Ausgabe 1/2019
Inhalt (26 Artikel)
Message from the Editor-in-Chief and acknowledgement to Authors, Editors and Scientific Referees 2018
Current status of endovascular treatment for dural arteriovenous fistulae in the tentorial middle region: a literature review
- Review Article
Dan Tong, Xuan Chen, Xianli Lv, Kailing Li, Kan Xu, Jinlu Yu
Development of a delayed acute epidural hematoma following contralateral epidural hematoma evacuation: case report and review of literature
- Review Article
Fabrizio Gregori, Giorgio Santoro, Cristina Mancarella, Manolo Piccirilli, Maurizio Domenicucci
MicroRNAs in contusion spinal cord injury: pathophysiology and clinical utility
- Review article
Fang Li, Mou-Wang Zhou
Clinical spectrum of the anti-GQ1b antibody syndrome: a case series of eight patients
- Original article
Alexander de Bruyn, Koen Poesen, Xavier Bossuyt, Isaac P. Heremans, Thomas Claeys, Christophe E. Depuydt, Philip Van Damme, Kristl G. Claeys
Eye movement abnormalities in middle cerebellar peduncle strokes
- Original Article
Sung-Hee Kim, Ji-Soo Kim
Is the triple stimulation technique a better quantification tool of motor dysfunction than motor evoked potentials in multiple sclerosis?
- Original Article
Xavier Giffroy, Dominique Dive, Jean-François Kaux, Nathalie Maes, Adelin Albert, Catherine Göbels, François Wang
Evaluation of stigmatization in hemifacial spasm and quality of life before and after botulinum toxin treatment
- Original Article
Burcu Yuksel, Fatma Genc, Aylin Yaman, Eylem Ozaydin Goksu, Pelin Dogan Ak, Yasemin Bicer Gomceli
Frequency of CD8+ regulatory T cells in the multiple sclerosis patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Original Article
Ali Seidkhani-Nahal, Ali Noori-Zadeh, Salar Bakhtiyari, Afra Khosravi
Heart involvement in patients with myotonic dystrophy type 2
- Original Article
Stojan Peric, Bogdan Bjelica, Ksenija Aleksic, Masa Kovacevic, Edita Cvitan, Gorana Mandic Stojmenovic, Vidosava Rakocevic Stojanovic
IL12B gene polymorphisms have sex-specific effects in relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis
- Original article
Lyuba Miteva, Anastasiya Trenova, Georgi Slavov, Spaska Stanilova
Posterior limb of the internal capsule predicts poor quality of life in patients with Parkinson’s disease: connectometry approach
- Original Article
Farzaneh Ghazi Sherbaf, Mahtab Mojtahed Zadeh, Maryam Haghshomar, Mohammad Hadi Aarabi
Identification of candidate biomarkers in converting and non-converting clinically isolated syndrome by proteomics analysis of cerebrospinal fluid
- Original Article
O. Timirci-Kahraman, Z. Karaaslan, E. Tuzun, M. Kurtuncu, A. T. Baykal, T. Gunduz, M. B. Tuzuner, E. Akgun, B. Gurel, M. Eraksoy, Cem Ismail Kucukali
Long-term treatment with rotigotine in drug-naïve PSP patients
- Original Article
Tommaso Schirinzi, Valerio Pisani, Paola Imbriani, Giulia Di Lazzaro, Simona Scalise, Antonio Pisani
High-resolution ultrasound highlighting neovascularization in TIPIC syndrome
- Neuro-Images
Sarah Coudray, Pierre Henri Lefevre, Isabelle Aichoun, Dimitri Renard
Primary central nervous system lymphoma revealed by multiple intraventricular mass lesions
- Neuro-Images
Marie Philippart, Nicolas Mulquin, Thierry Gustin, Caroline Fervaille, Frédéric London
Atypical MRI presentation of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome with predominant brainstem involvement
- Neuro-Images
Benjamin Hebant, Evelyne Guegan-Massardier, Aude Triquenot-Bagan, Ozlem Ozkul-Wermester
Post-dengue sacral radiculitis presenting as a cauda equina syndrome: a case report
- Letter to the Editor
Serena Borrelli, Eleonore Sinzobahamvya, Charlotte Smetcoren, Steven Van Den Broucke, Michel Gille
Transient focal neurologic deficits upon hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: just a coincidence?
- Letter to the Editor
Alexandros A. Polymeris, Gregor T. Stehle, Michael Medinger, Gian Marco De Marchis
Bilateral thalamic and basal ganglia lesions in an old woman: unusual involvement of uremic encephalopathy
- Letter to the Editor
Jeong-Yoon Lee, Kayeong Im, Kyum-Yil Kwon
Tumefactive demyelinating lesions in a patient with multiple sclerosis receiving natalizumab
- Letter to the Editor
Abdorreza Naser Moghadasi, Seyed Mohammad Baghbanian
Methotrexate-induced pseudotumor cerebri in a patient with juvenile idiopathic arthritis
- Letter to the Editor
Faruk Incecik, Duygu G. Ozcanyuz, Mustafa Yılmaz
Injury of the prefronto-caudate tract in a patient with apathy following intracerebral hemorrhage in the caudate nucleus
- Letter to the Editor
Sung Ho Jang, Seong Ho Kim, Hyeok Gyu Kwon
Two successfully completed pregnancies in adult onset Pompe disease, under continued treatment with alglucosidase alfa
- Letter to the Editor
Julie Van Houtte, Jan L. De Bleecker