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Journal of Nuclear Cardiology

Ausgabe 3/2022

Inhalt (88 Artikel)

Cardiac SPECT or PET?: Is there still a debate?

  • Editor's Page

Manuel D. Cerqueira

Nuclear cardiology in the literature: a selection of recent, original research papers

  • Review of the Literature

Richard L. Weinberg, Saurabh Malhotra

What is this image? 2022 image 6 result


Awais Malik, Korosh Sharain, Thomas Foley, Panithaya Chareonthaitawee

What is This Image? 2022: Image 1


Who were the Founding Members of ASNC?

  • Letter to the Editor

Frans J. Th. Wackers

Left ventricular ejection fraction, myocardial blood flow and hemodynamic variables in adenosine and regadenoson vasodilator 82-Rubidium PET

  • Original Article

Simon M. Frey, Ursina Honegger, Olivier F. Clerc, Federico Caobelli, Philip Haaf, Michael J. Zellweger

Feasibility of exercise treadmill 13N-ammonia positron emission tomography myocardial perfusion imaging using an off-site cyclotron


Daniel R. Harland, Patrycja Z. Galazka, Jerry Rasmussen, Debra Mahlum, Janelle Falk, Steven C. Port

Reproducibility of global LV function and dyssynchrony parameters derived from phase analysis of gated myocardial perfusion SPECT: A multicenter comparison with core laboratory setting


Fernando de Amorim Fernandes, Amalia Peix, Raffaele Giubbini, Ganesan Karthikeyan, Teresa Massardo, Chetan Patel, Luz M. Pabon, Amelia Jimenez-Heffernan, Erick Alexanderson, Sadaf Butt, Alka Kumar, Victor Marin, Olga Morozova, Diana Paez, Claudio T. Mesquita, Ernest V. Garcia

Prognostic value of left ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony induced by exercise stress in patients with normal myocardial perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography


Tomohiko Sakatani, Takeru Kasahara, Daisuke Irie, Yoshinori Tsubakimoto, Akiko Matsuo, Hiroshi Fujita, Keiji Inoue

Gated SPECT beyond myocardial perfusion: assessment of mechanical left ventricular synchrony

  • Editorial

Erick Alexánderson-Rosas, Salvador Hernández-Sandoval

Prognostic value of absent left ventricular ejection fraction reserve with regadenoson SPECT MPI


Phillip Smith, Ayman Farag, Pradeep Bhambhvani, Ami Iskandrian, Fadi G. Hage

Evolving use of PET viability imaging


Juliana Brenande de Oliveira Brito, Robert A. deKemp, Terrence D. Ruddy

Assessment of left and right ventricular functional parameters using dynamic dual-tracer [13N]NH3 and [18F]FDG PET/MRI

  • Open Access

Sazan Rasul, Dietrich Beitzke, Tim Wollenweber, Ivo Rausch, Martin Lyngby Lassen, Marie Elisabeth Stelzmüller, Markus Mitterhauser, Verena Pichler, Thomas Beyer, Christian Loewe, Marcus Hacker

First-pass cardiac PET: Potentiality and limitations


Luca Camoni, Elisabetta Cerudelli

Prognostic significance of incidental suspected transthyretin amyloidosis on routine bone scintigraphy

  • Open Access

Olli Suomalainen, Jaagup Pilv, Antti Loimaala, Sorjo Mätzke, Tiina Heliö, Valtteri Uusitalo

Incidental detection of ATTR cardiac amyloidosis


Jessica A. Quaggin-Smith, Ramsey M. Wehbe, Thomas A. Holly

Spectrum of radionuclide perfusion study abnormalities in takotsubo cardiomyopathy


Jeffrey L. Anderson, Benjamin D. Horne, Viet T. Le, Tami L. Bair, David B. Min, C. Michael Minder, Ritesh Dhar, Steve Mason, Joseph B. Muhlestein, Kirk U. Knowlton

The diagnostic value of SPECT CZT quantitative myocardial blood flow in high-risk patients


Konstantin V. Zavadovsky, Andrew V. Mochula, Alina N. Maltseva, Alla A. Boshchenko, Andrew E. Baev, Sergey L. Andreev, Evgeniy A. Nesterov, Riccardo Liga, Alessia Gimelli

