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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

Ausgabe 1/2022 Special Feature: Update on Reference Values for Echocardiography

Inhalt (21 Artikel)

Displacement detection with sub-pixel accuracy and high spatial resolution using deep learning

  • Original Article—Physics & Engineering

Mariko Yamamoto, Shin Yoshizawa

Current status and issues regarding reference values for echocardiography: a short review

  • Special Feature: Review Article

Tadafumi Sugimoto, Kaoru Dohi

Standardization of normal values for cardiac chamber size in echocardiography

  • Special Feature: Review Article

Tatsuya Miyoshi, Hidekazu Tanaka

How to standardize the measurement of left ventricular ejection fraction

  • Special Feature: Review Article

Kenya Kusunose, Robert Zheng, Hirotsugu Yamada, Masataka Sata

How to standardize measurement of global longitudinal strain

  • Special Feature: Review Article

Tomoko Negishi, Kazuaki Negishi

Aging and myocardial strain

  • Special Feature: Review Article

Koki Nakanishi, Masao Daimon

Feasibility of endoscopic ultrasonography using a 60-MHz ultrasound miniature probe in the upper gastrointestinal tract

  • Original Article–Gastroenterology

Hiromitsu Asai, Kazuhiro Furukawa, Ryoji Miyahara, Kohei Funasaka, Satoshi Furune, Masanao Nakamura, Hiroki Kawashima, Masatoshi Ishigami, Yoshiki Hirooka, Mitsuhiro Fujishiro

Effect of the size of benign thyroid degenerative nodules on ACR TI-RADS categories

  • Original Article–Breast & Thyroid

Yan Yan, Fan Zhang, Huiyu Ge, Liying Miao, Lulu Zhang, Ying Xiong, Qiang Fu, Hao Liu

Time-course changes in active stiffness of the supraspinatus muscle after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair

  • Original Article–Orthopedics

Yoshinari Sakaki, Keigo Taniguchi, Fumiko Sato, Naoki Oikawa, Masaki Katayose, Hideji Kura, Kenji Okamura

Implementation and assessment of a pediatric point-of-care ultrasound training course in Japan: a pilot study

  • Original Article–Pediatrics

Takaaki Mori, Osamu Nomura, Hirokazu Takei, Shinichi Fukuhara, Ko Ichihashi

Effectiveness of pulsatility index of carotid Doppler ultrasonography to predict cardiovascular events

  • Original Article–Vessels

Yasuhiro Hitomi, Nobuyuki Masaki, Yuki Ishinoda, Kazuki Kagami, Risako Yasuda, Takumi Toya, Takayuki Namba, Yuji Nagatomo, Bonpei Takase, Takeshi Adachi

A case of commissural dehiscence 13 years after mitral valve bioprosthesis replacement

  • Image–Cardiology

Ritsuko Kurimoto, Masahiro Dohi, Shunpei Ushimaru, Kimitoshi Kitani, Taku Kato, Hirokazu Yokoi, Hiroki Mani

Portal vein gas in a patient with acute cholangitis: report of a case with emphasis on B-flow imaging

  • Image–Gastroenterology

Yoko Ohyama, Hiroko Naganuma, Hideaki Ishida, Takao Hoshino

Gastric bronchogenic cyst: a rare congenital cystic lesion of the stomach

  • Image–Gastroenterology

Takuya Kihara, Takaaki Sugihara, Suguru Ikeda, Yukako Matsuki, Takakazu Nagahara, Koichiro Kawaguchi, Hajime Isomoto

Deep axillary lymphadenopathy after coronavirus disease 2019 vaccination: a case report

  • Image–Breast & Thyroid

Mio Mori, Tomoyuki Fujioka, Yuka Yashima, Emi Yamaga, Tsuyoshi Nakagawa, Kazunori Kubota, Ukihide Tateishi

Velamentous cord insertion diagnosed based on an aberrant vessel floating in the amniotic fluid

  • Image–Obstetrics and Gynecology

Kunio Tanaka, Yohei Akiba, Kazunori Ueno, Kazumi Yakubo

Ultrasound and biopsy findings in arthritis with familial Mediterranean fever

  • Image–Orthopedics

Yutaro Yamada, Kentaro Inui, Tadashi Okano, Koji Mandai, Ryuta Nishikomori, Hiroaki Nakamura, Daisuke Tsuruta

Clinical utility of ultrasonography imaging in musculoskeletal conditions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (Response to letter to editor)

  • Letter to the Editor

Summaiya Zareen Shaikh, Tejashree Dabholkar, Ajit Dabholkar, Anant Patil, Uroosa Naireen Shaikh

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