, Suat Fitoz, Hatice Dilara Karakas, Fatos Yalcinkaya

A multidisciplinary nephrogenetic referral clinic for children and adults—diagnostic achievements and insights

  • Original Article

Ben Pode-Shakked, Yishay Ben-Moshe, Ortal Barel, Lilach C. Regev, Maayan Kagan, Aviva Eliyahu, Dina Marek-Yagel, Danit Atias-Varon, Einat Lahav, Naomi Issler, Omer Shlomovitz, Rotem Semo Oz, Nitzan Kol, Nofar Mor, Ifat Bar-Joseph, Yulia Khavkin, Elisheva Javasky, Pazit Beckerman, Meidad Greenberg, Oded Volovelsky, Yael Borovitz, Miriam Davidovits, Orly Haskin, Hadas Alfandary, Shely Levi, Maital Kaidar, Ze’ev Katzir, Avital Angel-Korman, Rachel Becker-Cohen, Efrat Ben-Shalom, Adi Leiba, Eytan Mor, Amit Dagan, Itai M. Pessach, Danny Lotan, Moshe Shashar, Yair Anikster, Annick Raas-Rothschild, Gideon Rechavi, Benjamin Dekel, Asaf Vivante

Low variability of plant protein intake in the CKiD cohort does not demonstrate changes in estimated GFR nor electrolyte balance

  • Original Article

Lokesh N. Shah, Matthew B. Matheson, Susan L. Furth, George J. Schwartz, Bradley A. Warady, Cynthia J. Wong

Potassium and fiber: a controversial couple in the nutritional management of children with chronic kidney disease

  • Original Article

Amina El Amouri, Kato Delva, Aurélie Foulon, Charlotte Vande Moortel, Koen Van Hoeck, Griet Glorieux, Wim Van Biesen, Johan Vande Walle, Ann Raes, Evelien Snauwaert, Sunny Eloot

Practice patterns and outcomes for pediatric ANCA vasculitis transplant recipients in a national cohort

  • Original Article

Stella Kilduff, Jonathan Butler, Hiroshi Sogawa, Sonia Solomon

Low albumin levels are independently associated with neonatal acute kidney injury: a report from AWAKEN Study Group

  • Original Article

Arwa Nada, David Askenazi, Juan C. Kupferman, Maroun Mhanna, John D. Mahan, Louis Boohaker, Linzi Li, Russell L. Griffin, David T. Selewski, Namasivayam Ambalavanan, Subrata Sarkar, Alison Kent, Jeffery Fletcher, Carolyn L. Abitbol, Marissa DeFreitas, Shahnaz Duara, Jennifer Charlton, Jonathan R. Swanson, Patrick D. Brophy, Ronnie Guillet, Carl D’Angio, Ayesa Mian, Erin Rademacher, Rupesh Raina, Deepak Kumar, Jennifer G. Jetton, Tarah T. Colaizy, Jonathan M. Klein, Ayse Akcan-Arikan, Catherine Joseph, Christopher J. Rhee, Alok Bhutada, Shantanu Rastogi, F. Sessions Cole, T. Keefe Davis, Lawrence Milner, Alexandra Smith, Mamta Fuloria, Frederick J. Kaskel, Kimberly Reidy, Katja M. Gist, Danielle E. Soranno, Jason Gien, Mina Hanna, Aftab S. Chishti, Sangeeta Hingorani, Michelle Starr, Craig S. Wong, Tara DuPont, Robin Ohls, Surender Khokhar, Sofia Perazzo, Patricio E. Ray, Mary Revenis, Sidharth K. Sethi, Smriri Rohatgi, Cherry Mammen, Anne Synnes, Sanjay Wazir, Michael Zappitelli, Robert Woroniecki, Shanty Sridhar, Stuart L. Goldstein, Amy T. Nathan, Amy Staples, Pia Wintermark

High serum cystatin C levels in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia patients without abnormal kidney function

  • Brief Report

Wataru Shimabukuro, Satoru Hamada, Tokiko Oshiro, Shougo Nakada, Nobuyuki Hyakuna, Koichi Nakanishi

IgA nephropathy following COVID-19 vaccination: challenges and perspectives

  • Zur Zeit gratis
  • COVID-19
  • Letter to the Editors

Olivier Niel, Isabel de la Fuente Garcia

Correction to: Low albumin levels are independently associated with neonatal acute kidney injury: a report from AWAKEN Study Group

  • Correction

Arwa Nada, David Askenazi, Juan C. Kupferman, Maroun Mhanna, John D. Mahan, Louis Boohaker, Linzi Li, Russell L. Griffin

Neu im Fachgebiet Pädiatrie

Steigende Zahl von Skorbut-Fällen bei Kindern

Eine Erkrankung, die eigentlich der Vergangenheit angehören sollte, scheint in reichen westlichen Nationen wieder häufiger aufzutreten: Seit der Coronapandemie steigt bei Kindern und Jugendlichen in Frankreich die Inzidenz von Skorbut.

Vermeidung negativer Appendektomie und übersehener Appendizitis

Die Diagnose einer akuten Appendizitis stellt insbesondere im Kleinkindes- und Kindesalter eine Herausforderung dar. Ein israelisches Forschungsteam hat nun negative Appendektomien sowie zunächst übersehene Appendizitiden, die erst bei einem zweiten Besuch in der Notaufnahme diagnostiziert wurden, genauer untersucht.

Gespräche über Behandlungswünsche am Lebensende

Mit Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen, die an einer Krebserkrankung sterben werden, finden Gespräche über ihre Wünsche für die Versorgung am Lebensende oft nur selten oder gar nicht statt. Die Autoren einer aktuellen US-amerikanische Studie mahnen, die Bedeutung solcher Gespräche nicht zu unterschätzen.

Hohe Atrophierate nach Hodentorsion im Kindesalter

Auf längere Sicht ist die Atrophierate nach einer Hodentorsion pädiatrischer Patienten erschreckend hoch. Das hat eine Studie mit jahrelanger Nachbeobachtung ergeben. Entscheidend ist die Zeit, die bis zur Detorsion verstreicht.

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