Simultaneous assessment of microcalcifications and morphological criteria of vulnerability in carotid artery plaque using hybrid 18F-NaF PET/MRI


Laura Mechtouff, Monica Sigovan, Philippe Douek, Nicolas Costes, Didier Le Bars, Adeline Mansuy, Julie Haesebaert, Alexandre Bani-Sadr, Jérémie Tordo, Patrick Feugier, Antoine Millon, Stéphane Luong, Salim Si-Mohamed, Diane Collet-Benzaquen, Emmanuelle Canet-Soulas, Thomas Bochaton, Claire Crola Da Silva, Alexandre Paccalet, David Magne, Yves Berthezene, Norbert Nighoghossian

Role of multimodality imaging in a patient with posterior left ventricular aneurysm and non-compaction: Review of the literature.

  • Case Presentation Corner

Óscar Ulises Preciado-Gutiérrez, Cinthia Lissete Patiño-Bernal, Rafael Paz-Gómez, Karen Patricia Hernández-Romero, Guillermo Zavala-Ramírez, Humberto Castro Villacorta, Agustín Ramiro Urzúa-González, Héctor Barajas-Martínez, Andrés Preciado-Anaya

Outcomes of patients with moderate-to-severe Ischemia excluded from the ischemia trial

  • Brief Report

Mouaz H. Al-Mallah, Ahmed Ibrahim Ahmed, Faisal Nabi, Su Min Chang, Neal S. Kleiman, Mohammed A. Chamsi-Pasha, Alpesh Shah, Yuishi Han, William A. Zoghbi, John J. Mahmarian

Is your ischemic patient an ISCHEMIA patient?

  • Editorial

Sean R. McMahon, W. Lane Duvall

Reasons for discordance between positron emission tomography (PET) myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) results and subsequent management

  • Brief Report

Merrill Thomas, John A. Spertus, Kevin F. Kennedy, Randall C. Thompson, Paul S. Chan, Timothy M. Bateman, Krishna K. Patel

Effect of PET-CT misalignment on the quantitative accuracy of cardiac 15O-water PET

  • Open Access

Jonny Nordström, Hendrik J. Harms, Tanja Kero, Maryam Ebrahimi, Jens Sörensen, Mark Lubberink

Comparison of 18F-sodium fluoride positron emission tomography imaging and 99mTc-pyrophosphate in cardiac amyloidosis


Li Xin Zhang, Patrick Martineau, Vincent Finnerty, Geneviève Giraldeau, Marie-Claude Parent, François Harel, Matthieu Pelletier-Galarneau

Non-traditional factors affecting referral for coronary angiography following SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging


Shreyas Gowdar, Nasir Hussain, Alan W. Ahlberg, Mohammad Elsadany, Guru N. Kowlgi, David Silverman, W. Lane Duvall

Incidental cardiac findings on somatostatin receptor PET/CT: What do they indicate and are they of clinical relevance?

  • Open Access
  • Case Presentation Corner

Emanuele Bobbio, Anna Dudás, Anders Bergström, Daniela Esposito, Oskar Angerås, Amar Taha, Martijn van Essen, Marie Björkenstam, Kristjan Karason, Entela Bollano, Niklas Bergh, Christian L. Polte

Clinical and gated SPECT MPI parameters associated with super-response to cardiac resynchronization therapy


Claudio T. Mesquita, Amalia Peix, Fernando de Amorim Fernandes, Raffaele Giubbini, Ganesan Karthikeyan, Teresa Massardo, Chetan Patel, Luz M. Pabon, Amelia Jimenez-Heffernan, Erick Alexanderson, Sadaf Butt, Alka Kumar, Victor Marin, Olga Morozova, Diana Paez, Ernest V. Garcia

Mechanical dyssynchrony and super-response to CRT

  • Editorial

K. A. Jones, N. E. R. Goodfield

Automated abstraction of myocardial perfusion imaging reports using natural language processing


Chengyi Zheng, Benjamin C. Sun, Yi-Lin Wu, Maros Ferencik, Ming-Sum Lee, Rita F. Redberg, Aniket A. Kawatkar, Visanee V. Musigdilok, Adam L. Sharp

Automated abstraction of myocardial perfusion imaging reports using natural language processing


