Ausgabe 3/2022
Inhalt (12 Artikel)
Support for COVID-19-Related Substance Use Services Policy Changes: a New York State-Wide Survey
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- COVID-19
Amar D. Mandavia, Aimee Campbell, Brandy F. Henry, Michael Chaple, Timothy Hunt, Caroline Arout, Elwin Wu, Harold A. Pincus, Edward V. Nunes, Pat Lincourt, Frances R. Levin, Nabila El-Bassel
Transition from Military Service: Mental Health and Well-being Among Service Members and Veterans with Service-connected Disabilities
- Open Access
- Mood Disorders
Gary R. Bond, Monirah Al-Abdulmunem, Robert E. Drake, Lori L. Davis, Thomas Meyer, Daniel M. Gade, B. Christopher Frueh, Ross B. Dickman, Daniel R. Ressler
Stakeholder Perspectives on Implementing a Police-Mental Health Collaborative to Improve Pathways to Treatment
Anna Davidson Abella, Monica Landers, Flandra Ismajli, Yaritza Carmona
Disparities in Opioid Prescribing for Long-Term Chronic and Short-Term Acute Pain: Findings from the 2019 National Health Interview Survey
Judith D. Weissman, David Russell, John Taylor
Measuring Evidence-Based Treatment Strategies in Youth Community Mental Health Care: the Evidence-Based Strategies Scale
Brigid R. Marriott, Evelyn Cho, Siena K. Tugendrajch, Kristin M. Hawley
Provider opinions of the acceptability of Ask Suicide-Screening Questions (ASQ) Tool and the ASQ Brief Suicide Safety Assessment (BSSA) for universal suicide risk screening in community healthcare: Potential barriers and necessary elements for future implementation
Mary Christensen LeCloux, Laika D. Aguinaldo, Elizabeth C. Lanzillo, Lisa M. Horowitz
Clients’ Perspectives Regarding Peer Support Providers’ Roles and Support for Client Access to and Use of Publicly Funded Mental Health Programs Serving Transition-Age Youth in Two Southern California Counties
- Open Access
Sarah Hiller-Venegas, Todd P. Gilmer, Nev Jones, Michelle R. Munson, Victoria D. Ojeda
Payer-Level Care Coordination and Re-admission to Acute Mental Health Care for Uninsured Individuals
Steven L. Proctor, Brittney Gursky-Landa, Jacob T. Kannarkat, Johnny Guimaraes, John W. Newcomer
Attitudes Towards Mental Health Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings from a Nationally Representative Sample of Irish Adults
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- COVID-19
Christa McCutchen, Philip Hyland, Pádraig Ó Féich
Building Resilience in the Face of Crisis: Lessons Learned from a Community Behavioral Healthcare Organization
Allison B. Brenner, Madi Knaub, Kas Robinson, Melinda Lotspeich, Jeffrey Eisen
Correction to: Support for COVID-19-Related Substance Use Services Policy Changes: a New York State-Wide Survey
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- COVID-19
- Correction
Amar D. Mandavia, Aimee Campbell, Brandy F. Henry, Michael Chaple, Timothy Hunt, Caroline Arout, Elwin Wu, Harold A. Pincus, Edward V. Nunes, Pat Lincourt, Frances R. Levin, Nabila El-Bassel