Parija Sharedalal, Ajay Singh, Neal Shah, Diwakar Jain

Diagnostic value of FDG PET/CT imaging in patients with surgically managed infective endocarditis: results of a retrospective analysis at a tertiary center

  • Open Access

Sabine Julia Maria Sag, Karin Menhart, Jirka Grosse, Florian Hitzenbichler, Frank Hanses, Arno Mohr, Bernd Salzberger, Matthäus Zerdzitzki, Michael Hilker, Leopold Rupprecht, Dirk Hellwig, Christof Schmid, Lars Siegfried Maier, Can Martin Sag

Splenic switch-off as a novel marker for adenosine response in nitrogen-13 ammonia PET myocardial perfusion imaging: Cross-validation against CMR using a hybrid PET/MR device

  • Open Access

Adam Bakula, Dimitri Patriki, Elia von Felten, Georgios Benetos, Aleksandra Sustar, Dominik C. Benz, Muriel Wiedemann-Buser, Valerie Treyer, Aju P. Pazhenkottil, Christoph Gräni, Catherine Gebhard, Philipp A. Kaufmann, Ronny R. Buechel, Tobias A. Fuchs

Prognostic value of early left ventricular ejection fraction reserve during regadenoson stress solid-state SPECT-MPI


Yuka Otaki, Mathews B. Fish, Robert J. H. Miller, Mark Lemley, Piotr J. Slomka

Cardiopulmonary transit time: A novel PET imaging biomarker of in vivo physiology for risk stratification of heart transplant recipients


H. J. Harms, P. E. Bravo, N. S. Bajaj, W. Zhou, A. Gupta, T. Tran, V. R. Taqueti, J. Hainer, C. Bibbo, S. Dorbala, R. Blankstein, M. Mehra, J. Sörensen, M. M. Givertz, M. F. Di Carli

Comparison of left ventricle mechanical dyssynchrony parameters in ischemic and non-ischemic patients using 13N-NH3 PET/CT

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

Angelica Mazzoletti, Domenico Albano, Francesco Bertagna, Claudio Tinoco Mesquita, Raffaele Giubbini

Divergence of acetate uptake in proinflammatory and inflammation-resolving macrophages: implications for imaging atherosclerosis


Selim Demirdelen, Philip Z. Mannes, Ali Mubin Aral, Joseph Haddad, Steven A. Leers, Delphine Gomez, Sina Tavakoli

Use of 11C-acetate PET imaging in the evaluation of advanced atherogenic lesions


Victoria Fernández-García, Lisardo Boscá

Assessment of myocardial sympathetic innervation with 18F-FDOPA-PET/CT in patients with autonomic dysfunction: feasibility study in IPD patients


Harish Goyal, Anshul Sharma, Chetan Patel, K. K. Deepak, Madhavi Tripathi, Priyanka Gupta, Rajeev Kumar, Chandra Shekhar Bal, Vinay Goyal

Role of 18F-FDG PET/CT imaging in cardiac and pericardial masses


Hongyan Yin, Wujian Mao, Hui Tan, Na Zhu, Quan Wan, Jing Shi, Lin Qiu, Yan Xiu, Rongkui Luo, Haojun Yu, Hongcheng Shi

Simultaneous measurements of myocardial glucose metabolism and extracellular volumes with hybrid PET/MRI using concurrent injections of Gd-DTPA and [18F]FDG


H. Smailovic, B. Wilk, G. Wisenberg, J. Sykes, J. Butler, J. Hicks, J. D. Thiessen, F. S. Prato

Tracking the progress of inflammation with PET/MRI in a canine model of myocardial infarction


B. Wilk, H. Smailovic, G. Wisenberg, J. Sykes, J. Butler, M. Kovacs, J. D. Thiessen, F. S. Prato

Evaluation of non-stenotic carotid atherosclerotic plaques with combined FDG-PET imaging and CT angiography in patients with ischemic stroke of unknown origin


Nidaa Mikail, Elena Meseguer, Philippa Lavallée, Isabelle Klein, Cristina Hobeanu, Céline Guidoux, Lucie Cabrejo, Guy Lesèche, Pierre Amarenco, Fabien Hyafil

Health economics-based verification of functional myocardial ischemia evaluation of stable coronary artery disease in Japan: A long-term longitudinal study using propensity score matching

  • Open Access

Tomoyuki Takura, Hiroyoshi Yokoi, Nobuhiro Tanaka, Naoya Matsumoto, Eri Yoshida, Tomoaki Nakata

Quantifying microcalcification activity in the thoracic aorta

  • Open Access

Alexander J. Fletcher, Maria Lembo, Jacek Kwiecinski, Maaz B. J. Syed, Jennifer Nash, Evangelos Tzolos, Rong Bing, Sebastien Cadet, Gillian MacNaught, Edwin J. R. van Beek, Alistair J. Moss, Mhairi K. Doris, Niki L. Walker, Damini Dey, Philip D. Adamson, David E. Newby, Piotr J. Slomka, Marc R. Dweck

A vessel of progress: Aortic microcalcification activity for the quantification of 18F-NaF uptake in the thoracic aorta


Michael T. Osborne, Taimur A. Abbasi, Hadil Zureigat, Ahmed Tawakol

Performance of cardiac PET/CT with and without phase analysis for detection of scar in cardiac sarcoidosis: Comparison to cardiac magnetic resonance imaging


Mohamed Y. Elwazir, Jared G. Bird, Omar F. AbouEzzeddine, Panithaya Chareonthaitawee, Lori A. Blauwet, Jeremy D. Collins, Raymond J. Gibbons, Martin Rodriguez-Porcel, Hanan M. Kamal, Ahmed T. Abdellah, John P. Bois

Visceral adipose tissue phenotype and hypoadiponectinemia are associated with aortic Fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose uptake in patients with familial dyslipidemias


Konstantinos Toutouzas, Alexios S. Antonopoulos, Iosif Koutagiar, Ioannis Skoumas, Georgios Benetos, Pavlos Kafouris, Antigoni Miliou, Aikaterini Petrocheilou, Alexandros Georgakopoulos, Georgios Oikonomou, Maria Drakopoulou, Ilias Siores, Christos Pitsavos, Charalambos Antoniades, Constantinos D. Anagnostopoulos, Dimitris Tousoulis

Preclinical and clinical evaluation of a new method to assess cardiac insulin resistance using nuclear imaging


Pascale Perret, Lotfi Slimani, Gilles Barone-Rochette, Julien Vollaire, Arnaud Briat, Mitra Ahmadi, Marion Henri, Marie-Dominique Desruet, Romain Clerc, Alexis Broisat, Laurent Riou, François Boucher, Frédérique Frouin, Loïc Djaileb, Alex Calizzano, Gérald Vanzetto, Daniel Fagret, Catherine Ghezzi

Multimodality imaging approach to Fabry cardiomyopathy: Any role for nuclear cardiology?


Wanda Acampa, Adriana D’Antonio, Massimo Imbriaco, Antonio Pisani, Alberto Cuocolo

The complementary roles of MPS and CAC in renal patients

  • Letter to the Editor

Joseph C. Lee, Richard A. Baer

PET myocardial perfusion imaging in the diagnosis of apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy


Claudia Lama von Buchwald, Rupa Sanghani

Cardiac sympathetic denervation in coronary artery fistula


Katsuya Mitamura, Takashi Norikane, Kenichi Tanaka, Hanae Arai-Okuda, Yasukage Takami, Yuka Yamamoto, Keisuke Matsumoto, Yoshihiro Nishiyama

Normal myocardial perfusion despite a very high coronary calcium score


Humberto Castro-Villacorta, Jaime Francisco Ortiz-Velázquez, Oscar Ulises Preciado-Gutiérrez, Rafael Paz-Gómez, Rafael Alemán-Villalobos, Andrés Preciado-Anaya

68Ga-FAPI right heart uptake in a patient with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension


Lei Wang, Zongyao Zhang, Zuoquan Zhao, Chaowu Yan, Wei Fang

The importance of SPECT cardiac reconstruction for accurate 99mTc-pyrophosphate interpretation in TTR amyloidosis


Timothy J. Poterucha, Pierre Elias, Frederick L. Ruberg, Albert DeLuca, Mona Kinkhabwala, Lynne L. Johnson, Mathew S. Maurer, Andrew J. Einstein

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